Other people were not familiar with Murong Ziyu and Murong Wanqing in the past. Naturally, it was impossible to know about the "eternal life monument" from Murong Wanqing's mouth. However, Murong Ziyu was not the same. Seeing Murong Wanqing walking in front of him, Murong Ziyu began to explain the "Yongsheng tablet" slowly. Although a group of people knew that it was the Scripture of the Dragon Gang to make it to this day It has experienced countless tragic wars, but in this world, which war is not tragic? Therefore, a group of people didn't have much feeling, but when they heard about the details of the past wars of the Dragon Gang, most of them were just the scenes of the top martial arts against the first half of the Dixian, and even the Dixian. When they heard that, these people were all bloody battles, and they were not willing to leave the Dragon Gang, but were willing to come When guarding this "monument of eternal life", the awe on one's face turned into a look of awe.

They deserve the awe of all.

"Good morning, master Murong." An old man with a broken leg was facing Murong Wanqing road with a crutch in one hand and a pot of tea in the other hand.

"Fauber, I'll do it." Murong Wanqing, with a gentle smile, went up and picked up the teapot. He helped an old man who looked at least 50 years old and sat down beside him. Many people who had spoken with Murong Wanqing in the past gathered around and asked about the current situation of the Dragon gang. Murong Wanqing talked to the elders of the Dragon gang in every detail, even Even ye Xiao's affairs in the "ten directions spiritual world" and the South Gate of heaven have not been omitted. When ye Xiao was told that ye Xiao was so powerful not only in the secular world, but also in the heaven that they could look up to, the elder members of the Dragon Gang cheered with excitement. Fubo, who specially went to make a pot of good tea for Murong Wanqing, said with tears in his eyes: "I believed that in those days, The dragon master must be able to take our brothers of the Dragon Gang to play a piece of our own heaven and earth. What about the places where people are worshipped? Are you still being killed by our dragon master

"That's right. I killed those bastards, and they all pissed." In addition, the members of the Dragon Gang roared.

As for the fact that many of the people who come here to see the stele of Zilong are very boring, as long as there are a group of people who come to visit the city, they are not willing to pay any attention to it All the characters gathered around. In the past, they heard the rumors of the Dragon Gang, but they were only a few words. Now, these brothers who had personally experienced the war said it themselves. Compared with the version they had heard before, I don't know how many times more dangerous. Especially, they heard that the brothers of the Dragon gang were brave and fearless in the desperate situation, one by one men His eyes were red, and he clenched his fist tightly. It was as if he were in the scene. An old man saw the expression of these members of the Murong family and said with a smile: "you are all the people who came down from the" south gate of heaven. "

After listening to the old man's words, Murong Fu, the youngest of a group of people, nodded his head and said, "well, master, we are all people from the South Gate of heaven. Murong Wanqing is our sister."


The old man nodded excitedly, sighed and sighed: "when we just followed the dragon master out of Nancheng University, many brothers discussed in private, whether the dragon master could take our dragon Gang to the altar and enter the" Nantian gate "one day. At first, it was just a joke. Not many people took it seriously. But at the end, our dragon Gang came out of Nancheng step by step Come on, even occupy the whole Qinglong province. Even the holy hall and the underground gambling house, which were originally occupied here, were expelled by the dragon master. From that day on, we knew that our dragon gang would become a real dragon and soar for nine days sooner or later... "


Dragon Gang headquarters.

Ye Xiao comes to the headquarters of the Dragon gang with his "Shengshi".

Although Longbang is a real giant in Qinglong Province, there are still not many changes in its headquarters, and it can't even compare with some buildings built in Tianji city. However, no one in Tianji city or even Qinglong province dares to despise the existence of this place. Moreover, for people in Tianji City, Longbang is definitely a respectable existence When the two men came outside the Dragon Gang, they heard a bird singing straight into the sky. The "Saint servant" who was also a hunter in her ancestors, took out her weapons at the first time. After listening to it, she could almost be sure that it was a demon beast with great strength, and it was also an extremely strong one. Only Ye Xiao appeared on her face after hearing the bird song With a faint smile, he patted the "Saint servant" on the shoulder, and saw a dark shadow on his head. In a moment, he dived down and landed firmly on Ye Xiao's shoulder.

"Qingluan bird" with snow-white feathers.

At the beginning, when ye Xiao wanted to enter the "ten directions spiritual world", he released the "qingluan bird" back.

Even the jellyfish king can't compare with the "saints" in front of them. Since the day of their birth, they have been dealing with these "ancient monsters" and have seen them constantly in use Its sharp mouth and ye Xiao are intimate. The "Saint servant" standing beside him frowned slightly and said, "this should be a qingluan bird. I remember that the qingluan bird has no white feathers. Moreover, it is just an ordinary monster. Its strength can not even reach the level of Dixian. However, your qingluan bird is already in the realm of six heaven of Dixian. How can this be possible? Isn't this a blue Phoenix? What other monsters are they? "After listening to the words of "Sheng Shi", ye Xiao smiles and says with a smile: "it belongs to the kind of variation."

"Variation?" The eyes of the "Shengshi" suddenly shrank. They took a complex look at the "qingluan bird" on Ye Xiao's shoulder. Without asking any more questions, the qingluan bird fell on Ye Xiao's shoulder, and a group of people rushed out directly from the headquarters of the Dragon gang. Xia Zhengchun, the military master of the Dragon Gang, led by Xia Zhengchun, Chen Xuesong, the black widow and jellyfish king, all followed When he saw Ye Xiao behind, Chen Xuesong was the first one to rush up, and said excitedly: "dragon master, you have finally come back. This time, the" Nantianmen "is worthy of this trip. We have all heard from Dugu batian about your great achievements in Nantianmen. It's a pity that our brothers of the Dragon gang are not here. Otherwise, we would have killed those black armour troops It's all done. Before you come back, we've been discussing. One day, our brothers will kill the south gate. "

After listening to Chen Xuesong's words, ye Xiao is also dumbfounded.

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