Seeing Chen Qilin rush into the "spirit stone vein", the members of the "holy hall" behind him suddenly rush in like wolves.

Before the members of other forces who stood in the gate of the "spirit stone vein" did not react, they were immediately knocked upside down by the members of the "holy hall".

When he heard the voice of "Chen linger's Curse", those people around him had already rushed into the hall.

Lin Tuan mastiff, who is still some distance away from the "spirit stone vein", sees that Chen Qilin and his "holy hall" people get ahead of the rest of the world. His face suddenly sinks. A pair of gloomy eyes fall on Chen Qilin. His voice is hoarse and ugly. He says in a deep voice to the group of people behind him: "speed up the speed. Don't let that man and the" infinite bow of heaven and earth "in his hands ’It fell into the hands of Chen Qilin, the "holy hall". This treasure is going to be decided... "

"Damn it, those bastards of the" holy hall "dare to rob our" yixiantianlin family ". They really don't want to live." Another core member of the yixiantianlin family looked sarcastically at the members of the "holy hall" and laughed.

"That's right. It seems that our people of the yixiantianlin family haven't spoken for a long time. Even the small miscellaneous fish like" Shengtang "dare to ride on the head of our" yixiantianlin family "and urinate. Brother Qi, otherwise, we will simply uproot the people of the" holy hall "this time. Anyway, Chen Qilin's hand also has a lot of" spirit stone mines " By the way, it's not easy for those who are worried to know that our "yixiantianlin family" people are not easy to provoke. Otherwise, anyone dares to ride on the head of our "yixiantianlin family" and take a piss. " Another core member of the "yixiantianlin family" grinned, but the smile made members of other forces around him feel cautious and flustered.

Two fists are hard to beat four hands!

What's more, the tens of thousands of human warriors swarmed up like locusts. After just a few breaths, they can see that the "Assassin League" and the forces remaining in the "spirit stone vein" are immediately suppressed to death.

Chen Qilin directly led the people of the "holy hall" to the "Lingshi vein" and surrounded Ye Xiao and several members of the Dragon gang.

This is the first time that Chen Qilin really saw Ye Xiao, the Dragon leader of the "dragon Gang" who expelled the "holy hall" from Qinglong province.

It's a pity that no matter how he looks at it, he can't see what's outstanding and different about ye Xiao, except for the "heaven and earth infinite bow" in his hand.

Even just a warrior in the seven levels of heaven.

In the "Vientiane city", the warriors of the nine heaven realm of the earth immortals are all ants. What's more, a warrior of the seven heaven realm of the earth immortals can feel the frightening momentum from the "infinite bow of heaven and earth" in Ye Xiao's hand at a close distance. A trace of greedy look flashed in his eyes, and then his eyes fell on Ye Xiao's body and narrowed "You are ye Xiao who helped" Murong Cangshan "win the position of magnate

"Chen Qilin?" Ye Xiao returned with a smile.

Hearing Ye Xiao's direct call to Chen Qilin, several core members of the "holy hall" immediately roared: "what are you, and the name of our boss is what you can call?"

One by one.

Obviously, none of the members of the "holy hall" pay attention to the Dragon Gang, which has only two "Dixian jiuchongtian" and one "Dixian qichongtian". In their opinion, a force without Tian level warriors can only roam in the ordinary areas of "Baihu province". In the "Vientiane city", it is even the weakest force, At least, there are at least one or two "Heaven level" martial artists.

Another young man who had been following Chen Qilin for a long time stretched out his tongue and licked his lips. He said with a smile: "boss, it is this boy who has uprooted the influence of our" holy hall "in" Qinglong province ". What's more, it has made our Chen family lack a person who has won the top of the 12 giants. That mouth is even more daring to be disrespectful to the boss. I'll arrest him later Why don't you cut off his tongue and see who dares to be disrespectful to the boss... "

"Yes, cut off his tongue..." Immediately, a group of members of the church echoed.


After listening to his group's words, Chen Qilin smiles irresolubly. He is about to open his mouth. He suddenly sees the white clad Shangguan yu'er standing beside Ye Xiao. His electric light flashes, and a thunderbolt flashes into the mouth of the young man who first wants to cut off Ye Xiao's tongue.

Only a burst of "Zi! Zi! Zi! With the sound of "Zi", you can see the young man who proposed to cut off Ye Xiao's tongue. His face flashed black in a flash.

The "spirit of the gods" is a shrill cry.

Then he saw that his sharp eyes began to become dull and lax, and the whole person directly fell to the ground, with no breath.

Seeing this scene, all the members of the "Temple" who were still making noises all closed their mouths with their eyes and tongue tied. Their faces were full of horror. You know, the young man who fell on the ground was a real warrior in the early stage of the sky.Unexpectedly, the woman in jiuchongtian, a Dixian, broke away the spirit with a thunderbolt.

In particular, those members of the "holy hall" who are following along with them are all pale. Thinking that if the target of Shangguan yu'er's "Thunderbolt" is replaced by their own, those who fall on the ground and dissipate the "spirit" on the ground are afraid that it will be their turn to feel cold on their backs.

A warrior in the nine heaven realm of the earth immortal kills a heaven level warrior with a "Thunderbolt". How powerful is the "Thunderbolt"?

Don't talk about the ordinary members of the church.

Even Chen Qilin's own eyes flashed a touch of shock. He was in the middle of the heaven level realm. Naturally, he could clearly feel the power of heaven and earth contained in Shangguan yu'er's "Thunderbolt".

Even if it is compared with those ordinary Tian level warriors, it's definitely better to let it go. It's even better than that.

Originally, he wanted to capture Ye Xiaosheng and kill all the other members of the Dragon gang. He took away the "heaven and earth infinite bow" in Ye Xiao's hand, and then gave Ye Xiao to the people in the "underground gambling house" in exchange for the maximum benefits. Now, seeing the "Thunderbolt" of Shangguan yu'er and the "infinite bow of heaven and earth" in Ye Xiao's hand, he had to give up temporarily The intention to do it by force.

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