It can be said that even a warrior who has surpassed the heaven level realm, even if he understands the law of thunder, can not be compared with the "heaven and earth thunder beast" in front of him. These "heaven and earth thunder beasts" themselves are the ancestors of controlling the thunder. The thunder from the mouth of the "heaven and earth thunder beast" is just like As a sharp blade, it continuously penetrates the "fierce Qi" in front of Ye Xiao, and instantly penetrates the fierce armor on Ye Xiao, leaving a big hole in Ye Xiao's "spirit". Seeing the thundering beast of heaven and earth, which has worked with one stroke, a satisfied look flashed on his face, looking at Ye Xiao's spirit and saying, "I said, as long as you..."

Before the words of "thunder of heaven and earth" have been finished, we can see that the rolling "anger" has all sprung up into Ye Xiao's "spirit". Only in a moment, the damage on the "spirit" has been repaired. Compared with the beginning, it is a little stronger. There is no pain on a face, especially the bloodthirsty light from the eyes The "thunder beast of heaven and earth" has a feeling of lingering fear. After all, in order to refine this bead, the "master of all living beings" slaughtered many powerful "ancient monsters", and "Tiandi thunder beast" is only one of the most powerful "ancient demon beasts". Ye Xiao, who feels that his "spirit" is a little stronger, shows a trace of sarcasm around his mouth "If it's in the outside world, I'm not your opponent. But here is my world. In my world, I'm the master. What do you want to fight with me?"

"Your world?"

"Heaven and earth thunder beast" coldly hummed: "I'll swallow up your" spirit. "

"The dance of thunder and fire."


There was a loud noise.

Then you can see that ye Xiao's whole sea of knowledge is burning with flames. There are flashes of thunder and lightning everywhere. Countless flames and thunder and lightning are springing up to Ye Xiao's "spirit". Rao is there is a lot of "anger" around Ye Xiao. At the moment, they are also burned to ashes by these hot flames, especially the will of the "ancient demons" in the "anger", As soon as these "thunder and fire" were burned, they immediately gave out a shrill scream. In a flash, they were in the "thunder and fire" of the "heaven and earth thunder beast". However, the "heaven and earth thunder beast" which successively used "soul power" to make several big moves appeared to be a little weak at the moment. However, it was once a "heaven and earth thunder beast" beyond the level of heaven and earth It has consumed a lot of "soul power". At this moment, he is standing in Ye Xiao's world of knowing the sea.


A "thunder fire" instantly swept Ye Xiao and wrapped it up.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the "thunder beast of heaven and earth" suddenly brightened up. It was a strange animal bred between heaven and earth. Naturally, it knew the power of its "thunder and fire", not to mention the "spirit". Even if it was the body of a heavenly warrior, it could not withstand the burning of its own "thunder and fire". Even if ye Xiao's spirit was full of "anger" and "heaven and earth thunder," it was not easy to say that it was a "spirit" Ming beast also believes that ye Xiao's "spirit" can't compete with his own "thunder and fire". Don't say that ye Xiao's "spirit" will disappear this time.

A moment later.

The "thunder fire" wrapped in Ye Xiao's "spirit" is extinguished, and ye Xiao's "spirit" is also burned into a wisp of green smoke. Seeing this scene, the "thunder beast of heaven and earth" also slightly regrets shaking his head. If ye Xiao's "spirit" can be swallowed up, it will be a great good thing for him. After all, with his strength, he will not be afraid of these so-called When he thought that ye Xiao's "spirit" had disappeared, and he could take over Ye Xiao's body and come back to life completely, he said with a smile: "I said that this is my world. I am the master of this world. Don't say that your present" soul power "is not the peak state. Even the peak state can't change you to be me The end of swallowing. "

Hearing Ye Xiao's voice ringing in all directions, the face of "thunder beast of heaven and earth" instantly became ugly.

A spirit of Ye Xiao.




Ye Xiao's "spirits" are everywhere. Even the "thunder beast of heaven and earth" can't be counted. How many "spirits" are there in Ye Xiao's "world of knowing the sea". Originally, he thought that even if his "thunder fire" could not kill Ye Xiao thoroughly, he could be severely damaged. At this moment, the "thunder beast of heaven and earth" found out that he was the only one who realized that he could not kill Ye Xiao thoroughly Ye Xiao's "thunder and fire" did not cause any harm to Ye Xiao. However, ye Xiao's spirit is getting stronger all the time. Now it's almost the "spirit" of martial artists in the later days of the heaven level. Seeing that the whole space of "knowing the sea" is full of "anger," the thunder of heaven and earth "knows that if we delay it further, ye Xiao's spirit may really surpass that of his peak period Self.


You can't kill.


I can't beat it.

Hold back.

At present, the "thunder beast of heaven and earth" feels a burst of frustration. It is clear that his own strength is stronger than that of the boy in front of the earth immortal, who attaches importance to the heaven realm. However, in his world of "knowing the sea", he has no way to use him. Everything is just like what ye Xiao said. Here itself is his world, if not so majestic Bi's "fierce spirit" and "heaven and earth thunder beast" believe that it's easy to destroy the "spirit" of a heaven level martial arts man. Now, there is a trace of fear in his heart. He looks at Ye Xiao's "spirits" calmly and says: "I didn't expect that, I still underestimated the power of these" fierce spirits. ""If you run away when you just come out of the" angry bead ", you may have no way, but you just want to stay and devour my" spirit "and occupy my body. It's like looking for death..." Ye Xiao's voice just dropped. "Heaven and earth thunder beast" saw that one of the "spirits" had a green bow and arrow in his hand. When he saw the bow and arrow, his face suddenly became ugly, and his voice was hoarse and exclaimed: "heaven and earth are infinite bows?"? Isn't this in the hands of the white crane? How could it fall into your hands? With your strength, it's impossible to take away the infinite bow of heaven and earth from the hands of the white crane. He is the ancient god... "

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