"Are you threatening me?" Hong chuchen squints at Wu Mengyin.


Wu Mengyin, who was still a little cold on his face, shook his head and said calmly: "our Shanhe embroidery shop is open to do business. What we pay attention to is to be friendly and honest. Over the years, few people have made trouble in our Shanhe embroidery villa. I know that Hong Jie is the apple of the Hongmen master's eye, but this is our" mountain river "after all "Xiuzhuang" is not sister Hong's "too forgetful of love." Although Wu Mengyin's tone is very light, but it reveals a strong domineering spirit. Compared with Hong Chu Chen's domineering and exposed character, it is obvious that there is a high sentence between them.

After hearing Wu Mengyin's words, Hong chuchen said coldly with a smile: "if I have to settle my gratitude and resentment in your Shanhe embroidery villa today?"

"Well, from today on, we Shan He Xiu Zhuang will not receive any people who are too forgetful." Wu Mengyin is still a face indifferent looking at Hong Chu dust road.

Hearing Wu Mengyin's ultimatum, Hong Chu Chen's face changed a little. He looked at Wu Mengyin's face, which even women were envious of. He sneered and said, "a mountain and river embroidery shop," I haven't paid attention to Hong Chu Chen. Today, Hong Chu Chen has settled this matter. " When Hong chuchen finished speaking, he no longer paid attention to Wu Mengyin. Instead, he said to the two strong men in the jiuchongtian realm who were standing in front of Ye Xiao and said, "take these people down and cut off their hands and feet first."

"Yes, miss."

Seeing the two powerful men of the nine immortals, she rushed to Ye Xiao's four people directly. Wu Mengyin's face at the back also changed slightly. She didn't expect that Hong chuchen was so domineering that she said he would do it and didn't pay attention to "mountain and river embroidery villa". Meanwhile, the old men Wu Mengyin brought with her were all looking at Wu Meng As long as Wu Mengyin reveals a little bit of meaning, a group of people will rush to sing. Unfortunately, Wu Mengyin, who has been silent for a while, has no intention to completely break up with "the gate of forgetting love". After all, their "mountain river embroidery shop" is just a family of businessmen and merchants, while "too much love forgetting gate" is almost the first-class family in the world.

"Looking for death."

A bright light flashed by.

Only a dull sound was heard, and then we saw two warriors who rushed up to jiuchongtian. The whole body was suddenly fragmented, and the spirits were wrapped up by two "auras". The sudden change made people in the hall stunned. Then we saw that four or five Heaven level warriors had blocked Ye Xiao's bodies and came out It's not someone else. It's one of the "Wangting" worshippers. It's just a matter of a finger to deal with two warriors in the nine heaven realm of the earth immortals. The "offering" of the "spirits" of the two immortals in jiuchongtian is not concerned about the people brought by Hong chuchen. Instead, he looks back at Ye Xiao with a trace of reverence "Master Ye long, how do you deal with the" spirits "of these two people

Two warriors in the nine heaven realm of earth immortals did not expect to suddenly kill several Tian level warriors.

Hearing this question from the Tian level warrior, a trace of panic appeared on the faces of the two "spirits". One of the "spirits" quickly roared: "help me, miss..."

Meanwhile, Hong Chu Chen woke up at the moment, and his face was full of anger. He said with a cold smile at the sudden appearance of several Tian level martial artists: "yes, it's very good. It seems that" Wangting "really ate the gall of the bear heart leopard. The" offering "in the early days of several days even dared to attack the people who were" too forgetful of love "and did not forget us at all In the eyes of love gate, today I'd like to see what you Wang Ting is going to do with our people who are too forgetful of love. "

And the other people around, each face is full of dull expression at the moment.

No one would have thought that the people of Wangting would dare to attack the people who are too forgetful of love here in the "Vientiane city". Wu Mengyin, standing in the same place, looked at Ye Xiao. Especially when she saw the respectful expression of the "Wangting" offering to Ye Xiao, she frowned a little and became the helm of a merchant family Naturally, she has to know something about these forces. Even if it's "Wangting", she has gone to learn about Russia. Almost certainly, this man will not be a member of "Wangting", because even the royal family of "Wangting" and a warrior of the triple heaven realm of earth immortals, it is not worth the "worship" of these heaven level realms to show such a low attitude towards him.

A group of people began to whisper in the court.

Obviously, "Wang Ting" dare to openly fight against "too much love gate" is absolutely unexpected for them. Even if she is a successful businessman, Wu Mengyin thinks a little more than these people, and her eyes also fall on Ye Xiao. In her opinion, this man's identity background with the strength of only three levels of heaven and earth immortals is absolutely not simple, even Compared with Bai Rushuang, the first successor of Wangting, there are many more to come up with. Otherwise, these "Wangting" offerings will not be left aside by Bai Rushuang. Instead, she will ask Ye Xiao in a low attitude. Unfortunately, no matter how she thinks, she never knows what kind of identity Ye Xiao is. The dishes worth the "worship" of "Wangting" do not hesitate to offend the "Supreme Master" for him Such a huge thing as "forget love gate" even shows such respect.And a group of people are looking at Ye Xiao at the moment.

I want to see how this mysterious man will deal with people who are too forgetful.

Ye Xiao didn't disappoint the people around him. He directly took out his "heaven and earth limitless bow". He did not forget that his "heaven and earth infinite bow" absorbed so much "anger" that it had only recovered one fifth of it. However, the strength of his "heaven and earth limitless bow" reached the level of nine heaven of earth immortals ’In other words, it's definitely a great tonic. Before other people react, they directly grasp the "spirits" of the two earth immortals and jiuchongtian warriors. In an instant, they enter into the "infinite bow of heaven and earth". Before they even have time to utter a scream, they dissipate completely in front of everyone. Ye Xiao, the master of the heaven and earth infinite bow, looks After the spirits of the two nine heaven warriors were absorbed by the Qiankun Wuji bow, several cracks began to recover, which showed a satisfied smile. He also knew how powerful the "heaven and earth infinite bow" was in its heyday.

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