"What are the requirements?" The smile on Hua Yue's face indicates what kind of person Ye Fan met outside today. He is so calm that he is so crazy that he talks incoherently!

If ye fan was not the first talent she had dug up in recent months, Hua YUEWU would not be so interested in talking to him about this

"He said Ye Fan secretly took a look at Hua YUEWU and found that she was not angry. Then she summoned up the courage to say, "he said that he wanted you to accompany him for one night, and he promised to play the hero of chasing the wind!"

After that, Ye Fan hung down his head like a child who had done something wrong. She did not dare to take a look at Hua Yue. She was very young, not only strong in ability, but also beautiful in appearance. It can be said that when ye fan was dug up, she was also bewildered by her beauty. However, he understood that people like himself could only look at Huayue charm from a distance, and could not be obscene. You know, in the In Jinghai, a woman in her early twenties has become the boss of an entertainment company. No one will believe that there is no background behind her. After her arrival, Ye Fan also vaguely knows the inside story of star entertainment company. She knows that there is a gangster background behind it. She also guesses that Hua YUEWU may be the lover of a gangster!

Of course, what he doesn't know is that the background of the gang behind star entertainment company has been almost swept away by the cold weather in the past few months. What's more, he doesn't know that the gangster he guessed is Ye Xiao, who he always wanted to invite as the protagonist

There was a silence on the spot, but such silence made Ye Fan even more miserable. Now, he was full of regret and regretted how he would have agreed to the boy's request like that!

He is just an ordinary person. As a star scout, he discovered his potential. He gave him a chance to become famous. If he didn't want to play, why should he ask for such a thing?

Hua Yue is the goddess in her mind. She doesn't even dare to have evil thoughts. How can such a request come from the son of a bitch?

I'm really stupid. How can I agree to such a request?

This is good. I must have angered the boss. I'm sure I'll lose this high paid job. It's a small matter that I can't make money. The most important thing is that I can't see such a beautiful boss every day!

However, there was no storm or fury in Ye Fan's imagination. The scene was still silent. Ye Fan was so depressed that he couldn't help looking up. He saw that his boss didn't know when he had come to the window and looked out of the window. Her eyes just could see the couple

"Boss, I..." Ye Fan was about to say you don't have to be angry. I went out to teach the boy a lesson, but he heard Hua YUEWU's gentle voice: "tell him, I promise him!"

"What? What did you promise? " Ye Fan looks at Hua Yue's charming face in horror, and constantly asks questions in his mouth

I can't hear you wrong, right? Did your boss agree to this ridiculous request? How could that be possible? Remember the last time a real estate boss and his boss talked about business, only proposed to have a meal with her, she refused, which also let the company waste a great opportunity, but now, his boss even agreed to this ridiculous request?

"Promise him to spend the night with him!" Hua Yue said in a soft voice, as if she were telling her lover

This time, Ye Fan completely listened clearly, and she actually agreed?

How could this happen? How can the boss of the fairyland agree to such a request from a guy who is not a newcomer?

Is your boss crazy? Or is the world crazy?

"Mr. Ye, go ahead and ask this gentleman and miss to come over..." Seeing ye fan's startled appearance, Hua Yue's charming smile gently

Seeing her genial smile, Ye Fan was stunned. It was the first time that he saw such a beautiful and happy smile on her face after coming to the company for so long

Although Hua YUEWU has always had a kind smile on her face, he can see that there is always too much burden in this smile, and there is never such a stretch

"What's the matter? Does Mr. Ye want me to go in person? " Seeing that Ye Fan hasn't returned to her mind, Hua YUEWU smiles again

"No, no, no, boss, I'm going, I'm going to..." Ye Fan immediately regained consciousness, turned around and ran outside

Seeing ye fan's back, Hua YUEWU looks out of the window and at Ye Xiao. Finally, she falls on the woman beside him It should be his girlfriend, right?

"How about it? Did your boss agree? " Seeing ye fan come over as if out of his wits, ye Xiao smiles and says that he knows Ye Fan's boss should see him!

"Yes She invited you to go upstairs now and discuss the details... " Ye Fan hung his head like a defeated rooster. Now he can't understand how his boss would agree? Is this guy more handsome, or is he really the same as the hero in the play?

So it triggered a certain resonance in the boss's heart. At the thought of this, Ye Fan wondered why he didn't have such temperament. If he could sleep with his boss for one night, he would have lived ten or eight years less"Hoo hoo, tell your boss that I still have something to do now. I'll contact her at night!" Ye Xiao laughs, a feeling that everything is in control

"Ah..." Ye Fan is totally stupid. Is the world really crazy? His boss for the first time agreed to this absurd can no longer absurd request, and this boy not only did not have the excited appearance, but also a indifferent attitude, and even let his boss wait for him? This What is this?

Ye Xiao doesn't pay attention to Ye Fan's astonishment. He smiles in the direction of the second floor. Then he takes Shao Bingqian to Jinling Road and soon disappears in the crowd!

He is not a fool. Now his relationship with Shao Bingqian is not clear. At this time, let the two girls meet. If Shao Bingqian sees anything, what can he do?

What's more, Hua YUEWU doesn't say much, but being nice to another woman in front of her will also make her feel uncomfortable. Ye Xiao doesn't want her to be embarrassed. He just needs to make sure that the boss behind Ye Fan is Hua YUEWU. As long as he knows that she is still alive well

As for the part, he will have a good talk with Hua YUEWU

He doesn't want to trigger another murder between women in this situation

Seeing ye Xiao's disappearing back, a faint smile appears on her face. She knows that ye Xiao has already felt her existence

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