When he heard Chen zikun's low voice, "do you want to kill him?" Qiu Wentian's whole body was excited and his eyes flashed with a burning look.

The identity of the three is not bad. One is the head of Juqin Valley, the other is Tianyi Pavilion, and the other is the master of shadowless gate.

If you fall into the hands of the Dragon Gang this time, you don't know whether you are dead or alive in the end. Even if the people of the Dragon Gang don't kill them, if they become prisoners of the Dragon Gang, they can't afford to lose this person.

However, Qiu Wentian and Chen zikun can't compare with Wei Tianming, who made a third class force and Leng Shengsheng into a second-class force. Therefore, both of them have their eyes on Wei Tianming. As long as Wei Tianming has a little head, they will not hesitate to rush out. All three are warriors of the heaven level realm, Although it can't be compared with the strong men like Cui Zheng and Hong Tianya, if you really want to start collecting, I'm afraid that there are not many dragon gangs that can stop them.

At the speed of three, Qiu Wentian and Chen zikun believe that they can rush out of the ruins of the "dragon city" as long as they take a few breaths, even before other members of the Dragon Gang react. They are confident that none of the members of the Dragon Gang knows them. Once they escape back to the "Vientiane city", they will turn their families into a roll and return to their own mountains Door, everything will be fine.

When Wei Tianming heard Chen zikun's proposal, a trace of heart movement flashed in his eyes.

After all, no one is willing to live a life of "making people the prey and I am the fish". Just when Wei Tianming was still pondering about the possibility of rushing out, Xia Zhengchun's indifferent voice said: "the three people should not be" too forgetful about love. "

Hearing Xia Zhengchun's voice, Wei Tianming is stunned.

When they saw the three men standing up, the "Avenue gate" and the members of the Dragon Gang gathered around them one by one.

However, there was no reckless rush up to tie up the three.

After all, as long as anyone with a slight look can see, the three gray faced warriors in front of them are all warriors of the heaven level realm. They are not the small minions of small fish and shrimps that can deal with them. The sight of Wei Tianming is also on Xia Zhengchun's body.

Until Xia Zhengchun and Li forbidden city got closer, Wei Tianming, standing between them, said, "how do you know that the three of us are not" too forgetful of love ". If I remember correctly, there are dozens of ordinary" offerings "that have reached the level of heaven. You won't even be" the gate of forgetting love too much " ’You know every "offering" in it! Or do you think that if we are not "too obsessed with love" people, you can let us go

"I was not sure whether the three were" too forgetful "people, but now we can be sure." Xia Zhengchun light smile way.

After listening to Xia Zhengchun's words, Wei Tianming's face also changed slightly, and a cold killing opportunity flashed in his eyes.

Feeling the chill from Wei Tianming, all the members of the Dragon Gang around him were nervous. They all put their hands on their hilts. Even, many members of the Dragon Gang moved quietly to Xia Zhengchun's side and looked at Wei Tianming three people with covetous eyes. They didn't show up because Wei Tianming was a warrior in the heaven level realm A little timidity.

Xia Zhengchun seemed to have no idea of Wei Tianming's killing intention. He continued: "if I have not guessed wrong, the three should also be the forces in the Vientiane city. They belong to the lower ranking ones in the" Vientiane city ". This time, they are also the victims of gunpowder drawn by people from the" too forgetful gate ". Now, the three are also considering whether they are direct A way out of here, right? "

After hearing Xia Zhengchun's three words and two words, he told the whole thing. Not only Wei Tianming, but also Qiu Wentian and Chen zikun, who were standing a little behind, all changed slightly.

Wei Tianming, who was standing in front of him, squinted at Xia Zhengchun and said, "I didn't expect that there was such a smart person in the Dragon gang. No matter you guessed or you were deceived, there is no mistake at all. In your opinion, do we three have a chance to fight out of here? If I am not mistaken, the most powerful person in your dragon Gang is the young man. Apart from him and those who hold silver guns, no one can stop the three of us. It happens that the young man and those holding silver guns are not in this ruined city, are they? "

"All right." Xia Zhengchun nodded.

And the members of the "dragon Gang" all got nervous.

I'm afraid that the warriors of these three Heaven levels will suddenly jump up and kill people. After all, no one in the "dragon city" can stop them. Even Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king in the inner city can't stop them. Seeing Xia Zhengchun nodding, Wei Tianming continued to smile: "finally, I'll ask you one more question. If we three of us The old man is going to leave now. Do you want to let these people of the Dragon Gang stop us or let the three of us go? ""If you can't stop it, why stop it?" Xia Zhengchun asked with a smile.

After hearing Xia Zhengchun's words, Chen zikun and Qiu Wentian, standing behind Wei Tianming, immediately showed a smile on their faces, and Wei Tianming also said with a smile: "in this case, we three old guys are no longer killing people. This time, the culprit is the people who are" too forgetful of love ". Now the chief culprit has been killed by you, as for us For you, it doesn't matter! If we leave, we will not kill again. You should not have seen us, how about? "


Xia Zhengchun nodded and directly let the members of the Dragon Gang around him let a way out.

Although the members of the Dragon Gang felt oppressed, they were helpless.

After all, those who stood in front of them were the strong ones of the three "Heaven level realm", rather than the casual cats and dogs. Even if they wanted to keep the three people, none of them could do it. Seeing that the people of the Dragon Gang gave way, Wei Tianming three people no longer doubted. They went directly outside the "dragon city" and took a few steps in Wei Tianming's three talents When I heard Xia Zhengchun standing in the same place, he said with a smile: "for the sake of the three people's not killing people now, I also advise you to say that it's better not to go out of our 'dragon city'..."

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