Shangguan's unrepentant eyes were about to burst out fire. He dared to be a errand runner. However, he did not have the courage to say "no" when he saw his lovely face, especially his shining eyes!

"All right, I'll be there in a minute." Shangguan hung his head without regret, said a word, turned and ran outside again

Ye Xiao no longer sympathizes with him. When he heard the word Shangguan, he had already blacklisted him

"My dear, he called Shangguan regretless?" While Shangguan has no way to buy popcorn, ye Xiao asked!

"Well..." Ebol nodded!

"What does he have to do with Shangguan?" Ye Xiao continued to ask. All along, there was no direct conflict between him and Shangguan Wudao, but he knew that he was an extremely dangerous person, even more dangerous than Bai choufei. If Bai choufei was a fierce tiger, Shangguan Wudao was a cobra, always lurking in the dark, giving you a fatal blow when you were most relaxed!

Last time at Han Wuchen's birthday party, if he didn't remind Han Wuchen, his own knife could kill Han Wuchen. According to the power that Luo lingchi had at that time, as long as Han Wuchen died, there would be no way to resist the cold weather without a leader. He could even take advantage of this opportunity to kill people who didn't obey him, so he didn't have to be so troublesome now!

Even if it was not for situ Haoyue's help, he and Luo lingchi would die there, so he wrote down this hatred!

If Shangguan Wuren really has something to do with Shangguan Wudao, ye Xiao will not let him do it no matter what purpose he approaches yibao'er

"I heard it was his cousin..." Yi bao'er didn't feel Ye Xiao's abnormality. He replied honestly that Shangguan had no way. He was one of the four young masters in Yunlong school. He naturally knew it!

"Cousin? Cousin? " Ye Xiao frowned!

"It should be intimate. Last time he had a conflict with that Liu Yang, Shangguan had no way to help him solve the problem. What's the matter, brother Ye Xiao..." Yibao'er raises her head and stares at Ye Xiao curiously

"Oh, it's OK, just ask casually!" Ye Xiaoran smiles and says at will!

"Oh..." Yi bao'er doesn't ask any more questions. She lies in Ye Xiao's arms, enjoying herself very much!

After a while, Shangguan ran over with his hands full of popcorn and coke. Seeing that they were still so close, he was angry, but in front of ebol, he just couldn't get angry!

Bao'er doesn't know what politeness is. Once he grabs Shangguan's unrepentant popcorn and coke, he doesn't pay any attention to him. Shangguan has no regrets but to come to his seat and sit down. His eyes peep at her from time to time

When he looks at yibao'er, ye Xiao is also looking at him quietly. This guy is as handsome as Shangguan Wudao, which is very attractive to girls. It's no wonder that yibao'er doesn't hate him!

Maybe it's normal for other girls not to hate a man, but these three words have already been highly praised in yibao'er's heart. Ye Xiao remembers that the fat man named Liu Yang was played by yibao'er at the beginning!

And his face is full of dissatisfaction with himself, which is far worse than Shangguan. However, considering his age and status in the family, it is understandable that these big families will appoint an inheritor very early. The training mode of inheritors is quite different from that of other children!

However, the gloomy light that occasionally flashed in his eyes was very similar to Shangguan Wudao, which was definitely not a very troublesome master. Not to mention his surname Shangguan, even if he was from other families, ye Xiao was not at ease to give yibao'er to him!

"You seem to be in the wrong seat, brother?" At this time, a man's voice came from behind Ye Xiao

"No, this is row F, seat 18..." After a while, another man's voice sounded, and ye Xiao suddenly felt that the voice was familiar to her!

"Maragobi, I said that if you sit wrong, you will be wrong. Where is so much nonsense? Don't get up soon... " Who expected that the man who just said suddenly got angry!

Looking at a man wearing a strange shirt, he saw a guy standing in the back row

Next to the man, there is a young woman in fashionable clothes. Ye Xiao has a good memory. This woman is Cai Xiaowan, a classmate of Hua YUEWU, and the man is her boyfriend Zhao Jun

It's not only them, but also LAN ting and Tang Jiahui. It's not that they don't meet each other. Ye Xiao didn't expect to meet these two people when they called the cinema to watch a movie

At a glance, ye Xiao knew that it was these gangsters who had taken a fancy to Cai Xiaowan and wanted to take the opportunity to take advantage of it

Before naturally want to sweep out Zhao Jun such idlers, some people who are afraid of things will really retreat in the face of difficulties, what girlfriend, what love, although beautiful, but how can it be more important than their own life?

That's why these people have been domineeringNaturally, ye Xiao didn't mean to help. He was not familiar with Tang Jiahui and Zhao Jun, and even there were some contradictions between them. He was not a good person who rewarded good for evil

He is holding a good idea to watch a good play. Of course, he does not forget to put the popcorn bought by Shangguan without regret

What great event in life can be more gratifying than the enemy's treat to the movies and eat popcorn, and then watch the enemy being bullied?

Even if Zhao Junshan is a weak person, it is not a coward to climb the high position!

"Sorry, this is my position. I won't get up!" Zhao Jun is very forced to say, in front of his girlfriend, how can be timid, and here is a cinema, is a public place, there are so many people around, he doesn't think these people dare to start here, besides, is not a few gangsters, he also practiced Taekwondo for several years, really fight, who won or who lost is not sure!

The gangster was so angry that he slapped Zhao Jun directly

"Pa..." Zhao Jun didn't think that these people really dare to fight. For a moment, the whole person was fanned there

"Well, what's the matter with you? How do you hit people? " When Tang Jiahui saw that his companion was bullied, he immediately got up from his seat and asked to help him. Who would have expected that a gangster standing in front of him would lift his leg and just sit down. He just sat down faster than he did. He covered his abdomen with his hands, which was not painful

"Brother Yang, I need you to cut in, don't you?" The little gangster scolded angrily, and his eyes had already glanced at LAN Ting, who was sitting beside Tang Jiahui, and was already pale with fear

Ye Xiao, sitting in the back of the room, smiles, and the drama is finally staged

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