A group of "black warriors" standing behind Shangguan Wufeng instantly rushed to Ye Xiao and other members of the Dragon Gang, and they were furious.

After all, they are all dedicated to the "Shangguan family" to fight in the north and south. There is a lot of blood in each hand. All of these hundreds of people burst out together, and their combat effectiveness can not be underestimated.

At least, Bai Wenwu, who was still standing beside Chen Xuesong, is no weaker than the members of the earth immortals qichongtian and bachongtian in the ordinary forces of Vientiane city. Bai Wenwu, who was still standing next to Chen Xuesong, quietly came to Bai Rushuang's side. When he saw these "black armor warriors" of "Yunxiao Dynasty" rushing to kill Ye Xiao, Bai Wenwu had some worries“ Sister, shall we help? But they are all members of the "Yunxiao Dynasty". Once their "emperor" knows that it is our "royal court" who killed their "Yunxiao Dynasty", then their "emperor" will definitely come to our "Wangting" trouble... "

"The Dragon Gang is an ally of our royal court." White as frost, a light sentence set the tone.

Bai Wenwu, standing next to Bai Rushuang, is bitterly bitter at the moment. Originally, he wanted to say that this group of people from the "Yunxiao Dynasty" could not have won the people of the Dragon gang. The people of their "Wangting" didn't have to step in, but before they said anything, he saw that Bai Rushuang had already taken the lead and stood at Ye Xiao with other "frost snow gate" people The "hereditary" Captain, who had been standing beside Ye Xiao, said faintly to the rest of the "hereditary guard" members: "kill!"

A group of members of the "hereditary guard" instantly killed the black warriors of the "Yunxiao Dynasty".

A handful of "silver spears" twinkled in their hands. Among the members of this "hereditary guard", the worst was the realm of the earth immortals and the Ninth Heaven. Even several of them were at the heaven level. When they saw these masked warriors coming up, the upper officials standing behind them were calm, and their eyelids suddenly leaped wildly These people really dare to fight against the people of the "Yunxiao Dynasty". Of course, if he knew that these people were from the "devil city", I'm afraid he would not have been raised. He would have taken his people out of these areas of "white tiger province" as soon as possible. Other forces might not dare to fight against the "Yunxiao Dynasty".

After all, in the "Yanhuang tribal era", the "Yunxiao Dynasty" was already a vassal.

In addition, after 198 forces joined hands to wipe out the "Yanhuang tribal era", the "Yunxiao Dynasty" side also benefited from the "Yanhuang tribal era". Even, the forces that had the most benefits in the first place have now grown into a giant This "Yunxiao Dynasty" is one of them. Not only did Shangguan Wufeng not think of it, but also the "black warriors" under him. Before their people rushed into the camp of the Dragon Gang, these silver spear warriors had already rushed into their ranks, and most of them had not even had time to release their own‘ "Dixian martial arts", I saw a number of silver guns, directly through their throats.

Countless "Black Warrior" sent out the most desolate scream.

The members of the Shangguan family standing beside Shangguan Wufeng, seeing the scene in front of them, all their faces were suddenly filled with a look of horror, especially the member of Shangguan family who has always been close to Shangguan Wufeng. At the moment, their faces are pale and their voice is shaking: "brother Wufeng, let's run away quickly! The "black warriors" we brought here are not the opponents of those "silver spear warriors". Since they dare to kill our "cloud kingdom" people, they will certainly not let us go when they finish killing those black warriors. This is the "white tiger province". Even if we all die here, we will not know that we are all dead in this leaf What's in Xiao's hand... "

"Waste!" The iron faced Shangguan Wufeng bit his teeth and snorted coldly. His wrist flipped. He saw a flash of white light, and the pen, which has been emitting the flavor of primitive simplicity, appeared in his hand. When he saw the pen, his face, white as frost, standing next to Ye Xiao, suddenly changed. He exclaimed, "the renhuang pen, one of the most important treasures of the three emperors? Rumor has it that this treasure was lost in the "endless void" when the "emperor" fell? How could it fall into the hands of the "Yunxiao Dynasty" Bai Rushuang exclaimed, and then said to Ye Xiao solemnly, "be careful. This is the" emperor of man's pen ". It is said that the emperor of man, one of the three emperors, relied on this pen to determine the universe. On the" artifact list ", this" renhuang pen "can also rank in the" top ten "artifact..."

After hearing the words as white as frost, ye Xiao's eyes also flashed a little surprise.

Now he is no longer the elder brother. Naturally, he knows what kinds of magic weapons can be listed on the "artifact list". This "emperor's pen" ranks higher than his own "heaven and earth infinite bow". It can be imagined that its power is much more terrifying than his own "heaven and earth infinite bow".

Although Shangguan Wufeng hasn't started yet, ye Xiao has begun to be on guard, but his heart is full of bitterness. In order to deal with themselves, ye Xiao didn't even think that the "emperor's pen" was handed over to Shangguan Wufeng in order to deal with himself, and the Shangguan Wufeng on the opposite side was not polite. He quickly dragged the "renhuang pen" in his hand, and the word "kill" instantly He wrote it out. Then, the Shangguan holding the "emperor's pen" gently touched it, and the word "kill" instantly shot at the dozen members of the "hereditary" guard in the crowd.A simple word for "kill".

It contains numerous "laws of heaven and earth.".

Feeling the power of the word "kill", ye Xiao's face also changed.

Not to mention the other members of the "hereditary guard", even if he was a warrior with the body of "ancient exerciser", he did not dare to say that he could bear the word "kill".


The word "kill" suddenly disappeared into the body of one of the members of the "silver spear guard", and immediately saw countless "violent" laws of heaven and earth. In an instant, the whole body of the "hereditary guard" member was torn to pieces, and there was no trace of "spirit" left.

A move.

A silver spear warrior named "nine heaven of earthly immortals" suddenly fell down.

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