After listening to Bai Zhanpeng's words, Bai Rushuang's whole person is dumbfounded, and looks at Ye Xiao standing beside him in amazement.

"A lot of forces?" Ye Xiao also looks at Bai Zhanpeng with some dullness.

In his impression, in addition to the "holy hall" and the "yixiantianlin family", there are some grudges between the big families of the "Nantianmen" and him. Now listening to Bai Zhanpeng's meaning, there are not one or two people who are hostile to his "dragon Gang". Bai Zhanpeng nodded slightly: "if you think about it, there are at least seven or eight such forces, By the way, let me tell you a piece of not too good news! The strength of these seven or eight forces in the "Vientiane city" is at least the kind of behemoth that can rank in the top 50. For example, Chen Qilin's "holy hall" belongs to the kind of force that can rank in the top 20 in our "Vientiane city". Even if the people of our "royal court" provoke such forces as the "holy hall", they have to retreat and be bold How many day level warriors are there in your dragon Gang

"Heaven level warrior?"

Seeing that the faces of Bai Rushuang and ye Xiao were full of strange expressions, Bai Zhanpeng, who was puzzled by the zhanger monk's mind, was stunned for a moment and then asked, "what's the matter?"

Bai Rushuang shook his head and said, "there are only dozens of warriors of Dixian realm in the whole dragon sect. The highest one is the two warriors of three levels of heaven around Ye Xiao. The rest, including Ye Xiao, are just the warriors of Dixian one heaven realm."


This time, Bai Zhanpeng is really sluggish.

He didn't expect that the Dragon Gang, which could affect so many monsters, was as weak as a mole ant. It was a complete subversion of his outlook on life and values. When he began to see ye Xiao as a warrior in the heaven realm, Bai Zhanpeng thought that ye Xiao was able to attract so many people he didn't dare to provoke, and most of them relied on the "dragon gang." Now that Bai Rushuang has said something about the "dragon Gang", her face is full of strange looks. Thinking that a group of people are still standing at the door of their own home and letting the rest of them go back to the "tranquility other courtyard", he says to Bai Rushuang: "OK, let's go back first." As he led the way, he murmured: "it's really strange things happen every year. There are so many people this year. It's really a little bit..."

At the moment, in his opinion, what ye Xiao can swallow up the collateral members of the "yixiantianlin family" depends on Bai Rushuang.

Compared with the luxury of dragon city.

After all, in this world of "power first", only if you have enough power, can you be qualified to be respected and valued by others. If you don't have enough strength, then you can be respected and valued by others You're just a mole ant. If it's not for the sake of white frost, it's estimated that ye Xiao's three people can't even enter the gate of the "tranquil farewell yard". Bai Zhanpeng has given Bai Rushuang, the heir of the crown prince, a full face. Instead of showing a strange look on his face, he smiles at Ye Xiao and says, "some of you have been on the road for a long time I'm tired. I'll ask someone to take you to rest first, and then we'll talk about it tomorrow. How about that? "

"Thank you." Ye Xiao nodded with a smile.

White as frost.

When ye Xiaosan was taken down by Bai Zhanpeng's people, Bai Rushuang frowned slightly and said, "seven brothers, why do you open them all?"

After hearing Bai Rushuang's words, he returned to Bai Zhanpeng on his chair. He poured a cup of tea to Bai Rushuang and handed it to Bai Rushuang's hand. Then he said solemnly, "little sister, how can you mix up with them? A warrior of Dixian yichongtian? With more than a dozen Dixian realms, even those guilds that don't even have four or five earthly immortals come to the white tiger province. Let's not talk about them for the moment. Just pick out one of the seven or eight forces they offended. Even if it's your seventh brother, I don't dare to provoke them at will, let alone seven or eight of them together. If we really want that, even if your sixth brother and I are good If you continue to mix with him, you will be implicated by him carelessly. So, tomorrow, you'd better send them back to the original area, and then you can go back to the "royal court."

"What you said is true? He really has so many enemies here in Vientiane city The white face of fox frost asks a way.

Don't say Bai Zhanpeng.

Even Bai Rushuang heard that ye Xiao, who entered the "white tiger province" for the first time, had set up so many terrible enemies here in the "Vientiane city". His face was full of dullness and doubt. Seeing Bai Rushuang's expression, Bai Zhanpeng immediately understood her idea and laughed and scolded: "what do you think of seven brothers? The kind of gossipy woman who chews her tongue behind her back? I'm not so old-fashioned as elder brother. No matter what kind of people you make friends with, Qige doesn't have any opinions. It's not made up by Qi Ge. Some time ago, when I was at the auction house, Qi Ge heard it by chance. After learning that ye Xiao's "dragon Gang" has entered the "white tiger province", several forces intend to go out and kill Ye Xiao's "dragon Gang", If there had not been several high-level "ore veins" in succession, there would have been no such person as ye XiaoAfter hearing Bai Zhanpeng's words, Bai Rushuang, who was still holding a cup of tea in his hand, said with a embarrassed smile: "brother Qi, although Ye Xiao's' Dragon Gang 'is vulnerable, he is definitely not as weak as you think."

"Not as weak as I thought?"

Bai Zhanpeng shrugged his lips and said, "no matter how weak you are, you are just a warrior who emphasizes the heaven realm. Can you still compete with the heaven level warriors? Little sister, in the past, seven elder brothers always stood by your side in everything. However, this time, you must listen to seven elder brothers' words. Don't mix with Ye Xiao any more. It's not good for you or our "Wangting". Although your seventh brother is developing well in the "Vientiane city", there is a "Wangting" behind it. The people who are eyeing your seventh brother are really real Many, if there is really a little bit of wind and grass, it is estimated that those forces will soon rush forward like fierce dogs and devour the seven brothers' men and horses. The matter is settled. Tomorrow, seven brothers will send them all back, and then you will go back to the "King's court" honestly, OK

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