Seeing that the real "great sacrifice" of "Taishang forgetting love gate" was put forward, the other "offering" did not join hands. They just blocked all the exits around with the power of heaven level realm to prevent Ye Xiao, who was covered with the will of the "ancient demon beast", to escape. After all, the strength of this special "offering" of "the hand of God" is of great significance to all the "supreme masters" Among the "offerings" of the gate of love, it is absolutely the most powerful one. Seeing the "hand of God" overturned for a while, ye Xiao's body was immediately covered. Those cruel and uneasy "demons will" constantly struggled and resisted, but there was no way to take the "God's hand" with a destructive breath in front of them. A group of people around saw Ye Xiao fall into this statue In the hands of offering sacrifices, one looks ugly. One is a warrior in the triple heaven realm of earth immortals, and the other is a strong one at the later peak of heaven level. The difference in strength between the two is thousands of Li, which is not based on Tao.

Seeing ye Xiao trapped by the "God's hand" of "offering sacrifices", Hong Tianya's face also appears a touch of joy.

"Cui Gong Feng takes his" spirit "out, and then completely suppresses his body. Do not let the" will "of these" ancient monsters "escape from his body, or we will fail." Hong Tianya, standing behind, is biting her teeth.

"Don't worry. He can't escape." The old man named Cui Zheng nodded with a confident face.

"The separation of the spirit and soul!"

A huge force suddenly landed on Ye Xiao.

The faces of a group of people standing in the "Wangting" camp suddenly changed. Especially the well-known "great offering", it is clear that this power is the power of Cui Zheng's "spirit". Now it is just trying to completely separate Ye Xiao's "spirit" from his body. At that time, the "will" of those "ancient monsters" will be changed No matter how ferocious it is, once Ye Xiao's "spirit" is lost, he will become a lonely ghost without a master. Even if any of the "ancient monsters" have strong will, if only one of them, these "offerings" brought by Hong Tianya can be easily solved. Now, it is no more than that they can show such strong fighting power Because ye Xiao unified the will of these ancient monsters.

Originally, seeing ye Xiao have gradually gained the upper hand over Shanghong Tianya, today's affairs can almost be saved from danger, and even the "Wangting" can get a lot of benefits. Bai Zhanpeng's face also began to show a smile.

It's just that things are turning a little too fast.

The smile on his face had not yet faded.

Hong Tianya's worship has already been done.

All of them were the strong ones in the later stage of the heaven level realm, and their "Wang Ting" was here in the "Vientiane city", not to mention the later stage of the heaven level realm. Even in the middle period of the heaven level realm, there was only one "great offering". What's more, Hong Tianya hurt the present "great offering". Seeing that ye Xiao showed a trace of pain in Cui Zheng's "hand of God", Bai Zhanpeng turned around Looking at the "great offering" beside him, he said in a hoarse and trembling voice: "great offering, we can't let him have an accident at this time. Once he has an accident, Hong Tianya will not let us go easily..."

After listening to Bai Zhanpeng's words, "Da Gong" did not pay attention to him. Instead, he fell into a thoughtful manner and did not know what he was thinking at the bottom of his heart.

"You, too, want to strip my soul?" Ye Xiao, who was covered by the hand of God, raised his head and stared at Cui Zheng, who was facing him with blood red eyes. His face was full of sarcasm. Cui Zheng, who was trying his best to separate Ye Xiao's "spirit", was also shocked at the bottom of his heart, and his facial expression changed slightly. He did not expect that the warrior of the three Heaven realm of the earth immortals should be compared with him It seems that there is still a treasure in the body that guards the spirit. With all his efforts, he has not been able to peel off his spirit. On the contrary, his evil spirit has entered his body and swallowed up his spirit.

Seeing Cui Zheng's face turn pale instantly, Hong Tianya standing behind him is also surprised. He quickly asks, "Cui Gong Feng, how are you?"

Cui Zheng shook his head, staring at Ye Xiao in front of him coldly. His face was ferocious and said, "Lizi, you want to compete with me. You just don't know how to live or die." When Cui Zheng's voice dropped, he immediately saw that ye Xiao's "hand of God" was exerting a little more force. Rao Shi, ye Xiao's seemingly impregnable body, began to twist and deform. Knowing the power of Cui Zheng's "hand of God" and seeing that ye Xiao's body could compete with Cui Zheng's "hand of God", he could not help but take a breath of cold However, Hong Tianya's eyes were bright and said to Cui Zheng, "Cui Gong, I want that boy's body. It's good to use such a strong body to refine into a puppet."

"Good!" Cui Zheng nodded slightly and looked at Ye Xiao, who was covered by the "hand of God". He raised a sneering smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "I'd like to see how long you can persist in the" hand of God ". Don't worry, I won't kill you so easily. When your" spirit "is squeezed out, I will take your" God " The seal of "soul" in my "Honghuang stove" will make you endure the burning of sky fire for all your life. This is the end of fighting against me. When time comes, death is an extravagant hope for you. Therefore, I would advise you to hand over your body now. If I am in a good mood, I will not destroy your "spirit", and even find it for you To a suitable body, let you succeed in seizing the house, and finally accept you as my disciple, and have the master to be your master. Then your strength will be countless times stronger than you are now. How about that? ""Bang!"

I heard a few dull tears and deep howls behind me.

Cui Zheng turned his head subconsciously.

All of a sudden, the scene in front of him completely stupefied.

The "sacrifice" in the later period of the four heavenly level realm standing behind him is now two dead and two wounded. The two dead "offerings" have turned into a cloud of blood mist. The two injured "offerings" have lost their whole arms. Their faces are pale and their eyes are full of panic. They are looking at the world's white haired old man who suddenly appears in the "Hall" and sees these things When you are a human being, the facial expressions on the whole "too forgetful gate" become dark and different. There are bewilderment, bewilderment, panic and anger. Obviously, the most angry one is Hong Tianya, who was wounded by Ye Xiao's fist. When he saw two special "offerings" under his hand, he died in the blink of an eye under the sneak attack of more than a dozen old men, even the other two Although the special "sacrifice" is still alive, it is definitely not a minor injury. Even if there is enough miraculous medicine, I'm afraid that I don't want to recover in two or three years. You know, these special "offerings" are definitely the high-end strength of "Taishang forgetting love gate", and "Taishang forgetting love gate" can be used among all forces in Vientiane city It ranks fifth. These special "offerings" are absolutely indispensable.

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