Hong Tianya just glanced at Bai Zhanpeng, and his eyes fell on the "great offering" again. He said with a regretful smile: "it's a pity that you have not stepped into the past in the last step, and your physical training has not been completely accomplished! It's not very difficult to deal with ordinary martial artists in the later stage of "Tian level realm". It's a pity that your body is still a little too weak in front of our Hong family's "supreme forgetting sword". There is no practitioner who integrates the "heaven and earth's Dharma". To Hong Tianya, it's just as easy to kill you as to crush an ant The best way to hide in the dark is to hide in the dark without any strength Hong Tianya finished, turned his head and looked at the opposite Ye Xiao and said with a smile to the Hong Chu Chen beside him: "that man also wants to live?"

"Well!" Hong Chu Chen looked at Ye Xiao bitterly and said, "brother, you can cut off his hands and feet for me, and then give it to me. I want him to try what is the real feeling that he can't survive and die."


Seeing Hong Tianya, you have to fight ye Xiao.

The face of "offering" in front of Ye Xiao's body suddenly changed.

Even "Da Gong" is not Hong Tianya's opponent. What's more, if Hong Tianya really wants to fight ye Xiao, he has no way. Although he doesn't know why "Dafeng" is necessary to keep this man, his body still does not move. When he sees the "Wang Ting" and "offering", Hong Tianya's mouth also shows a slight smile "I didn't think that these" sacrifices "of the" royal court "are still some people who are not afraid of death. Since you want to block in front of him, I will help you today to let you know that even if you want to cut off his hands and feet, even if it is a" Heaven level "of the" sacrifice "in front of him, it will not have the slightest effect."


A clear sound.

Then he saw that four light spots shot at Ye Xiao in the opposite direction. The target was Ye Xiao's hands and feet, which were almost as powerful as when he shot the "great offering". Each light spot seemed to be able to break through the void, making the whole hall filled with a smell of "endless emptiness". Seeing this, his face turned pale as frost, She knows that a master like Hong Tianya can't give ye Xiao a chance to breathe, let alone her. Even if the "sacrifice" in front of Ye Xiao has not been reflected, the whole person is instantly pierced by the "supreme forgetting sword" made by "hongtianya", and it seems that even the "spirit" has been caught in the first place The light spots did not stop, but continued to rush to Ye Xiao, who had stood behind the statue.

Seeing ye Xiao's hands and feet are about to be cut off by hongtianya's "too forgetful sword". When a group of people were unable to help, they saw more than a dozen dark shadows suddenly flashed in front of Ye Xiao. The two shadows were directly shot by the light spots of Hong Tianya, and the light spots disappeared after killing two people in succession The two points of light are blocked by a "shield" in the hand of a black shadow, and the people around him obviously didn't expect this to happen. Even Hong Tianya, at the moment, is looking at the characters who suddenly appear in front of him, all covered in black robes. A dozen of black shadows see that Hong Tianya doesn't continue to attack Ye Xiao Then he knelt down to Ye Xiao and called respectfully: "see the king of the world."

"King of the world?"

Except for the "great sacrifice" still lying on the ground and Bai Zhanpeng, who had already known Ye Xiao's secret, the rest of the people looked at Ye Xiao with a blank look at Ye Xiao, whose strength was only three levels of the earth immortals.

It's just.

After the collapse of the "Yanhuang tribal era", there were many "Empires" and "families" in the whole world. However, no one immediately guessed that ye Xiao, the "king of the world", was the "king of the world" of the "city of demons". After all, for tens of thousands of years, only two "king of the world" have appeared in the "city of demons", and ye Xiao is one of them One of them, the king of the world of the previous generation has been tens of thousands of years ago. Who could have thought that the strong man of the three Heaven realm of the earth immortals was actually the king of the world in the city of demons. Wu Mengyin, who has been waiting for ye Xiao to open the cards, sees these dark shadows suddenly appear. First, she helps Ye Xiao block Hong Tianya's "too forgetful sword". Then she kneels down to Ye Xiao and calls out "king of the world". In her heart, she begins to think about ye Xiao's identity. Unfortunately, no matter what she thinks, she never knows which "king of the world" is Ye Xiao ’After all, there are only a few empires that are more powerful than Wangting, but no Empire has the name of "king of the world.".

Hong Tianya, who stands in front of Hong Chu Chen, has a strange look at Ye Xiao, and his mouth curls up in a sarcastic arc. When he heard the words "king of the world", he had already thought about all the "Empires" and "Dynasties" that could keep pace with "Wangting". He could be sure that they were in the "imperial dynasties" he knew No country has the title of "king of the world".As for the rest of the countries whose strength is not even comparable to that of the "royal court", Hong Tianya, as the eldest son of the "love forgetting gate", naturally does not pay attention to it. His eyes are full of pity. He glances at the limp "Wangting" offering on the ground, and says with a smile: "they all say that the" great offering "of" Wangting "is excellent in wisdom, and it took only a few years to let the" Wangting "exist "Vientiane city" has gained a firm foothold here, but it colludes with such wastes to fight against our "supreme forgetting gate". I really can't see where your wisdom is embodied. Originally, when you "Wangting" were in the Yanhuang tribal era, we had a little friendship with "Taishang forgetting gate", and we never had any In view of your "Wangting", since "Wangting" is bullying my sister, I don't think it's necessary for "Wangting" to exist here in "Vientiane city". Today, I'll let "Dagong" see with your own eyes how the "Wangting" that you have painstakingly built has been uprooted by our "too much love forgetting gate". Moreover, from today on, from now on, the "Wangting" will be uprooted ’As long as you dare to step into the "Vientiane city" for half a step, Hong Tianya promises to kill all of them... "

"Do you really want to provoke a war between you and our royal court?" Da Gong looks at Hong Tianya and asks.


