
Chen Qilin, who was sitting on a chair with one hand holding the two "artifact" left by the princess, came in from outside the hall. After hearing the screams, his smile froze.

Not only he, but also the core members of the "holy hall" standing around Chen Qilin have a dull look on their faces. As long as the members of the "holy hall" who stay in the hall know that Chen Qilin's "smashing Cup" is the number, as soon as the "tea cup" in his hand is broken, those members of the "holy hall" who have already been lurking outside will rush in and rush in to kill Ye Xiao and tuoboye were all killed, but after waiting for a long time, they did not see a member of the "holy temple" rushing in from outside. Instead, there were more and more screams.

Many of the core members of the "holy hall" looked at each other in awe, until Chen Qilin, who was the first to wake up, yelled at a young man beside him: "don't you go out and see what's going on?"

A group of core members of the "holy temple" just woke up from their stupidity and shock.

The young man, who was scolded by Chen Qilin, did not dare to hesitate. He turned and rushed to the door.

At the moment, the screams outside the hall are still heard. The young man standing next to Chen Qilin, who is responsible for the "holy hall" information, suddenly turned pale after hearing several shrill screams. He looked at Chen Qilin and said, "brother Qilin, I can see that the sound was the voice of goose old five, and the ghost, the thorn in the head..."

The young man said the names of more than a dozen people at one go. Hearing these names, Chen Qilin suddenly woke up. He must have had an accident with his own people. He turned his head and glared angrily at Ye Xiao and tuoboye, who were sitting at the bottom of the room. They clenched their teeth and jumped out of their teeth, word by word: "are you the ghost?"

Hearing Chen Qilin's censure, ye Xiao, who sits firmly in the shape of Diaoyutai, smiles irresolubly.

Chen Xuesong, standing behind Ye Xiao, originally wanted to show an enigmatic smile, but when the corners of his mouth were raised slightly, he fell into Chen Qilin's eyes and turned into a full of sarcasm.

He coughed deliberately. He ignored Chen Qilin's murderous eyes and said, "don't you think that only the people in the holy temple know how to ambush? If you want to fight with our dragon master, you are a little too young. Let me tell you the truth! Fight alone. You are a warrior in the middle of the heaven level. If you want to fight against our dragon master, you are just a scum. Even the little fart master of the yixiantianlin family, who relies on the ancient artifact and the artifact, is still beaten by our dragon master. As for the strength of the spirit, it's not me Chen Xuesong who looks down on you, even if you don't look down on you It's a hundred of you, and you're not the opponent of our dragon master. When we came in, our Dragon Lord had already seen through your little tricks... "

After listening to Chen Xuesong's words, Chen Qilin only feels a chill in his heart.

Even Chen Xuesong changed his name to "Chen puppy" without permission. Instead, a pair of eyes were fixed on Ye Xiao's face. Obviously, he wanted to see a clue from his face which always had a faint smile. Unfortunately, no matter how much he looked at Ye Xiao's face, he could not see anything from his face.

However, thinking of Chen Xuesong's words, ye Xiaoming knew that he had ambushed people outside and dared to step into his "holy hall" headquarters. Chen Qilin felt chilly on his back. Obviously, it took only two years for one to pull out a team from such a small place as Tianji city and bring this team to the "Vientiane city" Chen Qilin absolutely does not believe that he is a fool or a madman in such a mixed place.

The only thing that can be explained is that ye Xiao has a strong backhand, so even if he knows that he has ambushed people outside, he still dares to bring people into his own territory without fear.

But after a while, Chen Qilin, who was so black and blue, didn't even come up with a solution. He saw the young man who started to rush out and stumbled back. He said to Chen Qilin with a mournful face: "brother Qilin, there are assassin League, dragon hall and Xuannv hall. We are talented people who have heard of your" cup dropping " When they rushed out, they were assassinated by the assassins of the assassin League, and then the people of the Dragon hall and the Xuannv hall were all over the place. Now, there are people from the Dragon hall and the Xuannv hall everywhere. Moreover, all the elite members of their forces are coming. If they are allowed to kill again, the brothers of the holy hall will be killed by them No one was killed. I went out to have a look. It was not only the brothers who were ambushed around, but also the people from the Dragon hall and Xuannv hall killed the other brothers who did not participate in the ambush. Brother Kirin, think about a way! They are trying to kill all the people in our "holy hall" without leaving any left! "

Hearing that the assassin League, the Dragon hall, and the Xuannv hall were jointly slaughtering the members under the holy hall, Chen Qilin's face turned pale in an instant, and he could not see a trace of blood.He never thought that ye Xiao's remark that he would uproot his "holy hall" by the roots was not a joke at all.

If it was only a "Xuantian Palace", or even a "Wang Ting" and a "dragon Gang", Chen Qilin would not be so afraid. After all, his "holy hall" is not made of mud. If we really want to make a good fight, at least we can pull the whole "Royal Court", "the Dragon Gang" and half of the "Xuantian Palace" together to bury them.

Moreover, Chen Qilin also believes that ye Xiao, tuoboye and Bai Zhanpeng of Wangting are really smart people. They will never do stupid things that hurt their enemies before. Now, a group of people from assassin League, Xuannv hall and dragon hall have poured out their nests to deal with his "holy hall". Chen Qilin is beginning to feel cold.

A "yixiantianlin family" almost destroys his "holy hall". If the people of these forces join forces, they will have to flee in a panic.

What's more, his "sanctuary"?

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