Feeling that ye Xiao's momentum is getting stronger and stronger, Shangguan, who is holding a copy of the "emperor's pen" in his hand, looks at Ye Xiao with great interest, which can be regarded as a young man who has created many miracles. His mouth shows a sneering smile, and he says in no hurry: "now that you've reached this point, do you still want to continue to resist? I really doubt how much water there is in Murong Cangshan's and Chu's old man's evaluation of you. However, for the sake of you, who are also the people of the "Yunxiao Dynasty", I allow you to finish all the things you haven't finished. However, I have to tell you with regret that no matter what you say, no one can save you today, because, you Offend those who should not... "

Hearing Shangguan Wufeng's sarcastic words, ye Xiao said with a noncommittal smile: "in fact, I just want to see whether the" heaven and earth infinite bow "on the" artifact list "is more powerful, or do you make the imitation" emperor's pen "more powerful."


A flash of green light "heaven and earth infinite bow" instantly appeared in Ye Xiao's hand.

When he heard the words "Qiankun Wuji bow", Shangguan Wufeng only felt his "spirit" trembled. As a member of the royal family of "Yunxiao Dynasty", how could he not have heard of the name of "Qiankun Wuji bow".

For a while, I saw Shangguan Wufeng's face became ugly. I regretted that when I came to the "white tiger province", I didn't thoroughly investigate the humble ant in front of him. However, Shangguan Wufeng believed that even if he was given a chance to start over again, he would not investigate such an ant's affairs. After all, who could Think, just four months time, a mole ant can grow to such a horrible point?

It has broken through from the realm of one heaven to seven heaven.

There were several "Heaven level warriors" around him, and even the "heaven and earth infinite bow" which was the most important treasure on the list of magic tools, fell into his hands. Especially when ye Xiao started to bow and arrow, Shangguan Wufeng was really trembling.

Seeing ye Xiao's fingers suddenly released, Shangguan's airless pupil shrank. He roared angrily at the group of "black warriors" who were still in a daze: "be careful..."

It's a pity that ye Xiao's arrow of "heaven and earth's limitless bow" shot out by Ye Xiao suddenly turned into hundreds of arrows, which appeared in front of the group of "black armor warriors" one after another.

At such a close distance, even the elite "black warriors" of the "Yunxiao Dynasty" did not respond. They saw a series of arrows, which instantly penetrated the bodies of these "black warriors", and a lot of blood bloomed on them.

Compared with the damage caused by Shangguan Wufeng with the word "kill" written by "emperor's pen", I don't know how many times more terrible it is. After only two breaths, I can see that these "black warriors" brought by Shangguan Wufeng have fallen into the rain of arrows.

Seeing that there are still several "arrows" aiming at himself and those members of the "Shangguan family" around him, Shangguan Wufeng is not worried about the death and injury of the "black armor warriors" at the moment. The "emperor's pen" in his hand suddenly strokes, and directly writes the word "Ding".

Then I saw a strange arrow stopped in front of Shangguan Wufeng. Except Shangguan Wufeng, the other members of Shangguan's family were all pale, without any blood color. Even their bodies began to tremble. Bai Wenwu, standing beside the white frost, was also a face Staring at Ye Xiaohe's eyes at the broken limbs of those "warriors in black", his face is full of horror.

All the time.

He has never seen Ye Xiao do anything.

Even, the understanding of Ye Xiao remains in the description of Bai Rushuang and Chen Xuesong, members of the Dragon gang.

Even when he heard that Chen Xuesong, members of the Dragon Gang, boasted about ye Xiao's strength one by one, Bai Wenwu only selectively believed a little, not too seriously.

In his opinion, even if ye Xiao is strong, he is just a warrior in the seven heaven realm of the earth immortals. Can he still resist the heaven? However, seeing that ye Xiao only takes two breaths, he has shot more than one hundred "black armor warriors" of the "Yunxiao Dynasty", and there are even some strong ones in the earth immortal jiuchongtian. Such a strong one is actually in Ye Xiao Xiao's hands, even the chance to resist.

Thinking of this, Bai Wenwu only felt that his back was also chilly. He turned his head and looked at Bai Rushuang standing beside him. He said bitterly: "elder sister, he is too abnormal! I guess among the younger generation of Wang Ting, only the eldest brother, the second brother and the thirteenth elder brother can suppress him! It is estimated that none of the other brothers and sisters in the royal court will be his opponent. I really don't know where he found all the ancient artifacts like the heaven and earth infinite bow. It's a sharp weapon to kill people by leaps and bounds! If I could have such an infinite bow, I would dare to take people to Vientiane city to compete for resources. ""You?"

Bai Rushuang cast a contemptuous glance at his brother, who did not know his boundlessness and wealth. He thought that the purpose of letting him come to "white tiger province" this time was to increase some experience.

After all, I'm afraid that I'll never be able to gain more experience if I stay in Wangting all my life. After thinking about it clearly, I can't help but explain: "this" heaven and earth limitless bow "is just a remnant bow. It's good to deal with the martial arts below the" Heaven level realm ". If you encounter a" Heaven level realm "warrior, it won't play any role. Moreover, this" heaven and earth limitless "will not play a role Even if the bow falls into your hand, it's estimated that even if you can't exert 10% of his power with your level of six levels of heaven, it's possible to deal with one or two warriors in the seven and eight levels of the earth immortal. If you encounter a warrior in the nine heaven realm of the earth immortal, it will not be so easy. Even if you hurt, you may not be able to hurt the warrior of the nine heaven realm of the earth immortal This "heaven and earth infinite bow" is not his real card at all. "

After hearing the words in front of him, Bai Wenwu felt a little unconvinced.

When he heard that the "heaven and earth limitless bow" was not ye Xiao's real card, Bai Wenwu's face was full of dull expression and swallowed his throat: "sister Huang, do you mean that he has more powerful means than" heaven and earth infinite bow "


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