Hong Tianya chuckled and didn't answer the words of "great offering". Instead, he turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao, who was protected by a group of black warriors. His voice was hoarse and ugly: "now it's your turn."

After listening to the words of Hong Tianya, a group of warriors in black are slightly trembling.

Feeling the murderous intent in Hong Tianya's eyes, more than a dozen warriors in black approached Ye Xiao one after another. The leading warrior in black drew a dagger from his body and put it across his chest. He lowered his voice and said to Ye Xiao behind him: "king of the world, wait a minute. Our brother will drag these people who are" too forgetful of love. " You try to escape from the back. The North Lord has received our news. Now he is bringing people back from the barren land. As long as the king of the world insists on coming back to the North Lord, Hong Tianya, who is "too forgetful of love", will not hurt the king of the world... "

The voice of the warrior in black was very low.

But for Hong Tianya, who is a "Heaven level realm", don't try to hide from him even if it's just a little bit of wind and grass. Seeing that the warrior in black still wants to help Ye Xiao escape at this time, his eyes are full of sarcasm: "with the strength of some mole ants, you want to let him escape from the hands of this seat. Isn't it a little whimsical?"


Hong Tianya was shocked.

A tremendous momentum was emitted in an instant.

The whole hall on the second floor of Shanhe xiuzhuang is completely covered.

Some martial arts men with weaker strength are shrouded by the momentum of Hong Tianya, and their faces turn pale in an instant. Especially those who are not "too obsessed with love", their pupils are filled with a look of horror. They are afraid that Hong Tianya, a madman, will kill them after he has dealt with Wang Ting. Hong Tianya does not pay attention to other people's thoughts Dharma, his eyes fell on the more than ten warriors in black who stood in front of Ye Xiao. A force containing the will of heaven level warriors directly shrouded them. Naturally, the will of a Tian level warrior could not be resisted by those warriors in the realm of earth immortals. It was only in a moment that the two of the ten warriors in black had only the six heaven realm of earth immortals The martial artist of the second floor suddenly burst into a blood mist. Even the "spirit" did not leave a trace. The hall on the second floor was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"Do it!"

In front of Ye Xiao's body, the warrior in black uttered a dull word of "hands on". He saw that the remaining 15 or 6 martial men in black with a little stronger strength pulled out their own "daggers" one after another, and rushed directly to the opposite hongtianya.

"A group of ants."

Hong Tianya raises his hand and makes himself at will.

A white light instantly shot at the nearest warrior in black.


A sword directly pierced the chest of the earth immortal Qi Chong Tian Wu. Then he saw that the body of the warrior in black began to crack inch by inch, and pieces of flesh and blood fell off directly from the body. After a breath, the warrior in black only had a skeleton body. The scene was extremely bloody and brutal. He saw that his companion was tortured to death by Hong Tianya More than a dozen soldiers in black, one by one, gave out a sad roar. Instead of stopping because of the tragic death of their companions, they rushed over like Hong Tianya.

It's a pity.

Even the "great offering" of "Wangting" was easily defeated by Hong Tianya.

What's more, they are the warriors of the earth immortal realm.

After just a few breaths, we can see that there are still two or three of them left. The black warriors who lead the eight immortals are also scarred at the moment. Under the power of hongtianya, they seem to be trapped in the mud. Even their actions become slow. We can see that the black warriors of the Dixian strongmen are brave and fearless to death Hong Tianya attacks, standing beside Shangguan yu'er as white as frost. A touch of shock flashed through her eyes. She looks at Shangguan yu'er and asks, "are they all from the Dragon Gang?""No Shangguan yu'er shook his head.

Others didn't guess.

However, a "king of the world" let her know that these people are "devil city" people.

However, up to now, she did not understand why the people in the "devil city" would bravely protect Ye Xiao, the so-called "king of the world". However, when she saw the tragic death of these people in the "devil city", she was shocked.

Bai Zhanpeng, standing on one side, is already pale.

He is very clear about Hong Tianya's strength. Looking at all the forces of Wang Ting in the Vientiane City, the strongest is "Da Gong". Now, even Da Gong has been defeated by Hong Tianya. Let alone the other strong men of "too much forgetting love", Hong Tianya alone is not what they can compete with. He takes a deep breath and looks at the "great offering" on the ground "Is it that we are waiting for Hong Tianya to massacre our" royal court "

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