At the moment, the "spirit stone vein" has already been surging, and many forces of "South Tianmen" have gathered outside the "spirit stone vein".

A member of the "royal court" is specially responsible for standing outside to count the number of forces. A pen is constantly written on the paper, and the whole paper has been filled with the names of the gangs in the "Vientiane city".

His face turned pale when he wrote about it. Obviously, it was the first time to see a battle like this in front of him after so many years in Wangting. Not only the members of Wangting, but also those members of the assassin league who were lurking around, their faces were full of fright.

"Ye long Lord, it's almost counted." Some of the members of the "Wangting" group also looked at Ye Xiao with pale faces.

"How many forces have come?" Ye Xiao raised his head and looked at the member of the royal court.

"Now 369 forces have come." Members of the royal court bit their teeth.


When hearing this number, even the faces of long Xiangyu, Tuoba ye and Li Min flashed a dull look.

Obviously, although they all expected that there would be many forces coming, they did not expect that there would be so many forces coming. Bai Zhanpeng's face became ugly when he heard that there were 369 forces around him.

However, the elder of the assassin League, who was sitting on the side, shook his head and said, "the temptation of the eleven 'top' spirit stone veins is absolutely not small. I'm afraid that the forces at the bottom of the list have formed an alliance with other forces in private, and they also want to come over and take a bite of these industries which are too forgetful of love..."

Without waiting for the elder of the assassin League to finish, long Xiangyu's face became a little dignified. He looked up at the member in charge of statistics, and said in a deep voice, "how many forces from the top 50 have come?"

"In addition to the No.1 Yanyu League and the second blood refining hall, there are No.7 tianyilin family, No.10 Shenguo, No.16 tieshoumen, No.17..."

The members of the "Wang Ting" said at one breath that more than a dozen forces had come out.

Obviously, in addition to the dozens of forces mentioned by him, all the others are in the top 50. After listening to the report from the member of Wangting, Li Min, sitting opposite, shook his head and sighed, "today is probably the busiest time of our Vientiane City in the past 50 years."

"Almost." Tuo Ba Ye nodded his head and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that these industries, which are too forgetful of love, will make such a big noise."


Outside the Lingshi vein.

The 12th most powerful "holy hall" in the "Vientiane city" is also among them. Chen Qilin, the owner of the "holy hall", takes the lead.

Behind him, a young man standing beside Chen Qilin raised his head and looked at the direction of the "spirit stone vein". His face was full of strange expressions: "boss, I heard that the one who destroyed the" Taishang forgetting gate "was the" dragon " What's more, the "dragon Gang" is still in the "spirit stone vein". This time, he led the way. It is said that he has formed an alliance with the people of "Xuantian Palace", "Wangting", "Assassin League", "Xuannv hall" and "dragon hall"... "

"Dragon Gang?" A group of people standing next to Chen Qilin also looked shocked when they heard the word "dragon Gang".

Obviously, the whole holy hall is familiar with the Dragon gang.

After all, the holy hall wanted to unify the secular world of the whole Yunxiao Dynasty, which was not only destroyed by the people of the Dragon gang.

Even the people of the holy hall in Qinglong province were all driven out by Ye Xiao. If it wasn't for the "holy hall" who had been fighting for the "spirit stone vein", I'm afraid that even ten "dragon gangs" had been destroyed by the "holy hall", and the group of people in the "holy hall" did not expect that a small Gang which had developed for several years would not only bring "Vientiane" "The city" is also making such a big noise.

"Are you sure it's the Dragon gang of our" Yunxiao Dynasty " Chen Qilin asked, looking back at the youth beside him.

"Sure." The young man nodded and gnashed his teeth and said, "I have made it clear that the leader is Ye Xiao. The one who drove our" holy hall "out of Qinglong province at the beginning can never be wrong."

"It seems that I underestimated him at first." Chen Qilin nodded his head and said in a expressionless way.

The rest of the church, though, have recovered a lot at the moment.

However, a secular gang that has been developing for less than three years has not only come to the "Vientiane city", which is a place where the rich and the bad are mixed up, but even annihilated a "too forgetful gate" whose strength ranks higher than the "holy hall". How can we not make them surprised.Seeing a woman holding a Persian cat step by step, Chen Qilin's eyes also flashed a strange look. However, a faint smile also appeared on his calm face. If ye Xiao was present, he would be absolutely surprised. The person walking to Chen Qilin is no other than the princess of the "underground gambling house" who has dealt with Ye Xiao many times.

A woman not simple.

"Something?" Seeing Wang Ting coming, Chen Qilin asked directly.

"No, I just came here to tell you one thing. You are no stranger to the man who destroyed the whole army and occupied all the industries of" too much love forgetting gate "..."

Without waiting for the princess to finish, Chen Qilin's mouth was filled with a funny smile. He said, "the Dragon gang of our Yunxiao dynasty?"

Seeing that Chen Qilin knew about the Dragon Gang, the princess's eyes flashed with surprise. Then she said with a smile: "I'm afraid all of us didn't expect that in just two years, his dragon gang would be able to develop to the present level. Even, I think most people are shocked! I heard that he had a three-year contract with the emperor of Yunxiao Dynasty. At first, even I didn't think highly of him. However, it seems that I have to understand my idea this time. Only one year later, he has grown to this point. If you give him another two years, what kind of situation will he grow up to? "

"You came here to tell me about it?" Chen Qilin squinted.


The princess shook her head and said calmly, "I came here to make a deal with you."

"You, or him?" Chen Qilin asked lightly.

Naturally, the princess knew who Chen Qilin was talking about. He was just the person behind her. The corners of her mouth curled up a little, and said with a smile, "is there a difference?"

"Yes?" Chen Qilin nodded.

"What's the difference?" The princess still smiles and looks at Chen Qilin.

"If you want to make a deal with me Chen Qilin, he can barely do it, but if it's you, you have to say that you are not qualified." Chen Qilin shook his head directly.

When Chen Qilin said that he was not qualified, the princess's eyes flashed a warm and angry look, but then it flashed away. She still looked at Chen Qilin with a smile and said with a smile: "well, just think that he wants to make a deal with you."

"Say it and listen to it."

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