At the thought of the moving scene last night, the evil fire in his body was a burst of upwelling, but what happened in the end last night? Did it happen?

But if what really happened, how could he not have an impression?

Very puzzled, ye Xiao got up from the bed, found a pair of underpants to put on, and then walked out of the room. She found that the messy living room had been cleaned up last night, and the huge room was quiet. Both Irene and Murong Mingyan were gone, and the door of Yilin's room was closed

"Sister Lin!" Ye Xiao walked to the door of the room and knocked on the door, but there was no reaction in the room?

Are they all out? Today is the entrance examination. Murong Mingyan should go to school, and Irene should go to work, but what about bao'er? It seems that bao'er doesn't have class today?

He knocks again and finds that there is no response at all. Ye Xiao twists the door lock and finds that it is not locked, and then opens the door directly

Just opened the door, was immediately shocked by the scene

After looking at the time, it's already past ten o'clock. Should we let her go to sleep all the time?

"Baby, get up quickly..." Ye Xiao knocks hard on the door, hoping to remind her in this way, but after knocking for a long time, a lazy voice comes from the room

"I'm tired of it. Let people sleep a little longer." And then there was no sound

Ye Xiao was speechless, so she had to wash up first, and then went to the kitchen to make breakfast. Now it's nearly eleven o'clock. Even if she went to bed too late last night, it's time to get up

"Baby, get up, get up to eat!" Ye Xiao knocked on the door again, but there was no reaction in the room

"Baby, get up and eat!" Ye Xiao called again, but bao'er was still in a state of sleep and did not answer Ye Xiao's meaning at all


"Ah..." Bao'er jumped out of bed as if he had been frightened

"Brother Ye Xiao, what are you doing? What are you doing with me? "

"It's time to get up and eat!"

I can't help it. The place is so attractive that people can't help it.

"No, they want to sleep a little longer." Said ebol, and he was going to continue to fall on the bed!

"Don't make any more noise. It's 11 o'clock now. It's almost noon. Get up to eat first..." Brother Xiaoye, she can't be indulgent!

"I can get up, but you have to kiss me first!" Said ebol, mumbling her little mouth!

Well, ye Xiao has no choice but to kiss her on the forehead

"Now it's time to get up." Ye Xiao stares at bao'er and pretends to be calm

"No, not here..." Yibao'er is still discontented

"Where is it?" How can this work?

"Kiss me now

"Well..." Of course, what makes Ye Xiao vomit blood most is how she knows? Isn't she drunk?

Where do you want my handsome face to go

"Well, are you kissing?" Yibao'er threatened to show two little tiger teeth

"Well..." Ye Xiao is still hesitating, should he kiss? Should it? Obviously should not, but oneself can not kiss? You can't kiss now!

But the question is, do you want to kiss? That must be what I want. It's just

"If you don't kiss me, tell Aunt Yan that you peep at me..." Yi Baoer is a bad person, a big bad person. She even threatens Ye Xiao directly

Ye Xiao thinks that he is a good boy and an obedient lamb. Now he is threatened by yibao'er, the big tail wolf. He has no choice at all

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