After listening to Chen Xuesong's idea.

Bai Wenwu is stupid.

After a long period of inaction, he said angrily, "how about a hundred and eighty thousand?"? "Eight hundred copies"? "Dozens of Tian level martial arts skills"? In the treasure house of Laozi's "Wangting", there are only a total of 800 copies of "martial arts skills", and there are not dozens of "Tian level martial arts skills". Moreover, these are all in the hands of my father's emperor. Even my elder sister can't bring one out of it. Of course, if my sister inherits the throne of my father, then she will take care of these "martial arts" in due time With her relationship with my future brother-in-law, it is not impossible to give you something. However, there is no way now. After all, the reserve of martial arts is the foundation of powerful forces. "

Hearing that there was no play, Chen Xuesong suddenly disappeared

, a group of people from the Dragon Gang, walked very idle. Instead, the "hereditary squad" came from the "devil city". They were all watching with vigilance. They did not have the slightest slack. After all, the purpose of their existence was to protect their so-called "devil city".

As for the "hereditary" Captain, he was closely following Ye Xiao. Last time in Dragon City, although many people were injured in Cui Zheng's hands, they recovered almost in a month. When they heard the sound of "beast's hoof", all the members of the "hereditary" guard were ready to fight at the first time Bai Rushuang, standing beside Ye Xiao, also turned his head and looked at the direction of the voice, squinting and saying, "it seems that it is coming towards us."

"Well!" Ye Xiao nodded.

Compared with the group of people present, his "spirit" power is undoubtedly the most powerful. As early as he heard the "voice", his divine sense had already covered the warriors riding on the "monster beast". There were a lot of people coming over, at least hundreds of people. Several of the pioneers were warriors in the realm of "Dixian jiuchongtian", and those behind were basically some places If ye Xiao met such a group of people when he first came to the white tiger Province, he would soon have a big head, but now he does not look at him. Let alone himself, a group of warriors in the realm of Dixian, it is estimated that the "hereditary guard" around him will be able to clean up. Everyone stops now and looks at the voice To.


I saw a dark crowd rush over.

There was a cloud of dust.

Seeing the appearance of the young man who took the lead, ye Xiao's mouth also showed a faint smile. Standing beside Ye Xiao, as white as frost, he noticed the strange smile on his face and said, "do you know all the people who came here?"

"I don't know." Ye Xiao shook his head and said with a smile, "however, the people behind them know several."

"Trouble for you?" Bai Rushuang continued to ask.

"It should be." Ye Xiao nodded with a gentle tone, but Bai Rushuang was dumb. A group of martial artists from Dixian realm came to find Ye Xiao's trouble? Think of here, white as Frost's face also revealed a trace of strange smile.

When I thought of being in Dragon City, even those "Heaven level warriors" of "Tai Shang forget love gate" all fell into Ye Xiao's hands, not to mention the martial artists of the earth immortal realm. After a moment, I saw a group of people rushing towards.

He is no one else. He is just a member of Shangguan family of "Yunxiao Dynasty". He belongs to the royal family of "Yunxiao Dynasty", that is, Shangguan Wufeng, one of Shangguan Wufeng, one of Shangguan Wuji's iron brothers, and a warrior of nine heaven realm of earth immortals.

And those who follow "Shangguan Wufeng" are the "black warriors" in the "Yunxiao Dynasty".

Shangguan Wufeng, who was the first to take the lead, looked a bit dusty. When he saw Ye Xiao in the crowd, he also had a look of surprise and resentment in his eyes. Only when he saw that ye Xiao was a warrior in the seven heaven realm of the earth immortals.

What's more, when there are several Tian level warriors and more than a dozen earth immortals and nine heavy heavenly warriors beside him, a trace of dullness and chagrin flashed on his face. How could he have imagined that ye Xiao, who had only been in the "white tiger province" for four months, would have undergone such a tremendous change. This is the pinnacle of his outlook on life and values.

"Ye Xiao?" Shangguan has no wind, light mouth way.

"People from the government?" Ye Xiao returned with a smile.

Now Shangguan has no wind and his mouth is full of bitter taste.

Ye Xiao had been chased and killed several months ago. Unfortunately, the "white tiger province" is a little too big. Since the people of the "dragon Gang" entered the "white tiger province", they have completely lost Ye Xiao's whereabouts. This is the only way to find Ye Xiao's whereabouts from one area to another.

This is not easy to get the whereabouts of the "dragon Gang", but also to chase Ye Xiao, only to find that ye Xiao has several masters around him. If it is only some Wuren in the nine heaven realm of the earth immortals, Shangguan Wufeng believes that with the strength of him and the black warriors behind him, it is not difficult to take ye Xiao down or kill Ye Xiao on the spot.

However, it is impossible now, because ye Xiao is surrounded by so many "Heaven level realm" martial artists. Although Shangguan Wufeng is arrogant, he does not think that he is the same as Shangguan Wuji. He can kill the warriors of the heaven level realm when the earth immortals are seven or eightTherefore, Shangguan has no wind and headache.

He knew the character of the man lying in bed.

If you can't kill Ye Xiao this time, take it back.

After going back, you will not have your own good fruit to eat. As long as you know the gift of Shangguan, you will be a villain who will report his revenge.

At the moment, not only Shangguan Wufeng, he brought those people, one by one eyebrows are slightly wrinkled up.

Although they are all elite teams in the "Yunxiao Dynasty", after all, they are not abnormal like "Shangguan Wuji". They can easily kill the warriors in the "Heaven level realm" when the earth immortals are eight chongtian. Although they are far more numerous than ye Xiao, there are several, let alone only one, warriors of heaven level realm, It is not difficult to let them all be destroyed. Shangguan Wufeng, who took a deep breath, said with a smile: "Ye Xiao, I took you back under the command of my father."

"Emperor?" Ye Xiao slightly a Leng, then squint at the way: "I remember the emperor is not still closed?"

"My father has gone out." Shangguan Wufeng said solemnly: "don't worry, your three-year agreement with my father hasn't arrived yet. It's not for the sake of the three-year agreement that my father asked you to go back. It's because our" Yunxiao Dynasty "has not performed very well in the" Vientiane city "except for the" holy hall ". Therefore, my father asked me to take you back and prepare you to take over our" cloud king " Every year, all the forces in the "Vientiane city" seize more resources for our "Yunxiao Dynasty."

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