Think of this, white as frost, the corners of his mouth can not help a spasm.

It took nearly ten years for her, the first successor of the "royal court", to break through from the realm of one heaven to nine heaven.

It took only three months for Shangguan yu'er to break through from the triple heaven realm of Dixian to the Jiutian realm of Dixian, although Ye Xiao's "spirit gathering array" played a very important role in it.

However, such a speed is enough to make people scared. When Bai Rushuang thought that he could get rid of Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king, the latter broke through to the realm of nine heaven of earth immortals, and directly caught up with his own pace. The sense of loss can be imagined. Just as Bai Rushuang had just sorted out his mood, there was another magnificent aura of heaven and earth ’Go straight into the room where jellyfish king is.

For a moment.

As white as frost, his face was full of dull expression.

One freak, two fuckin 'freaks?

At the moment, white as frost, the whole heart is filled with a feeling of speechless, the corners of the mouth is full of bitter feeling.

It's just that she doesn't know.

Both Shangguan yu'er and the later breakthrough "jellyfish king" can be said to have accumulated a lot of experience. "Jellyfish king" naturally does not need to be said. In her mind, she has the memory of "jellyfish family" for tens of thousands of years, and Shangguan yu'er is shrouded in a layer of mystery that "Shangguan yu'er" does not know.

Of course, if Bai Rushuang appears in Shangguan yu'er's room at the moment, it's not difficult to find that the "Shangguan yu'er" is surrounded by rings of lightning like runes. After each Rune enters her body, her breath will be enhanced a lot, even with a trace of "ancient famine".

The "spring and autumn misty rain sword" that Shangguan yu'er carried with her, after it was integrated into her body and became a magic weapon of her original name, began to roar. On the body of the sword, there were flashes of "runes" like thunder and lightning. At the moment, the whole sword was emitting a breath of "primitive simplicity and desolation".

Finishing a complex mood of white frost, directly knock on Ye Xiao's door.

Seeing ye Xiao, who has been "refining" for a month, has only risen from the level of six heaven to the level of seven heaven. The whole person also has a sense of inexplicable relief. It seems that if he is surrounded by a group of abnormal talents, and only when he is the most stupid, no one will feel better.

However, when she thought of Ye Xiao's abnormal combat effectiveness, her mood fell again. In a month, although Ye Xiao had only improved a realm, it was hard to imagine that now ye Xiao, who is already in the realm of seven heaven of Dixian, could be really frightened by her strength?

"Something?" Ye Xiao looks at Bai Rushuang and asks.


Bai Rushuang nodded and said solemnly, "my seventh brother has already spread the news that the" supreme forgetting gate "has been destroyed in the whole" Vientiane city ". However, no one has confirmed the news. Many forces are ready to make the idea of" too much love forgetting gate "industries. Seven elder brother said, I'm afraid the latest news is coming God, some forces will be unable to restrain themselves and start to explore the industries of "too much love forgetting gate". If the people of "too much love forgetting gate" do not come forward, their industries will be completely divided up by those forces in the "Vientiane city."

After hearing the words as white as frost, ye Xiao's face also became dignified.

For him, the news is absolutely not good news.

If you have another two or three months, ye Xiao believes that he will be able to rise to the level of the earth immortal and the nine heaven. By then, even if you meet a perverted character like Cui Zheng, you will be able to protect yourself. But now, once you meet him, you will not even have the chance to escape. Seeing ye Xiao silent and silent, Bai Rushuang hesitates for a moment, and then he whispers He said: "otherwise, let the people of Xuantian palace compete for the industries of" taishangungqing gate ". With the power of Xuantian palace in the" Vientiane city ", you can win back several" spirit stone veins "in any case. You can raise your power first, and then you will take back all these" spirit stone veins "one by one."

After listening to Bai Rushuang's words.

After pondering for a moment, ye Xiao still shook his head.

After coming to Baihu Province, he naturally understood the importance of those "spirit stone veins". Even if he still had so much "anger" in his body, even if his knowledge of the sea was huge, the "evil spirit" would be enough to support him to enter the realm of "earth immortals and nine heaven".

However, once these "evil spirits" are refined, they will not have enough "spirit stones" to support them, and they can only linger in the realm of Dixian. What's more, ye Xiao knows a truth. Now, those forces have not taken in the industry of "too much love forgetting", so it is not very difficult for them to take over Some "spirit stone veins" are all eaten in. It will not be so easy for them to spit them out at that time.Fight now.

Maybe you just need to face the forces that hate you deeply.

Fight later.

I'm afraid we have to face all the forces in the top 20 of Vientiane city.

See ye Xiao shake his head, white as frost also instantly understand the knack.

Looking at Ye Xiao's eyes, she found that under the leadership of Ye Xiao, the development of the Dragon Gang is just like walking a tightrope. If you accidentally fall down, it will definitely be a desolate ending.

Bai Rushuang, who stands beside Ye Xiao, is even more astonishing to find that before entering the "Vientiane city", any force has been working hard in the ordinary areas of "white tiger province". Neither their "royal court" nor the top 20 forces of "Vientiane city" have entered the "Vientiane city" directly.

After all, the city master of Vientiane city once issued a decree that no warrior above the "Heaven level" level was allowed to enter the "white tiger province". Therefore, in the whole "white tiger province", and even those "Tian level warriors" in the "Vientiane city", they broke through here.

In the "white tiger province", no one dares to violate this kind of law issued by the "city Lord".

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