Seeing a group of members of the Dragon Gang gazing at themselves eagerly, Rao Shi, who has always been a cheeky man, coughed awkwardly and said, "we have got a lot of low and medium-sized 'spirit stone' veins this time. Even if we divide them out, there are still some..."

Without waiting for Zhou Kai to finish, Chen Xuesong on the opposite side directly said with a big mouth: "you boy, stop talking nonsense and tell us directly how many" spirit stones "have been checked this time?"

After listening to Chen Xuesong's words, Zhou Kai glared at Chen Xuesong fiercely and said with a gloomy face: "more than 20000 yuan."

"More than 20000?"

All of a sudden, all the core members of the Dragon gang in the temple were dumbfounded. Chen Xuesong, in particular, jumped up and roared at Zhou Kai: "you're kidding me, you fat man? Last time, frost snow gate solved several forces at random, and then seized hundreds of thousands of" spirit stones "and just distributed them to our dragon helpers There are more than 100000 "spirit stones" in it! You can't get more than a few pieces of private stone from the old man's warehouse! It's not right. You should trust all the brothers of the Dragon sect. However, our brother knows your character and will never do anything sorry to our brothers. However, even if you hide all the "spirit stones" and don't let the "Dragon Master" spend money, it's not right. Isn't the dragon master for the safety of our "dragon city"? Although it's a bit wasteful for the dragon master to do so, it can't all be blamed on the dragon master, can't it? After all, people who are not good at learning skills... "

"Get out of here."

Seeing that Zhou Kai was really angry this time, Chen Xuesong also closed his mouth angrily. Xia Zhengchun, sitting at the head of the table, shook his head when he saw Chen Xuesong stabbing the hornet's nest this time. No one would believe that Zhou Kai was really rich in his own pocket. Only after checking the nests of more than 20 forces, did he get back more than 20000 pieces of "spirit stone" Zhengchun, the doghead military commander of the Dragon Gang, was absolutely fantastic. After coughing twice in embarrassment, he said with a smile: "Lao Zhou, those twenty odd forces are not so poor that they only have more than 20000 pieces of" spirit stone "in stock! In addition, there is also a "Jiuyou sect", which is arguably one of the most powerful forces in this area. It is not much weaker than the "frost snow gate". Even if it is a "frost snow gate", it is estimated that there will be at least several hundred thousand "spirit stones" in reserve. Even if the "nine you sect" is not comparable to the "frost snow gate", it is not so much worse

"What spirit stone?"

Seeing ye Xiao, Shangguan yu'er, Bai Rushuang and several people walking into the "Temple of gods", Zhou KaiDun stood up with grievance on his face, looked at Ye Xiao and said, "dragon master, this time you have to make decisions for me. Chen Xuesong is such a bully. If you don't clean him up, I will not be able to do it."


Hearing Zhou Kai's accusation, Chen Xuesong, who was afraid of being abused by Ye Xiao, quickly stood up and said, "I've been bullying you for a long time. Tell me about it. After checking the nests of more than 20 forces, Chen Xuesong brought back more than 20000" spirit stones ". Don't you allow me to ask

"More than 20000?"

Not only Ye Xiao, but also the white frost behind him, is also a dull face at the moment.

Taking a deep breath, Zhou Kai did not pay any attention to Chen Xuesong. Instead, he looked at Ye Xiao wrongly and said, "dragon master, I also went to the home of the Jiuyou gang. When the son of a bitch Lin Canghai came, he had already transported all the" spirit stones "of the" nine you Gang "back to the" Yixian Tianlin family ". It can be said that none of the" spirit stones "have been left for us, The more than 20000 pieces of "spirit stones" were collected from the nests of other forces. Before the Dragon Gang drove by, those members of the guild who were destroyed by the Dragon leader had already robbed their own guild's spirit stones and scattered in a crowd. I collected all the "spirit stones" in other guilds, and then brought back more than 20000 pieces of "spirit stones". If you slow down a little bit It's estimated that we can't even think of these 20000 pieces. However, this time, we've got 97 "spirit stone" veins. Among them, there are 86 low-level "spirit stone" veins, and only 11 medium-level "spirit stone" veins... "

After listening to Zhou Kai's explanation, ye Xiao is also silent.

The "dragon Gang" is really short of "spirit stones". Let alone providing these members of the Dragon sect who have reached the level of earth immortals to practice, they just arrange a "demon sealing" array outside, and at least need more than 100000 "spirit stones". Seeing ye Xiao's silence, Zhou Kai, whose face has softened, bit his teeth and said, "dragon master, I'll calculate for you, this low-level" spirit " At most, hundreds of "spirit stones" can be mined out in a year. As for those intermediate "spirit stone" veins, only a few thousand pieces can be mined. In this way, with the "spirit stone" veins currently mastered by our dragon sect, not to mention providing the brothers in the guild to practice, the dragon master alone needs to arrange an array in the outer city, and the stock will not last for a few years Maybe, or else, let's start to expand our dragon Gang! Go to other areas to grab the "spirit stone" vein

After listening to Zhou Kai, everyone was stunned.All of them looked at Zhou Kai strangely.

Obviously, Zhou Kai is really a good hand in making money. In a short period of one year, he has built Tianji city into one of the top cities in Qinglong province. Looking at the whole Yunxiao Dynasty, few people can achieve this. However, when it comes to understanding the strength of the Dragon Gang, I'm afraid that if you want to know the strength of the Dragon Gang, you can screw an ordinary member from the Dragon gang Kai, the leader of the "finance" hall, is not a little bit stronger. Seeing that all the people around him are looking at him strangely, Zhou KaiDun has a kind of hairy feeling. Even Chen Xuesong, who always belongs to the main battle faction, is also looking at Chen Xuesong with disdain. Finally, Xia Zhengchun, who has always had a good relationship with him, shook his head and sighed: "do you really think of this as a place‘ In Qinglong Province, if we don't like it, we will take people to destroy it? This is the "white tiger province". It is estimated that there is no force weaker than our "dragon Gang" in more than 300 regions of the whole "white tiger province". Although our "dragon Gang" has barely established its foothold here, if there is no dragon master, it is estimated that our Dragon Gang will have been eaten by other forces, and there will be no bones left in it It's good for us to keep our own land. Therefore, you, the head of the finance hall, should think more about how to take the "spirit stones" in your hands to produce "spirit stones"! I remember that's what you're good at

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