Besides, there is such a beautiful girlfriend in front of several people, and it is also very face, isn't it? Although I haven't touched the girl friend's hand

When Peng Ying's poem went away, ye yubai and others immediately set up their thumbs to Ye Xiao, saying that he was indeed worthy of Xiaoge, and unexpectedly became such a wonderful woman, which greatly satisfied Ye Xiao's vanity

After that, several people were a strong wine making, and ye yubai and others also said their things over the past few years

Three people came to Jinghai three years ago. They had no diploma, no interpersonal relationship and no capital. They were in Jinghai, a prosperous metropolis, it was very difficult to walk!

The work is hard to find, the consumption is high, several people have changed a lot of work continuously, what plumber, auto repair worker, dish bearer, delivery and take-out, even cleaner have done, but they are very strange, either fired by the boss, or they fired the boss!

Finally, they almost begged. They knew that ye Xiao had a Yan sister living in Jinghai city. Every year, they would visit Ye Xiao in Sichuan. However, they had no contact information about Murong Mingyan. Secondly, they felt ashamed to find Murong Mingyan. Finally, they would go on the road of mixing this way in an accidental way!

The three people have been learning Chinese Kung Fu with Ye Tianlong since childhood. Although they have made no effort as ye Xiaona, they can not get close to them. In addition, they are orphans. They have a fierce spirit since childhood, and they beat the hearts and the people with fierce hand. In a short time, they broke out a reputation and gathered a group of younger brothers around them

The first thing is to collect premium or something, but with capital, they start their own industry. However, XX forces in Jinghai have formed their own circle. They belong to foreign circles. Naturally, they are not accepted by other gangs. At first, their influence was small and nobody paid attention to him. With the gradual increase of their power, other groups were attracted Attention from the pie!

Some gang bosses want to accept them, but the three are rebellious and uninhibited generation, except ye Xiao and yetianlong, who also refuses, this is a natural war!

The three men are good at their skills, but other gangs are deeply rooted after all, and have deep ties with local police. The first days of the three people are not good, either they are caught in the police station or they are chased!

Until one time Xiao Nan and ye Cang wolf were arrested and almost imprisoned, Ye Yu was very white and killed in the headquarters of the largest gang of the black tigers in Yunlong street at that time, smashing all the bones of the boss at that time, and throwing his head into the head of the police station at that time!

It is also stated that if he does not let his brother go, the leader of the black tiger Gang is the end of the police station director

The chief of the police station was naturally fearless, and he put out a series of defense at home. But ye yubai dived into the director's home three times in a row, and put his knife on his neck

The director promised to let go

Since then, the name of Yunlong Sansha began to spread, and ye yubai even formed a brother with the director. Now the director is the deputy director of Nancheng Public Security Bureau

Of course, the cat greasy in the end, only the parties know

But hearing these leaves Xiao in mind understand, can reach today's point, three people in these years do not know how much suffering!

Just thinking that ye yubai broke into the general altar of the black tiger Gang alone, he must have been hurt without knowing multiple injuries. Then he thought of him once and again, and then three of them broke into the home of the chief of the police station. The pain was not tolerated by ordinary people

However, after all, the three people are not stable in foundation and have no big figures to cover. The development has not been smooth. Until now, the flying car party is not the largest gang in Nancheng. However, the names of the three have been broken out. Even the top three gangs in Nancheng are reluctant to provoke these abnormal groups

So the life of several people is also at ease

However, in recent months, the old leader of Tianle Gang, the largest gang in Nancheng, has abdicated. The new leader takes office. He wants to unify the south city. The XX forces of the whole city have a great momentum to rise again

Originally, ye yubai and others were worried about their future way out. Although their own strength is good, the society is a society that pays attention to the network. Their foundation is too shallow and shallow. What can I take to fight with these gangs in Nancheng?

But now ye Xiao is back, all their worries disappear. They believe that as long as ye Xiao is in, there will be no invincible enemies in the world. Even if the other party is the largest gang in South City, they are happy and fearless!

This is a kind of absolute trust to Ye Xiao!

Ye Xiao listened to the words of yeyubai all in his heart, whether because of their relationship or for other reasons, he could not let their hands be destroyed!

Flying car party, this is perhaps their first strength in Jinghai city

Of course, it is all his strength

As for those left by the old man, ye Xiao was not willing to use it without having to

Four people drank a lot, the worst of Xiao Nan fell down first, then yeyubai, to the end, then ye Xiao and silent Ye Cang wolf."Wolf, take care of them. I'll go back first..." See drunk on the sofa murmur two people, ye Xiao stood up, toward Ye Cang wolf said!

Canglang didn't speak, just nodded

Ye Xiao didn't say much. This is their territory. I don't think there will be any problems. A man walked out of the bar and was planning to take a taxi back to Yan Jie's villa. Suddenly, he saw a black gallop passing by.

Jinghai city is a big economic city in China. There are so many rich people in Jinghai city. It's not surprising that a big ben with millions of dollars is sitting in the back seat of the bus!

And look at her appearance, seem to be in a coma

It's 12 o'clock now. It's reasonable to say that sister Yan should have finished her work and went home. How could she still be outside? And still in someone else's car?

She quickly took out her mobile phone and dialed sister Yan's phone number. The reply was that the phone you dialed had been turned off. An ominous premonition appeared in Ye Xiao's heart!

Just at this time, a few of the little brother of the flying car party also came out of the bar, just about to start their own motorcycle!

Ye Xiao walked past with a lunge and pulled a little brother who had just stepped onto a motorcycle!

"Lend me the motorcycle..." Throw down such a sentence, start the motorcycle to chase in the direction of the gallop!

The little brother was about to get angry. When he saw the figure of Ye Xiao's back, he immediately put the dirty words to his mouth back. Isn't that Xiao brother that Liannan visited just now?

He even requisitioned his own motorcycle. My God

All the members of the party are drag racing people. Even the simplest Harley has been specially modified. It can run at full speed, and the speed can reach 200 at least!

This is the urban area again. The Big Ben in front of me didn't drive very fast. It was soon overtaken by Ye Xiao

However, ye Xiao didn't rush forward quickly, just fell far behind, trying to see where the man was going to take Murong Mingyan!

After driving out of the city, we drove all the way to the southern suburbs. At the end of the day, we drove onto an auxiliary road without street lights!

Ye Xiao's heart is more confused, in order not to let the other party find himself, he directly turned off the motorcycle light, has been falling behind the Big Ben several hundred meters!

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