After all, these three emperors and five emperors, the "saints" of the "ancient adherents" and the ancient gods are a little too far away from his world. Let alone these top strongmen, the Shangguan of jiuchongtian realm, who just wants to kill him, is just like killing an ant. Although the whisker that has been walking in front of him is just a warrior in the realm of Dixian and Tianjing, it still has memory However, it is amazing, almost unforgettable. All the way, she took Ye Xiao and several other people to shuttle through the intricate passageways of the temple. The more people walked inside, the more bodies there were in the passageway. Even some of the side halls were already piled up like mountains. When she thought of leaving, Li Fengming had less than one-third of his brothers, and his face was full of whiskers It's hard to see.

"Is there a ban here?" Ye Xiao looked at one of the side halls and asked.


His beard nodded his head and said, "in the depths of white tiger Province, there are not many large-scale" relics ". Many of the" prohibitions "in them have failed. After all, this is the remains of ancient gods. Although most of the prohibitions and arrays have been destroyed by people with great power, there are still some places that have not been affected Ban and array, Li Shao and they hide in one of the side hall which still remains forbidden. " With that, he looked at several intersections in front of him and pointed to one of them: "Ye long Lord, Li Shao, they are in a side hall in front of them."

Ye Xiao nodded.

See whiskers quicken the pace, ye Xiao a few people also do not hesitate.

When he came to a magnificent side hall, his face was filled with joy and said, "master Ye long, it is..." Before his voice dropped, when he saw the corpse at the gate of the side hall, his face suddenly changed. He rushed to the side hall after a few steps. Especially when he saw that the prohibitions outside the side hall had been broken, his face became iron green. Especially when he rushed into the side hall, he saw his former brothers fall into the blood pool one by one, and even many corpses were killed When he cut it into pieces, his eyes turned red. He looked up to the sky and roared, "Li Shao..."

Ye Xiao's face also changed. He said in a deep voice, "look at the body of Li Fengming."

After hearing Ye Xiao's words, whiskers woke up and went frantically to turn over the body. After looking for Li Fengming's body, he looked up at Ye Xiao and said, "Ye long Lord, there is no body of Li Shao."

Ye Xiao, who did not find Li Fengming's body in the side hall, breathed a sigh of relief. As long as Li Fengming's body was not found here, he still had a chance to live. Ye Xiaocai stood up and heard Shangguan yu'er's cold voice and said, "there is still a living person here."

When they heard that there were still living people in the side hall, all of them turned their heads and saw a young man full of blood lying in front of Shangguan yu'er, and his body was still shaking slightly. Seeing the young man's face clearly, his beard at the back of the room rushed to him in an instant. He picked up the young man who was full of blood on the ground and yelled: "bird four, how are you? What about Li Shao? Where is Li Shaoren? "

"Well! Cough

The young man coughed twice before he opened his eyes weakly. Seeing the whiskers in front of him, his voice trembled: "find Have you found Ye Longzhu? "


Beard nodded his head and asked anxiously, "where is Li Shao?"

"Li Shao got a artifact from the" Temple "in the main hall outside. He didn't know how to leak the news. He was chased here by tiandaomen, Hehuan Valley and other forces. The external prohibition simply couldn't stop them. Seeing that the prohibition was broken, the brothers protected Li Shao to break in. Now Li Shao is in..." The young man, nicknamed bird four, had not finished, and his neck was crooked, and he completely swallowed his breath.

"Bird four..."

The sadness of his beard and his eyes.

He stood up slowly. He knew very well that this time they had broken into the "Temple" and had been discovered by other forces, let alone a bird. In the end, I was afraid that all the brothers would be buried here. Now the most important thing is to find Li Shao. With Ye Xiao's amazing ability, he believes that as long as we can find Li Fengming, ye Xiao will certainly be able to Save people, so that all the brothers who died will die meaningful.

Instead of burying the fragmented bodies of his brothers in the side hall, he closed his eyes with grief and murmured in a soft voice. Then he turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao, who was also dignified at the gate of the side hall. He said bitterly, "master ye, according to bird four, Li Shao and the rest of his brothers should all retreat to the temple." Deep down, we... " Do not wait for beard to finish saying, leaf Xiao nodded, with a tone of voice that does not need to refuse: "we go in." After that, he took Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish King directly to the depths of the temple. He followed his whiskers at the back and looked at the backs of Ye Xiao. Even the first group of people who followed Li Fengming, they were naturally clear. In Nantianmen City, where strength is respected, Li Fengming is definitely a kind of mud that can't support the wall Even compared with those in the Dugu family, the master of the first class is no better than those of the Dugu family. If there is no elder magnate behind him, it is estimated that Li Fengming can only be regarded as a passer-by.A huge "temple.".

For ye Xiao, it can be described as "miracle".

Whether it is the main hall outside, the side halls inside, or the deep ancient passageways, they are all built with some amazing stones, which are more exquisite than the "pyramids" of our own world. Especially, every huge stone, even those tens of meters high above the head, is carved with dense stones Words and patterns.

This project alone, we don't know how much manpower and time it will take to complete it.

Deep in the temple.

It's no longer a side hall and passageway piled up exquisitely.

It is a crisscross, huge and incomparable mine cave, surrounded by some traces of mining, and some old mining tools and some weathered bones. It seems that it has been countless years. The jellyfish King walking beside Ye Xiao only walked out of the last side hall and entered the mine cave. His always calm face also showed a trace With a startled look, he took a cold breath and said, "I didn't expect that this is a 'immortal stone' ore vein. It's no wonder that some ancient gods would not hesitate to build such a 'temple' here, but also lead to so many experts' prying, and finally let this place be destroyed."

"Fairy stone?" Ye Xiao looked at the "jellyfish king" in amazement.

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