All people's attention was focused on Ye Xiao. The latter just gave a faint smile and said carelessly: "the gate of forgetting love has been completely destroyed. Don't worry about this. The 'spirit stone vein' in their hands is now an ownerless thing."

"Are you sure?" A trace of excitement flashed in long Xiangyu's eyes, but on the surface it was still.

After all, all the forces in "Vientiane city" are very clear. It is easy to find a "high-level" spirit stone vein.

However, it is not so easy to find a "top-level" spirit stone vein. Sometimes, a "top-level" spirit stone vein may not be found in three or five months.

Moreover, there is a hidden rule in the "Vientiane city", that is, as long as there is a master "top" spirit stone vein, it is not allowed to compete.

After all, if there are no rules at all, the whole "Vientiane city" will be a mess. All the people in Vientiane city will not violate this. Otherwise, you will rob other people's "top" vein today, and tomorrow, others will rob your "top" spirit stone vein.

As a result, the whole city is in chaos.

"Sure." Ye Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"How do you know that?" Long Xiangyu looks suspiciously at Ye Xiao and asks.

Not only long Xiangyu, but also the elder of Assassin League and Li Min are also looking at Ye Xiao suspiciously.

After all, all the forces in the whole Vientiane city are secretly searching for information about whether "too much love gate" has been destroyed. The three of them also sent many people out to inquire about the news.

It's a pity that up to now, they have not received a letter of approval. However, ye Xiao got the news ahead of all of them. How can they not be surprised? However, ye Xiao ignored their surprise and said in a calm tone: "because the people who are too forgetful of love are destroyed by me. So, who do you think can know better than me?"

"Did you die?" Long Xiang Yu exclaimed.

At this moment, not only long Xiangyu, but also Li Min and the elder of the assassin League had a dull look on their faces.

Who would have thought that a person who was "too forgetful of love" was completely wiped out by the man who had just entered the "white tiger province" for a long time?

Seeing the suspicious expression on long Xiangyu's face, Tuo PA ye, sitting next to Ye Xiao, picked up a glass of wine and tasted it with a light smile: "I can prove to Ye Longzhu that the people who are in the" supreme love forgetting gate "were destroyed by his own hand. You can be relieved. When ye Longyu destroyed the" Taishang forgetting gate ", we did not have one in Xuantian palace Personal participation, however, it's still a little short of total annihilation. Cui Zheng and Hong Tianya, who are "too forgetful of love", have escaped. Most of the others have died in the hands of master Ye long. Some of them have now been escorted to the "spirit stone veins" of the "Dragon Gang" and are specially responsible for mining "spirit stones."

A stone stirs waves.

This time, Li Min and long Xiangyu brought many people, all of whom were core members of the "dragon hall" and "Xuannv hall".

Of course, such as the special "sacrifice" of "Taishang forgetting love gate", the "late days of heaven" peak is not here.

After all, for any "force", the strong people at the peak of the "late stage of heaven level" are the mainstay of them. Unless they meet some special circumstances, they will not let them go out. Therefore, basically, the people standing behind them are just some members of the nine heaven and the early days of the heaven level. One by one, they hear about the seven immortals in front of them Ye Xiao in the realm of heaven.

With their own strength, they beat the whole "too forgetful love gate" to ashes. In the end, only when Hong Tianya and Cui Zheng fled, their faces were filled with scornful laughter.

After all, in their opinion, ye Xiao is not only a martial artist in the seven heaven realm of the earth immortals. Even if he is a perverted strong man in the later days of the heaven level, it is absolutely impossible for him to destroy such huge things as "too forgetful of love".

After all, the special "offering" of "Taishang forgetting love gate" is the real "late sky" peak.

Before long Xiangyu could speak, a young man standing behind long Xiangyu stepped forward two steps, looked at Ye Xiao and Tuo Pao ye, and said with a sneer: "very good double spring. A warrior in the seven heaven realm of the earth immortal destroyed the" too much love gate "with his own strength? Tuo Ba ye, this kind of joke is only believed by the people in Xuantian palace! If he destroyed "the gate of forgetting love" with his own efforts, then I am now in the realm of nine heaven of earth immortals. Can we sweep the whole "Vientiane city" and let us "dragon hall" be our own

The young people who spoke were not old enough to look like long Xiangyu. Although their own strength could not rank in the Dragon hall, they were still a younger brother of long Xiangyu. Hearing the young people's ridicule, a group of members of the "dragon hall" burst into laughter. Although the "Xuannv hall" was not as obvious as that of the "dragon hall", none of them were He shook his head.Obviously, the words of "Tuo Ba Ye" were not taken seriously.

In their view, this is nothing more than Tuo Pao Ye's excuse to raise Ye Xiao.

Of course, some people also secretly ridiculed Tuo Pao Ye. Even if he wanted to raise Ye Xiao, there was no need to lift Ye Xiao so high. A martial artist in the seven heaven realm of the earth immortal destroyed the whole "too much love gate" with his own strength?


Ye Xiao gave a noncommittal smile.

However, the elder of Assassin League, who was sitting on the chair, looked at Ye Xiao with a slight frown. He had seen Ye Xiao's "anger" in "Shanhe xiuzhuang". At that time, ye Xiaocai's state of three levels of heaven and earth immortals showed a strength that was not comparable to that of ordinary Dixian jiuchongtianwu.

Now ye Xiao is already in the realm of the earth immortals, and his strength is countless times stronger than when he was in Shanhe xiuzhuang. However, in the eyes of the elder of the assassin League, even if ye Xiao had destroyed the whole "too forgetful gate" with his own efforts, even he thought it was a bit strange, but he knew that even if he was trying to pull out the wild There are elements of exaggeration, and I'm afraid there is not much exaggeration.

Ye Xiao is definitely a character whose potential is so terrible that he is so powerful that he is full of cold.


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