Jinghai Millennium Hotel, located at the East intersection of Jinling Road, is a five-star hotel, but perhaps the reason why it is just opened is that there are not many visitors here

Ye Xiao came to the front desk of the lobby and was about to ask, a beautiful front desk lady with Miya on the chest card had smiled and said, "do you need a reservation, sir?"

"Well, I came to find someone, called the Flower Moon Charm..." Being stared at by the beautiful front desk lady, ye Xiao is a little embarrassed! After all, it seems inappropriate to say the name of another woman in such a beautiful front desk

"Oh, Miss Hua has the order. You can go up directly when you come. It's room 808!" The front desk lady said with a smile!

"Oh, thank you!" Ye Xiao said thanks, turned and went to the elevator. When he was going to enter the elevator, the front desk named Miya turned to his companion and said, "Hey, do you think he has a small white face?"

"It should be, or why come here to open a room? Ah, it's a pity that such a handsome man ran to make a small white face... " Another front desk said with a face of regret!

"Little white face has anything bad, wait for sister after having money, also go to protect such a small white face to go!"

"Just you dream!"

Several front desk dialogue words into Ye Xiao's ears, thought that he actually became a charming and nurturing little white face, he was a depression, he really want a small white face? Is not to look handsome a little bit, is handsome people are small white face can not be? Have you ever seen such a small white face in the sun?

But the last word named Miss Miya made Ye Xiao feel a little better. You don't need money later. Now it's OK to keep it up

Want to turn around to ask her if she want to now support, just the elevator came, had to look at the front desk mm, into the elevator

Sitting in the elevator to the 18th floor, out of the elevator, follow the sign to the door of room 808, gently knock on the door

Soon, the door opened, and the charming flower moon in a professional suit stood at the door like this

At this time, the Flower Moon Charm is wearing a white shirt, the button at the neckline is not button on, and from the angle of Ye Xiao, you can see the deep gully, and even the lace lace of underwear

And her long black hair plate in the back of her head, the whole person seems to mature a lot!

But what makes Ye Xiao feel sad is that the charming face of the flower and moon is obviously thin a lot. Although the face is makeup, it is still difficult to cover up the tired look. These days, she suffered

"I miss you..." See the leaves Xiao standing at the door, the charm of the flowers and months has been camouflaged in this moment disappeared without trace, that has been holding tears from the eyes!

I miss you, and I miss her many days and nights, and how many days and nights she hopes

Now, he's finally back

See the charm of the flowers and months coming towards her, see the light tears in her eyes, hear her from the heart of I miss you, ye Xiao's heart is drunk!

All the time, he felt that the charm of the flower month is more sexual, even if it and the charm of the flower moon became his woman, there was not too many emotional factors in it, but at this moment, he knew that, whether he would like or not, the charm of the flower and the moon entered his heart

"I miss you too..." There is no extra sweet words, so a word pops out of his mouth, and then ye Xiaoyi holds the charm of the flower moon, so he steps in, locks the door back, and presses the charm of the flower and moon on the door, just a kiss

They embrace each other, kiss and touch each other, and they can burst out of their long-standing thoughts in each other

They rolled from the door to the bed, moved from the bed to the sofa, and turned from the sofa to the bathtub. They sat crazy about everything they did between men and women, just like two volcanoes, and erupted completely

This night is the most crazy night of flower and Moon Charm, and the happiest night Ye Xiao has ever had. It is the joy from the soul to the body

The next morning, two people

Well, it is impossible for the two people who have fought hard for a night to get up so early. Until the sun is high at noon, ye Xiaocai wakes up from his bed in a dazzled way. When he sees the charming flowers and months lying in his arms, his face shows a happy smile

Gently put down the head, in the flower month charming forehead gently kiss

At this time, the charming flower and moon also woke up, and saw the nearby Ye Xiao. There was also a happy smile on his face. The red lips came together and kissed Ye Xiao again

"If I say I really love you, who will clean up, this ruined friendship..." At this time, ye Xiao's mobile phone rings, which startles two people in the deep kiss

Angry Ye Xiao picked up his mobile phone, and he was going to throw it to one side, but suddenly saw Qianqian two words

How long has it been? Why did she call herself?

"Take it..." How delicate the flower moon is, naturally saw the name of the phone book, said gently!Seeing the understanding appearance of Huayue charm, ye Xiao felt sweet. How happy is it to have such a confidante? On the forehead of the charming flower moon gently kiss, and then connect the phone

"Hello? Ye Xiao? Are you busy now? " From the other end of the phone came Shao Bingqian's voice, cold and warm

"Well, I'm a little busy. I'm busy talking to the boss of that guy yesterday about the details of making a movie." Ye Xiao smiles at the Flower Moon Charm and opens her mouth!

Hearing this, Hua YUEWU winks at Ye Xiao playfully. This little villain, how detailed is it? "Movies? You're not really going to shoot it, are you? " Shao Bingqian at the other end of the phone was surprised. Originally, she thought that ye Xiao would be ok if she said something. Who knows he came to really

"Haha, of course, it's true. I've made a deal with the boss of their company. I'll be the hero and you'll be the heroine..." Ye Xiao said with a smile, a big hand was kneading in front of the charming flower moon

"Well, when will you be able to finish?" Shao Bingqian on the other end of the phone didn't say more on this issue, but asked!

Ye Xiao drops her eyes on the face of Huayue. She nods her head gently, indicating that she is OK

"It will be ready soon..."

"Oh, I'll wait for you at the Millennium Hotel. The room number is 809. Just knock on the door when you arrive..."

"Millennium Hotel?" Ye Xiao exclaimed, how can she open a room here?

"Well? What's the matter Shao Bingqian asked in doubt

"No, it's nothing. You wait there. I'll be right there..." Ye Xiao said hang up the phone, and then the whole person as if to spare time to lie on the body of the charm of the moon

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