
The "violent" breath of "bead" spreads around his body like a wave. Even if he has trained his body for three times, he can't bear the attack of these violent and violent breath. Just in a moment, he can see that his body has become full of holes. If it wasn't for the "tree of the world" that keeps suppressing "beads" ’I'm afraid the violent breath inside is just a little bit of the "violent" breath from "Zhuzi", which is enough to make his whole body disintegrate. He feels that the violent breath from "Pearl" is becoming more and more violent, and ye Xiao's face becomes ugly. He tries to suppress these "violent" breath with the "aura" in his body. Unfortunately, he The "aura" just touched these "violent" breath, and instantly was broken into pieces. Thinking of the strength of the earth immortal's one heaven realm, ye Xiao was so vulnerable in front of this bead. Ye Xiao's face was full of bitterness.


A picture immediately appeared in front of him.

The same young man in white had a more cold look than at the beginning.

A desolate breath.

Throughout the world, there are some "ancient monsters" with huge size.

The young man in white holds a string of soft shining "Buddha beads" and walks step by step in this world full of "desolate" atmosphere. At the beginning, the "ancient monsters" around him seem to be very afraid of the "Buddha beads" in the hands of the young man in white. They just watch the actions of the young man in white from a distance, and make a deafening roar or sound from time to time Even ye Xiao, who is a spectator, can feel the strength of these "ancient monsters" all around. At least, they are the nine heaven realm of the earth immortals, and even some hiding in the dark are the realm of heaven level martial arts. As for the young man in white, he found that the young man in white had opened the last bead At least when he was in the realm of Dixian, he could not see the strength of the young man in white. Now, he has reached the realm of Dixian, and he still can't see through the strength of this young man in white.

I think of the "nine finger devil" and "Taiyi Taoist" that I saw when I was in the "meditation farewell yard".

Ye Xiao found that he could see through the strength of the two men with his spirit power. However, he could not see through the strength of the young man in white at the moment, and a trace of shock appeared in his heart. Is this young man in white who is beyond the heaven level martial arts?

Ye Xiao is still shaking the strength of young people in white.


After that, all of a sudden, the Buddha's gentle pearls were covered in the whole world, as if all of a sudden, the Buddha's hands were covered with the light In the dark, the "ancient monster" in the "Heaven level realm" seems to have some instinctive resistance. A beast's face is full of pain. The cold faced young man in white just glances at the "ancient monster" in the light of Buddhism. His mouth utters a strange and colorful syllable, and then he sees the "ancient monster" exploding in an instant Split.

At one end

Both ends

The whole world is filled with a "violent" and "bloody" atmosphere.

Even ye Xiao, a bystander, did not know how many "ancient monsters" were killed by the young man in white. Not to mention the "ancient monsters" in the realm of the earth immortals, even those hidden in the darkness of the heaven level realm, were not spared. Thousands of "ancient demons" of the nine heaven level and heaven level realm of the earth immortals burst into death It can be imagined how violent and violent the "breath" of the young man in white is. However, the young man in white who stands in the same place closes his eyes and feels the "violent" and "bloody" breath around him. He frowns slightly and pinches a handprint in his right hand. Then he can see that the "violent" and "bloody" breath of the whole world are all towards the string of "Buddha" on his head More and more such negative breath and aura enter one of the "Buddha beads". Seeing this, ye Xiao, as a spectator, is dazed and seems to have completely forgotten his present predicament.

Let's not say that the aura leaked from the beads can resist the "World Tree" in your body.

Once the "bead" burst open.

I'm afraid that even with the protection of the "tree of the world", ye Xiao will surely die, because the aura contained in this "bead" is too large for his body to bear. At the moment, ye Xiao's whole face is full of dull expression, and the breath of "violence" and "bloody" in front of him and the "Pearl" in his body How similar is the smell of Zi? At the beginning, the remnant soul of the "master of all living beings" left behind in his body were "18 beads". Now, the "Buddha beads" in the hands of young people in white are also 18 beads. What is the connection between the two? Unfortunately, with Ye Xiao's current strength and experience, he can only think of this at most.When ye Xiao was still pondering over why the "beads" in his body were so similar to the string of "Buddha beads" of the youth in white.


A thunderous sound.

Then you can see a huge "ancient monster" with thunder and lightning all over his body. Step by step, he steps out of the "100000 mountains" which is full of endless darkness. These "ancient monster" are very large, especially the one with thunder and lightning all over the body, which is even more than the ordinary "ancient monster" It is several times as large as a mountain, standing in front of the young man in white. At the moment, the young man in white stands in front of the "ancient monster", just like a mole ant. What shocked Ye Xiao is that he can't see through the strength of the young man in white and the strength of the "ancient monster" in front of him.

"Are all the existence of those who surpass heaven level martial arts?" Ye Xiao couldn't help muttering.

"Wow! Whoa! Whoa

"Ancient monsters" with thunder and lightning all over the body came out, and immediately saw another batch of tide like "ancient monsters" emerging from the "100000 mountains".

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