Obviously, an eight level array mage is absolutely terrifying.

Although with their strength, they may not really fear a level 8 array mage. It can be said that there are some old monsters behind each of them, and they can stably suppress a level 8 array mage. However, if any force can get a level 8 array master, it is absolutely a powerful killing weapon. In the battlefield, if we want to talk about the lethality, Even if these "ten holy kings" are not as good as an array mage, and they are still a level 8 array mage. Once she is allowed to break through the level 8 array mage and become a level 9 array mage, even if these "ten holy kings" meet "spirit", they will have only one fate to flee in confusion. Now the "spirit" has understood the power of the stars, which can be said to be stable Level 8 array mage, who can guarantee that she will not become a level 9 array mage?

"The stars burst."


After a series of explosions, Li Xiaoyao was immediately surrounded by layers of dust, not to mention ordinary martial artists. Even the other "ten holy kings" could not see clearly the soberness in the field.

108 blasts.

It seems like a long century, and it seems that in an instant, when the dust falls, one by one, Li Xiaoyao has already been in a state of confusion. All his clothes are broken, his red hair is in disorder, and even a trace of blood has spilled out of his mouth. However, Li Xiaoyao is one of the top ten sages and naturally will not be attacked The "spirit" was easily killed. When he saw "spirit" and was ready to fight, the "emperor" standing on the side was very clear that the power of the "wumaxuan array" had not been fully demonstrated. If he really hit Li Xiaoyao with all his strength, I'm afraid that Li Xiaoyao would not be so light and relaxed. Seeing the flash of killing intention in the eyes of Ling, the emperor's brow was also slight Wrinkling, he said in a voice, "spirit, it's OK."

After hearing the emperor's words, "Ling" did not pay attention to him. Instead, he looked back at Ye Xiao behind him. The meaning of inquiry in his eyes could not be more obvious.

Ye Xiao was also slightly stunned. He didn't expect that he would be pushed to the top of the waves unconsciously by "spirit". He really wanted to say "kill". He believed that "Ling" would surely kill Li Xiaoyao. However, if he said "kill", he would become an immortal enemy of the "flame state", not to mention Li Xiaoyao How can a strong man not have a few friends? With his own strength, a strong man like Li Xiaoyao can kill himself instantly, and it is impossible for "spirit" to become his bodyguard for 24 hours. After thinking about it again and again, he slightly shakes his head, while the other "ten holy Kings" also quietly breathe a sigh of relief, not that they care about Li Xiaoyao It's because once the battle between the demons and the people starts, the kingdom of fire will also be a great help.

"You should have killed him." Seeing that "spirit" has removed the array, Long Feng, standing on one side, shook his head and sighed.

"I don't want to compete with the whole kingdom of fire." Ye Xiao returned with a smile.

"You think you'll let him go today, and then he'll let you go?" Longfeng said with a bitter smile.

After listening to Long Feng's words, ye Xiao is also slightly stunned. Then he smiles and stops speaking. Li Xiaoyao, who has already come out of the array, no longer pays attention to Ye Xiao. Instead, he looks at the "spirit" with a calm look and says, "let's write off our business in this way."

"Good." Ling nodded and stopped speaking.

The Shangguan Tianci in the distance did not expect that things would develop to this stage. A "spirit" jumped out, which seemed to stop the spread of the "war between human beings and demons". Not only was Shangguan Tiancai, but also Fengchu had a ugly face. After so long deliberation, this "war of human demons" was pushed to this point. If the spirit was allowed to stop it, For him, it was a heavy blow. After taking a deep breath, he walked step by step towards the Shangguan Tianci.

"Are you going to let it go?" Fengchu looked at Shangguan Tianci and asked.

"Forget it?" Shangguan Tianci was slightly stunned, and then looked at Ye Xiao and Shangguan Wan'er in the distance with a ferocious face. However, at the thought of the powerful "spirit", he immediately became frustrated and said helplessly, "what can I do if I don't forget it? "Spirit" is a member of our Yunxiao Dynasty. Although my father and Emperor love me a lot, do you think he will deal with "spirit" for me? That's a stable level 8 array mage, Fengchu. Don't make those bad ideas. If such a array mage stays in our Yunxiao Dynasty, it's estimated that your God empire will have trouble sleeping and eating in the future. "

Seeing Shangguan Tianci's face, which was made up of the emperor's support, a trace of mockery flashed in Fengchu's peach blossom eyes. The rest of her eyes glanced at the brothers and sisters of the dragon family who supported each other, and said quietly: "this time, you have offended Ye Xiao enough! If you want to crush him as a gift from Shangguan, it's almost like killing an ant if you don't have a spirit to support him. However, I'm afraid it won't be so easy now. Do you think that after returning to Nantianmen, will he just let it go? Turn war into silk? Although you are the emperor's favorite son, do you think that if Ling's disciple kills you in the south gate, will the emperor take the risk of offending Ling, a level 8 array mage, to avenge you for a dead manAfter listening to Fengchu's words, Shangguan Tianci's face changed slightly.

The lips that seemed to give people a cold and thin feeling of nature also slightly pursed, and the eyes looking at Ye Xiao became cloudy and uncertain. Indeed, he admitted that he was the emperor's favorite son. However, once he had died in Ye Xiao's hand, would the emperor take the risk of breaking with the spirit to avenge himself Shangguan Tianci himself is not sure. After all, he is very clear about the importance of a level-8 array mage to a country. Ye Xiao's importance in the mind of that "spirit" can make "spirit" not hesitate to confront Li Xiaoyao, one of the "ten holy kings". Even Shangguan Tianci is very jealous. He looks back at Fengchu and says coldly: "do you want to Just say what you say. Don't beat around the bush. "

"I have a way to help you kill that ye Xiao and completely strangle this dangerous thing for you in the cradle." Feng chick a face conceited smile way.

After hearing Fengchu's words, Shangguan Tianci was stunned. Then he squinted and said with a smile, "don't forget that the spirit is still here."

"I know." Feng Xiao nodded with a smile.

Seeing fengxiao's confident look, Shangguan Tianci's eyes flashed a haze. Instead of waiting to ask, he looked warily at the man who was known as the God Empire and asked, "kill this ye Xiao, and the spirit will not care?"

"It doesn't matter."

There is no free lunch in the world. Shangguan Tianci has known this from the day he was born. What's more, he is still the first successor of the God empire. Shangguan Tianci will not believe that fengzao is really good at giving advice to himself. However, compared with the chicks in front of him, his brain is a thousand miles away from the chick in front of him If there was not a "emperor" supporting him all the time, it was estimated that he, the second prince of the Yunxiao Dynasty, could only be described with the words of "choking and bending", nodding his head and saying, "what are the conditions?"

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