Luo lingchi looked back at the man in black and pondered for a moment. Then he said, "I don't know, but it's really possible that Han Wuchen was romantic when he was young. It's also the most normal thing to have a relationship with his sister-in-law. Especially when he was about to become a godfather, his younger brother suddenly died suddenly. People on the road thought it was a vendetta. Now it seems that..." Luo lingchi didn't go on, but now it seems that what is going on? We all understand

"Well, what about you? Are you not going to go out and have a look? " The man in black smiles and continues to say

"Look? Ha ha, Han Wuchen has seen me when these years. If it were not for my own skills, he would not even look at me. What about your people? When will it arrive? " Luo lingchi has a bitter smile on his face

"They will come when it's time to come!" The man in Black said faintly. His eyes were looking out of the window. There was a black extended Bentley coming

This is a global limited edition Bentley which is completely handmade. It is said that there are only 36 Bentley cars in the world. This is not a noble car that can be bought with money!

Seeing the black Bentley coming slowly, Han Tianyu, who was greeting him at the door, immediately made amends to the black Bentley and walked to the black Bentley in person. After seeing the black Bentley, the guests not only did not show any dissatisfaction, but also indicated with a smile that Han Tianyu was busy

Even they stopped and stood on both sides, making a gesture of deference

The black Bentley did not drive to the parking lot, but stopped at the gate of the villa. Then the driver in a black tuxedo opened the door of the car. When he arrived, he opened the door respectfully. Then the people saw that situ Nan, in a snow white dress, walked down with his wife, Zhang muyue, and followed them with the same clothes Situ Haoyue in white dress!

Her appearance was beautiful. If she was dressed up carefully, she was just brilliant. As soon as she got off the car, she immediately attracted the attention of countless young people. Even some elderly people couldn't help but glance at her

When Han Tianyu saw situ Haoyue, his eyes brightened and his greedy light flashed away. After all, Han Tianyu, the son of Han Wuchen, soon adjusted his attitude and welcomed him with a smile on his face

"Uncle situ, you are here at last. Uncle situ is waiting in the living room."

"Ha ha, there are some things in the company that have been delayed a little bit, haven't you been late?" Situ Nan also ha ha a smile, cordially went forward to hold Han Tianyu's hand, now everyone knows that Han Tianyu is likely to be Han Wuchen's successor, maybe the next president of the cold sky Association. Now, we must do a good job in the relationship!

"No, no, the birthday party is still early. Uncle situ, aunt Mu Yue, and Haoyue, please come here..." Han Tianyu smiles and makes a gesture of empty invitation!

The whole action is meticulous, without any loopholes. Even the most fastidious Stewart can not find any fault

If only he had more daughters. It would be nice to marry a hero like him. Although he has been suppressed by Han Jianyu, situ Nan knows that Han Tianyu's real ability is not inferior to Han Jianyu!

Of course, now he has only one daughter, and Bai choufei is pursuing her. Situ Nan will not marry her daughter easily!

Situ Haoyue just smiles and nods at Han Tianyu, and goes in with his parents. However, when she looks at the second floor, she suddenly sees a figure. Her eyebrows frown and her heart rate accelerates for a moment!

What's going on? Why can oneself have this kind of palpitation feeling? Who is that man?

However, there are so many people here. Except for a slight frown, situ Haoyue did not show any discomfort. She walked into the living room with her parents

With the arrival of situ Nan, the magnates of Jinghai city appeared one by one. Even if they did not come in person, they also sent their most loyal subordinates to send birthday gifts. Although Shangguan Wudao family is not one of the twelve giants in Jinghai City, the influence of Shangguan family in Jinghai city is definitely the existence of the name of the twelve giants, especially the home of Shangguan family in Kyoto, especially in China One of the largest families in China, when Shangguan Wudao came with his father, he was treated the same way as situ Nan. Han Tianyu came to greet him in person

However, with Shangguan Wudao, there is also Bai choufei. Bai choufei has no strong background on the surface of Jinghai City, and even many people don't know Bai choufei at all. However, when he gets off the bus with Shangguan Wudao's father, careful people will find that even when Shangguan Yun looks at Bai choufei, he is also respectful. For a moment, Bai Chou The name Fei quickly entered the upper class of Jinghai City, and was no longer limited to young people

Liu Yu, the entertainment tycoon of Jinghai City, did not come in person this time, but sent someone to send a congratulatory gift. Jia Sidao, director of the police bureau, Chen Wenlong, Secretary of the municipal political commissar, and Luo Xiaojun, commander in chief of the garrison, also sent congratulatory gifts. Although some government officials were present, their identities were too sensitive. No matter whether the relationship with Han Wuchen was good or not, it was not good to be present in person at this time ……Soon, all the people who should come came. Han Wuchen met with everyone in the hall one by one. Except for a few magnates, such as situnan, after visiting Han Wuchen, all the others were in the seat arranged by the housekeeper. However, the giants such as situ Nan sat around Han Wuchen and sat with Han Wuchen

When all the people arrived, Han Wuchen was ready to order a meal. Suddenly, there was a strong roar outside the villa

Everyone is in a daze. What's going on?

The roar became louder and louder, and soon it became deafening. The whole ground began to vibrate. Some experienced people immediately changed their faces. This is the voice of the flying car party. But isn't the flying car party all destroyed? How could there be so many people? Besides, even if they are not destroyed, they should not come here at this time? This is Han Wuchen's birthday party. How many celebrities and nobles from Jinghai city have come here? How dare they come here at this time?

Don't they really want to live?

Han Wuchen's face has changed. Today is his birthday. In Jinghai City, even the twelve giants and even those old rivals will give him face. But now, someone even comes to make trouble on his birthday, which is beating his face

"Look at the sky, you go out and have a look..." Han Tianyu is about to take the initiative to ask her to go out and have a look. Who knows Han Wuchen says directly to Chu Wangtian, who is sitting on the next table

Anyone who knows Han Wuchen deeply knows that Han Wuchen is really angry. Even if today is his birthday, he does not worry about seeing blood. Otherwise, how can he send this crazy devil?

Chu Wangtian didn't answer. He just stood up and went straight outside

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