Seeing that the jellyfish King's "heaven and earth law" trapped Lin Tuan mastiff's "hitting the sky clock", Shangguan yu'er, who had already rushed to Ye Xiao, also felt a little relieved. After staying with Ye Xiao for such a long time, she could see that ye Xiao was now seriously injured. If she got a strong blow from "hitting the sky clock", even if ye Xiao's body was stronger than that of ordinary warriors Not only Shangguan yu'er, but also the jellyfish king came to Ye Xiao's side a little later than she did. A worried look flashed in her eyes and asked directly, "how are you doing?"

"It's OK." Ye Xiao shook his head and looked at the opposite Lin Tuan mastiff.

Lin Tuan mastiff's first blow did hurt him a lot. He could barely resist it. However, it was not so easy to continue the fight. Let alone rearrange the "demons" array and gather the "Purgatory" armor. Even if he took out the "heaven and earth infinite bow" out, he could not pull it off.

Lin Tuan mastiff, standing on the opposite side, allows his "hitting the clock" to be trapped by the jellyfish King's "heaven and earth Dharma phase", and does not move half a minute. In his opinion, the king jellyfish's "heaven and earth Dharma phase" can barely trap his own "hitting the sky clock" is almost the limit. As long as his mind moves, "hitting the clock" can easily break through the jellyfish king at any time The cage of the law of heaven and earth.

Now he is more curious about the king of jellyfish and Shangguan yu'er. One has the flavor of "ancient sea god", while the other is not weaker than the king of gas jellyfish. Lin can almost be sure that neither the king of jellyfish nor Shangguan yu'er is a simple character.

Even if they are different from ye Xiao, they are not the reincarnation of ancient great powers. With the breath they emit now, it is worth him to capture them both alive.

Lin Tuan mastiff didn't expect that the purpose of his coming here today was to find justice for the members of the "yixiantianlin family", which was to frighten other gangsters.

However, he didn't expect to get a huge benefit. First, he snatched a "artifact" which melted the will of the "emperor of heaven" from Chen Qilin's hand, and then got a real "ancient artifact" from ye Xiao's hand. Even, ye Xiao was reincarnated as an ancient demon king, even the two women around him It's not a simple character.

He raised his head and glanced at the "striking clock" which was still trapped in the water waves. His eyes fell on the faces of Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king. It is no wonder that both the jellyfish king and Shangguan jade'er can be regarded as the most beautiful beauty, especially the exquisite face of Shangguan yu'er, which has already had many members of the Dragon gang Think of her as a goddess in his mind.

It's a pity that their goddess temperament is too cold, and their strength is too strong for them. Except ye Xiao, no one can suppress her. Therefore, for these members of the Dragon Gang, Shangguan yu'er has always been an elusive existence, and in Lin Tuan mastiff, Shangguan yu'er has always been an elusive existence In his eyes, a strong man in the middle of the heaven level would not have a trace of awe for Shangguan yu'er, like the ordinary members of the Dragon gang.

Lin Tuan's mouth showed a slight smile, looking at the faces of Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king, and said, "do you two want to be enemies of this seat? Just two warriors in the nine heaven realm of the earth immortals, I can keep you two forever by moving your fingers. Even if you want to hold down your "spirits" forever, it's easy for you. Now I'll give you two a chance. As long as you two join us, we will never offend you two "Blame..."

Not waiting for Lin turbulent mastiff to finish, she has always been so cold that even ye Xiao can't bear Shangguan yu'er. Her mind moved and she said in a deep voice, "Thunderbolt!"


Seeing that Shangguan yu'er's "heaven and earth Dharma Xiang" standing in front of Ye Xiao's body directly made a handprint, and saw that the electric arc on this "heaven and earth Dharma phase" began to flicker, and countless "thunder" heaven and earth laws emanated from the body of this "heaven and earth Dharma phase". Lin Tuan mastiff, who was originally confident and smiling, saw that Shangguan yu'er would suddenly do something to himself The smile on his face was also stiff.

Before he had time to react, he saw that in the void above his head, a series of terrifying thunders were directly cleaved to him. Although the power contained in each "thunder" was not the existence of destroying the heaven and earth, even Lin Tuan's face became dignified after he felt the breath contained in these "thunder".

It was too late to recover the "bangtian bell" trapped by the jellyfish King's "heaven and earth FA Xiang", and directly hit the "eight wasteland Taiyi ship" in his hand. He saw that the "eight wasteland Taiyi ship" just broke away from Lin Tuan mastiff's palm, and began to absorb the rules of heaven and earth around him. The fist sized "eight wasteland Taiyi ship" instantly soared to tens of meters, blocking Lin Tuan mastiff's head On, a series of fierce "thunder" directly fell on Lin Tuan mastiff's "eight wasteland Taiyi ship.".Let out a sound of "Pa Pa Pa Pa!" The clear sound of.

It's a pity that Shangguan yu'er is still just a warrior in the jiuchongtian realm of Dixian. Compared with Lin tuan'ao, Shangguan yu'er is a hundred thousand miles away. Even ye Xiao dare not say that she can break a "artifact" by her own strength.

What's more, it's the magic weapon of Lin Tuan mastiff's life. Countless arrows of "thunder" bombard Lin's "Bahuang Taiyi ship". Even the slightest damage can't bring Lin Tuan mastiff's "Bahuang Taiyi ship". Seeing that Shangguan yu'er's "thunder" is blocked by his own "Huang Tai Yi", Lin's face also flashes a trace of ferocity, Looking at the opposite Shangguan yu'er, she said in a cold voice: "it seems that you are determined to fight for this man and this seat?"

Shangguan yu'er, who is cold-blooded, still ignores Lin Tuan. Instead, she looks solemnly at the eight wasteland Taiyi boat on Lin's head, which has already condensed her "law of heaven and earth". Although the power of "spirit" can not be compared with Ye Xiao's abnormal behavior.

However, the perception of "spirit" is better than that of ordinary warriors. Seeing the thousands of thunder that he has summoned, he can't shake Lin Tuan's "eight wasteland Taiyi ship" for a minute. Shangguan yu'er's face also becomes heavy, and Lin Tuan mastiff does not immediately start to Shangguan yu'er, but looks at the jellyfish King standing on the other side The voice asked coldly, "what about you? Would you like to join us? "

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