Lin Tuan mastiff's voice is gentle, but it contains a strong taste. However, as the core disciple of the "yixiantian Lin family", Lin Tuan has the right to be arrogant. Chen Qilin, who still holds "Tiandi Yuxi" in his right hand, also has a look on his face when he hears the words "irrelevant" in his mouth.

Chen Qilin also knows that the "irrelevant person" in Lin Tuan's mouth is undoubtedly the one he brought in. When he noticed the forces he was courting, Chen Qilin's eyes flashed a faint sense of killing, which disappeared in a flash, and his eyes were full of embarrassment It's a kind of forest mastiff with great momentum.

If he did something else, Chen Qilin didn't mind giving up in front of the "one line Tianlin family.".

After all, the "yixiantianlin family" is not his "holy hall" to contend with, whether in the "Vientiane city" or in the outside world.

Don't mention that the Chen family behind him is only one of the "Yunxiao Dynasty". Even if the royal family of the "Yunxiao Dynasty" comes here, the "yixiantianlin family", one of the three great families in the world, may not be a bit afraid.

Now, Chen Qilin has no intention to bow down. He will not talk about his deal with the "underground casino". The "infinite bow" in Ye Xiao's hand is enough to make him salivate.

Although the power of the "emperor's jade seal" in his hand is not vulgar, it is only a "artifact". The "heaven and earth infinite bow" in Ye Xiao's hand is a real "ancient artifact", and it is also one of the top 20 items in the "artifact list". No matter who gets this treasure in Ye Xiao's hand, his strength can be increased several times in an instant.

He and Lin Tuan are both martial artists in the middle of the heaven level. If Shanglin is facing Shanglin now, even if the "emperor's jade seal" in his hand is much stronger than the ordinary "artifact", he does not have the slightest assurance that he can defeat the genius of the "first line Tianlin family".

However, if you can get Ye Xiao's "heaven and earth infinite bow", Chen Qilin believes that in such a big "Vientiane city", there are only a few people who can defeat him. Let alone a Lin Tuan mastiff, he will not be afraid of half a point even if he is a strong man who is "the peak of heaven level later period".

He took two deep breaths and looked at the opposite Lin Tan mastiff coldly, and said in a flat tone: "Lin turbulent mastiff, everything should be told first and then! This is the place that our "Temple" people occupied first... "

Without waiting for Chen Qilin to finish, he saw the young man standing next to Lin Tuan mastiff. He stood up and interrupted: "first come, then come? What are you, you dare to bargain with my seven brothers here? Today, my young master left his words here. Whether it's the boy or the "heaven and earth infinite bow" in his hand, our seven brothers will decide. You must be brave enough to try to snatch things from our "yixiantianlin family"... "

The young man, who is also the direct descendant of the yixiantianlin family, glanced playfully at the influential tycoons who were attracted by him behind Chen Qilin, and said with a smile: "however, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance. If you are more sensible, you'll get rid of me. We'll let bygones be bygones. If we don't know what to do, we'll continue If you stay here, don't blame us for being ruthless. "

The naked threat.

After listening to the young man around Lin, the faces of the giants who came out of the "Vientiane city" behind Chen Qilin suddenly changed.

In particular, the faces of those people brought by Lin Tuan mastiff are full of evil intentions. A trace of horror flashed in their eyes. Their power ranking in the "Vientiane city" is not low. At least they can be ranked in the top 100, or even two or three of them are able to enter the top 50‘ The royal court in Vientiane city is not weak.

However, if compared with such giants as "holy hall" and "yixiantianlin family", the disparity is not a little bit.

Not to mention the "one line heaven Lin family", which ranks seventh on the whole, even a "holy hall" is enough to suppress them to death.

Therefore, no one thought that the young man beside Lin Tuan mastiff was joking. If the "one line of heaven Lin family" really wanted to destroy them, it would be a piece of cake. One by one, they all began to withdraw. Let alone them, even some members of the "holy hall" began to twinkle in their eyes when they were facing the "line of heaven Lin family".

Seeing Chen Qilin still standing in the same place with one hand holding the "Tiandi Yuxi", another member of the "yixiantianlin family" greedily glanced at the "Tiandi Yuxi" in the palm of Chen Qilin's hand. His throat moved, he turned his head to Lin Tuan mastiff beside him and said with a smile: "brother seven, I think Xiaojin is right. Don't give them any lessons I really think that everyone can ride on the head of our "yixiantianlin family" and take a piss... "

Then he glanced at Chen Qilin, who was standing in front of all the members of the holy hall, and continued: "besides, it seems that he is going to continue to fight with the seventh elder brother. Although the" spirit stone vein "in the hands of" Shengtang "is not as good as that of" too much love forgetting gate ", it is not so bad. If we" yixiantianlin family "pass by the" spirit stone "in the hands of" Shengtang " After a while, I'm afraid we will be able to compete with the blood refining hall in Vientiane City... "After listening to the vicious words of the youth.

Not to mention the ordinary members of the "holy temple", even Chen Qilin himself suddenly changed his face. He did not think that the young man of the "yixiantianlin family" had already made an idea of their "holy temple".

If you let him know that the young man who came up with this sinister plan came up with such a sinister plan because of the "emperor of heaven jade seal" in his hand, then it is estimated that the favored son of the "Chen family" will want to cry without tears!

Seeing the other members of the yixiantianlin family, they began to discuss the youth strategy in a whisper. When most of the members of the yixiantianlin family were full of greed and excitement, Chen Qilin's face also turned black and blue.

He knew very well that if he continued to follow such a trend, he was afraid that these people of the "yixiantianlin family" would really start to fight against his "holy hall". If in normal times, the two forces were not the kind of irreconcilable resentment, and no one was willing to destroy a force with little difference in strength.

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