e dumbfounded.

Bai Zhanpeng is completely stupid at the moment. He is obviously frightened by the words of "great offering". Although Wang Ting is not as good as the three families and the five empires, it is definitely not like a cat and a dog, which can be bullied at will. Seeing the light expression of "Da Gong", Bai Zhanpeng swallowed hard and looked carefully at "Da Gong" "Uncle Huang, do you mean that there are still some" forces "behind Ye Xiao that we can't even attract from our" royal court "

Bai Zhanpeng was not as good as Bai Rushuang in many places. He sighed and said, "he is the king of the devil city."

"The city of demons?"

Bai Zhanpeng froze again and his expression on his face became stiff.

The seven princes, as the "King's court", are not unfamiliar with places like "the city of demons". He forced his face to smile and swallow his mouth. If the "city of demons" really wants to destroy the "royal court", Bai Zhanpeng believes that this is absolutely not a difficult thing. He takes a deep breath, looks at the "big offering" and says, "Uncle Huang, even if he is the city of demons What a "king of the world" is not worth our "royal court" such flattery! Don't forget that some of the forces Ye Xiao offended are not as good as the city of demons. Is it too risky for us to tie ourselves to his chariot like this in Wangting


"It's just one of them." "Da Gong" shook his head and said, "as I said, you are not as good as the little princess. Some things depend on gambling. When he really gets a firm foothold in the" Vientiane city ", I guess he will not pay attention to the little power of our" Wangting "in the" Vientiane city ". Can the forces behind him be I don't know how to keep him safe in Vientiane City, but I know one thing. This is also the biggest opportunity for our royal court. Once we are tied to a chariot, if we win, the effect will be unimaginable. If you don't understand it again, I think we can ask your father and emperor to come here again! Or give up the position here to the little princess. I think she is more suitable for sitting in this position than you are. If you blindly look forward and backward, you can only achieve nothing in the end. "

After listening to the "great sacrifice", Bai Zhanpeng's cold sweat immediately came down.

He was very clear about his uncle's status in the "royal court".

If he really mentioned such a sentence to his father and emperor, Bai Zhanpeng believed that he would be called back to the "Wangting" the next day. You know, he had been fighting for this position for many years, and he paid a lot of money to win the position. Staying in the "Wangting", he would get limited resources every month, but in the "Vientiane city", as long as he has enough solid If you don't want to go back to the emperor's court, you can't go back to the old man's court ! I promise I won't hold you back. "

After hearing Bai Zhanpeng's words, "Da Gong" shook his head helplessly, turned around and walked back.

Seeing that the "great offering" had no intention of driving himself back to the "Wangting", Bai Zhanpeng also heaved a heavy sigh of relief and squinted and said, "Ye Xiao, ye Xiao, I Bai Zhanpeng wants to see how much wind and rain you can make in the Vientiane city."


Bai Rushuang, who walked out of the "tranquil farewell yard", really became a qualified tour guide. First, he introduced the specific situation of the whole "Vientiane city" and the distribution of some forces. Then he took Ye Xiaosan and walked on the streets of the "Vientiane city". Seeing that ye Xiaosan did not really intend to go into these shops, Bai Rushuang shook his head and said, "its In fact, on ordinary days, these shops only sell some ordinary small items. Only in the big market once a month will some real treasures be circulated. At that time, it will be the most lively day of the whole Vientiane city. " Bai Rushuang thought that when she came out, ye Xiao said that she wanted to see some friends. After hesitation, she asked, "do you really have friends here in Vientiane city?"

"Don't believe it?" Ye Xiao couldn't help but look at Bai Rushuang and asked.

"I thought you lied to my seventh brother." Bai Rushuang said that immediately came to the spirit, a hot face looking at Ye Xiao asked: "where are your friends, I take you to find them! As I said, I know the distribution of all forces in the whole Vientiane city. "

After hearing Bai Rushuang's words, ye Xiao nodded his head and said, "where is the power of the city of demons?"

"The city of demons?"

As white as frost, I was dumbfounded.

They are not frightened by the word "devil city", but are not angry: "all the people in the" devil city "are trapped in the" devil city ". Outside, people from the" Gold Coast "are guarding them. They can't get out at all. Even if they can escape, they don't dare to walk on the street openly. Do you know that" devil city "is inside All of them were exiled by the emperor of heaven, and there were some enmities between them and most of the forces. If other forces knew that the people from the "devil city" had also come out, they would soon join hands to annihilate them. " Bai Rushuang finished, rolled a white eye, and said: "besides, even if there is the power of" devil city "here, does it have anything to do with you"I've been to the city of demons." Ye Xiao said with a smile.


Bai Rushuang looks at Ye Xiao suspiciously. Although there is an intelligence about ye Xiao in her study, although it is recorded in detail, it is not as detailed as ye Xiao helped Murong Cangshan win the twelve giants. Therefore, Bai Rushuang does not know that ye Xiao, in order to help Murong Cangshan win the position of the twelve giants, once In Bai Rushuang's opinion, the "devil city" and the "100000 mountain" of the demon clan are absolutely forbidden to the world. After all, although she is the candidate for the crown prince of the "royal court", many confidential things have not been contacted. Only when her strength is comparable to that of "great offering", can she really understand this Some of the secrets of the world, and ye Xiao's words about "the city of demons" were naturally taken as a joke by him. At the bottom of his heart, ye Xiao was just a little wary of himself and didn't want to tell himself.

There are many shops around.

Compared with "Nantianmen", the "Vientiane city" is obviously much more prosperous.

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