The "city of the sand sea" is rich in a kind of "soul sucking sand bug" and "Seven Star cloud dragon". If you catch a pet, you will definitely be able to enhance your strength. There is a city master in these cities. It is said that they are under the jurisdiction of an "ancient sect" which is older than the "Yanhuang tribe era". The city master here is also the person they appointed, These city lords are also the rulers of a city. Each city has its own rules. Without these rules, the "Vientiane city" in front of us would be full of holes. If any force dares to trample on the rules of these cities, it will be pursued and killed by the "city Lord" guards. If we really say that strength, even if the "Vientiane city" can enter the front The three forces dare not violate the rules of these "city lords". I have never met the city lords of the "Vientiane city". However, according to some of our ancestors of Wangting, the strength of every "city Lord" is terrible. At least, it is the later stage of "Tian level martial Arts". Even if it is better than the "ten holy kings", the "ancient sect" restricts these "city lords" Their duty is to guard the city in front of them. "

"Ancient school?" Ye Xiao's eyes contracted slightly.

Obviously, he found out now that he had come to a world much larger than he had imagined.

However, Bai Ru Shuang didn't want to talk about these "ancient sects" and "city Lord" and so on. Instead, he directly changed the topic and said, "we have a team of people stationed here. The person in charge of the commander is my seventh brother. I have a good relationship with me since childhood. If you want to know more about the" Vientiane city ", you can let my seven elder brother give it to you You said, as for the place to live, go to my seven elder brother's "quiet heart other courtyard"! In the "Vientiane city", only "spirit stone" is the currency in circulation. I have only been to Vientiane City three times, and I don't know much about many things. After meeting my seventh brother later, let me tell you more about it slowly! "

"Good." Ye Xiao said with a smile.

A group of people followed Bai Rushuang directly to the base of their "royal court" members.

When they came to the "Vientiane city", Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king really realized the power of the "city". Not to mention the pedestrians on the road, but even the peddlers in some shops were the strong ones in the realm of Dixian. In places like Qinglong Province, the strength of the two dixians in the triple heaven could be regarded as rampant, but here they are‘ "Vientiane city", it is estimated that the clerks in some larger shops can easily kill them both. Perhaps they can see the idea of Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king. Bai Rushuang, who is at the front of the line, smiles and says, "this is the Vientiane city of the" white tiger province ". There are so many powerful dixians, and some shops are even more powerful in heaven level martial arts In places like white tiger Province, it is estimated that no one but your dragon gang will bring some Xuan level warriors here. After all, sometimes even the warriors of the first heaven and the second heaven of the earth immortals are just cannon fodder, not to mention those of the metaphysical level. In this "Vientiane city", it is definitely more important to see a Xuan level warrior than to see a Dixian strong one Difficult. "

After listening to the words as white as frost, the eyes of the two were suddenly contracted.

"Vientiane city" covers a vast area.

However, except for the "Lord's house" in the center of the city, the rest is just a single courtyard. At first glance, the huge "Vientiane city" has at least hundreds of thousands of courtyards of different sizes. Although there is no such elegant Pavilion as the "south gate of heaven", it is a bit more human. Walking in front of it is as white as frost, and glancing at a single "courtyard" not far away Looking back at Ye Xiao behind him, he said with a smile: "in front of me is my seventh brother's" tranquil farewell courtyard. "All the property rights of the whole" Vientiane city "belong to the" city Lord ". Whether you want to rent a courtyard or a shop, you need to pay a certain amount of" spirit stone "to the" city Lord's house ". In other cities, a" spirit stone "is almost sky high, but in" Vientiane city " ’The rest of the "spirit stones" here are not worth much unless they are non-attribute spirit stones. The smallest courtyard also needs more than 100 ordinary "spirit stones" a day. As for the "shops" here, they are even more expensive. However, according to my seventh brother, although the rent of "shops" here is a little higher, there will be no loss on the whole... "

"What's in the store?" Ye Xiao asked curiously.


Bai Rushuang smiles and says with a smile: "the whole" Vientiane city "has almost gathered the top chambers of Commerce in the world."

"Since there is a" city Lord "who is responsible for maintaining the order, it should not be very chaotic." Walking at the back of the jellyfish King looking at white frost asked.

"No confusion?"

Bai Rushuang shook his head and said, "when you have lived here for some time, you will know what kind of place" Vientiane city "is."

After hearing Bai Rushuang's words, Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king are slightly stunned. Their eyes are full of doubts and bewilderment. However, Bai Rushuang, who has gone out for a long time, hesitates for a moment, or stops to look at Ye Xiao's three people, with a serious look on his face: "there are thousands of big and small forces in the whole" Vientiane city ", among which there are some strong ones in the later days How to add star wechat to the city master?Wechat - address book - add friend - search number - input: stars3g

wechat - address book - add friend - search public account - input: falling stars

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