"Brother Jiang is wrong."

Another core member of the yixiantianlin family frowned and said with a smile: "in this world, all kinds of strange" ancient monsters "can become adults. In those metropolises, some people who have no self-knowledge and are not afraid of death are even more difficult to find. After destroying a branch of our family, I think we are" yixiantianlin family " All of us are just some local chicken and dog. If we kill our people, it's safe to have a foothold here in the "Vientiane city". What's more, if we can defeat Qige in front of the public, no, let alone defeat it. Even if we can persist in Qige's hand for a period of time, if we don't die today, we will surely have a good reputation Well, such good things can't be met at any time. Some people who want to be outstanding and want to look crazy like this to prove their existence. "

"He's looking for death." The member of the "one line of heaven Lin family" nearby shook his head.

"Wealth in danger of seeking it!" At the beginning, a young man with a sharp mouth appeared in the family of xianxiantianlin, and his mouth was full of sarcastic smile. He said, "it's a pity that the person he met was seven brothers. If he changed his mind, he might beg for mercy when he was defeated. If he took all his treasures out, he would still be able to escape his life I also want to know whether he will regret his impulse today when he is going to die in the hands of seven brothers. "

A group of core members of the "yixiantian Lin family" are all talking about the battle situation between Lin Tuan mastiff and ye Xiao.

Not only the people who have entered the "spirit stone vein", but also the people around the "spirit stone vein" are almost all attracted to Ye Xiao and Lin Tuan mastiff.

After all, although there are magic weapons flying everywhere in such a large battlefield, there is no magic weapon and martial art that can be compared with Lin Tuan mastiff's "hitting the sky bell". The "heaven and earth momentum" drawn by a "striking clock" is much stronger than the "heaven and earth momentum" drawn by the warriors on the whole battlefield.

A lot of people are looking at the "clock hitting the sky" controlled by Lin Tuan mastiff with a hot and envious look.

Let alone an ancient artifact, even if it is only a pseudo artifact, it is enough to make them salivate.

However, although the eyes of these people are full of longing, no one dares to attack Lin Tuan mastiff. Without mentioning the strength of Lin Tuan mastiff, they have to weigh their own weight when they want to fight Lin Tuan mastiff. Long Xiangyu and Li Xiangyu have to weigh their own weight when they want to fight Lin Tuan mastiff Min, Tuo PA Ye several people obviously did not expect, this forest turbulence mastiff unexpectedly will be strong to this point.

What's more, he didn't expect that there was an "ancient artifact" on his body.

Even with their status, not to mention the real "ancient artifact", even if they can own a "pseudo artifact", it is very good.

This Lin Tuan mastiff not only has a real "ancient artifact", but also has two powerful "pseudo artifact". This is the real wealth. Let alone long Xiangyu and Li Min, they are two giants in the "Vientiane city". However, in the power behind them, they can only be regarded as villains at best Things.

Compared with the characters like long Youyao and Li lingyao, they are just ants.

Therefore, both Li Min and long Xiangyu have only one "artifact" on their bodies. Moreover, they have paid a lot of hard work to get an "ancient artifact". Even Tuo Pao ye, the northern Lord of the "demon city", has only two real "artifact".

What's more, compared with Chen Qilin's "Tiandi Yuxi" and Lin Tuan's "eight wasteland Taiyi ship", the power is not nearly as bad as Chen Qilin's "Tiandi Yuxi" and Lin Tuan's "eight wasteland Taiyi ship". When Lin Tuan mastiff was dealing with Ye Xiao, he even urged his "ancient artifact", and their faces became ugly.

All three are giants in Vientiane city.

What's more, it's not a little bit stronger than that of a warrior in the middle of Tian level. Naturally, he knows the power of the "ancient artifact" in Lin Tun's hand. If he fights alone, none of the three is sure to be able to compete with Lin Tuan, let alone Ye Xiao, who is in the seven heaven realm of earth immortals.

Seeing that Lin Tuan mastiff's "hitting the sky clock" instantly hit Ye Xiao's body, the flame "armor" condensed from the "Purgatory flame" on Ye Xiao is just a breathing time. The armor condensed by the layers of "Purgatory flame" on Ye Xiao is smashed into pieces.

When ye Xiao's whole body was knocked upside down by Lin Tuan mastiff's "hitting the sky clock", long Xiangyu's faces changed. Especially long Xiangyu, who had made up his mind to make use of Ye Xiao's line to get in touch with long Youzhen and Long Fei's brother and sister, his face also became unsightly. He said anxiously, "Tuoba, take it in Lin Tuan's hand It's an "ancient artifact". Although Ye Shao's strength is not weak, he can even sweep all the martial artists in the county-level fund. If he is really determined, even those "early days" warriors may not be his opponents. However, this Lin Tuan mastiff is not a simple warrior in the middle of Tian level. If he goes on like this, he will die This Lin Tuan mastiff can't do it in his hands. We simply give up the industry of "too much love forgetting"Before long Xiangyu finished, Li Min, standing on the other side, also nodded slightly and said, "he is right. Although Ye Longzhu's strength is not weak, compared with Lin Tuan mastiff, the disparity is not a little bit..."

After listening to the words of long Xiangyu and Li Min, Tuo Ba Ye has a bitter look.

Now, there are people from other forces in all directions. All of them have been surrounded by people. For a moment, even if they want to go back to rescue Ye Xiao, they can only hope and sigh, and can do nothing.

After all, the "dragon hall", "Xuannv hall" and "Xuantian Palace" are among the best in the "Vientiane city".

However, there are hundreds of forces besieging the "spirit stone vein" this time, and there are many similar forces. Now the whole battlefield is in a state of adhesion. It is not so easy to get away. Chen Qilin, who is paralyzed on the ground, is looking at Ye Xiao who is directly knocked out by "hitting the clock".

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