I can only see that the "thunder beast of heaven and earth" trapped in the array of "King Kong" of the three thousand Buddhists turns into a cloud of blood mist. All of them are absorbed into one of the beads. The bead, which originally looked primitive and dull, suddenly becomes dazzling. The picture in front of me disappears in an instant, and ye Xiao's divine consciousness returns to her body again, and her mind is full of The thing as like as two peas, the "floating slaughter", can be felt directly by Ye Xiao. The young people want to make the "floating slaughter beads" and the eighteen beads in their bodies. It should be very much related to the fact that the young people are called "the rash beads", which is basically the same as the one that they are now facing. ’。

When he felt that the breath from the "evil spirit" bead was getting bigger and bigger, and even the green light from the world tree began to faint, ye Xiao's face became ugly. He knew that although the world tree was a treasure, the world tree in his body was only a seedling It is not difficult for the "World Tree" to suppress it. However, the "bead" in front of him may be the angry bead in the mouth of the "master of all living beings". Even ye Xiao, who has seen the picture, does not know how many "ancient monsters" were slaughtered by the "master of all living" in order to refine this "evil spirit bead", let alone the vast land The "ancient monster" of the level level realm and the heaven level realm is not the existence that ordinary martial arts can contend with.

More and more anger has been released from beads.

My body is on the verge of collapse.

Ye Xiao knows very well that if he goes on like this, I'm afraid he'll have to explain himself here today. After biting his teeth, he starts to absorb these violent "anger". Compared with the "Qianyuan pill" and "spirit stone", these "anger" are the real pure "aura". Compared with the concentration of the "spirit stone", I don't know how many times stronger it is. I'm afraid that even if it has been pushed by the white frost all the time It's just a pity that ye Xiao's crazy absorption of the "evil spirit" is just a drop in the bucket for the "evil spirit" contained in the Pearl.

It's a pity that ye Xiao can't see his own appearance at all.

A pair of eyes have become blood red, full of a breath of endless killing.

Just when the tree of the world couldn't suppress the anger in Pearl, Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish King both felt the anger of Ye Xiao's room. They both rushed to Ye Xiao's room at almost the same time. They were only close to Ye Xiao's room, and had not even pushed the door in. They only slightly touched Ye Xiao's body As the strong man in the earth immortal realm, their perception ability is not comparable to that of ordinary martial arts. Both of them are very clear that if they stay here, their bodies may be swallowed up by this tyrannical "anger" and eventually become a mere knower The killing machine of Dao killing.

"Get out of here first." Jellyfish King pupil inside is full of panic, to the side of Shangguan jade son road.

The latter also knew that the consequences of staying here were very serious. After a little hesitation, they rushed out directly with the king of jellyfish. At the moment, not only the jellyfish king and Shangguan yu'er, but also Bai Rushuang, Bai Zhanpeng and a group of "Wangting" experts almost immediately felt the situation of Ye Xiao's attic, and saw Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king from the pavilion at the same time There was no figure of Ye Xiao. Standing beside Bai Zhanpeng, his face changed slightly, and he asked Shangguan yu'er, "where is Ye Xiao?"

"Still in it." The bitter way of jellyfish king.


Bai Rushuang froze for a moment, then asked in an incredible way: "what do you mean, is all this done by Ye Xiao?"

"It should be." The king of jellyfish nodded helplessly.

Not to mention them, even Bai Zhanpeng, the strong man of the earth God jiuchongtian, felt the ferocity in the attic, and his eyes flashed with a look of fear. Obviously, the scale of the "anger" was huge for him. Especially, the faces of several Tian level warriors standing beside Bai Zhanpeng were dignified, and one of them was powerful The old man, who had reached the middle level of heaven level, waved his hand and covered up the whole attic where ye Xiao was. It seemed that he wanted to prevent the "anger" from leaking out. However, after holding on for a moment, the old man's face turned pale in an instant, and said to several "royal courts" beside him: "everyone I can't resist the "anger" by myself. Don't let the "anger" leak out from here. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will bring great trouble to our "royal court."

After listening to the old man's words, the other "Wangting" offerings no longer kept their hands, and each released their own "aura.".

Seven or eight "Heaven level warriors" joined forces to suppress the trace of "anger" that leaked out. Everyone's face was very pale.They are already the strong ones among the "Heaven level warriors". Naturally, they can feel it. However, there is still a trace of "anger" leaking out. In the attic, there is a more majestic "anger". Once it is completely erupted, they will not be affected by this "anger". It is good that they can not be affected by the "fierce spirit". Among them, they are the great sacrifices of the "royal court" The old man turned his head to Bai Zhanpeng and said, "seven princes, you'd better take people away from here! This "anger" is too large, let alone us. Even if the "city Lord" comes in person, it may not be able to suppress it. If you let this "anger" invade your body and spirit, I am afraid you will all become a killing machine without divine sense. "

After listening to the "King's court" offering, Bai Zhanpeng's eyes twitched violently, and said to the offering, "what's the matter with the offering?"

"Don't know" the offering shook his head.

He has already felt that the "anger" has become more and more huge. The seven or eight Tian level warriors can only suppress it for a moment. Once this "anger" erupts, it will be a great disaster for them. Moreover, for those who have surpassed the realm of "Tian level martial arts", as long as they can suppress it For them, these "anger" is definitely a great tonic. Even the "city Lord" will be moved in a moment. Seeing the offering no longer speaking, Bai Zhanpeng, standing on the side, bit his teeth slightly and said bitterly to Bai Rushuang beside him: "little sister, let's leave here first."

Bai Rushuang nodded.

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