All of us feel the heart beat suddenly. This is the real fight. If you don't, you'll have to. If you don't, you'll fall apart

Just now they hit me with one punch. It looks so boring. It's so exciting to smash the armrest with their heads in their hands. It's more exciting than watching the action movies

Many boys have begun to rub their hands, eager to incarnate Ye Xiao, and teach these guys a good lesson. As for those girls, they look at Ye Xiao with radiant eyes and adoring faces. This is the real man. This is the real man. Even LAN ting and Cai Xiaowan are looking at Ye Xiao with envy. They are so handsome and moving Do clean, never say much nonsense, a hit!

It's much better than my own junk boyfriend. I still have a good eye for Hua Yue. I fell in love with such a little boy friend

At this moment, they completely forget the glory and wealth Zhao Jun brings them, and the high-end clothes and gestures they bought for them. Only at the most dangerous time, women will understand that what they need is not glory and wealth, nor sweet words, but a man who can really bring them safety!

The other gangsters are also frightened by Ye Xiao's actions, but soon they come to realize that this son of a bitch dares to attack brother Yang. At present, the gangster who kicks Tang Jiahui to the ground takes the lead in attacking Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao just sneered. When the gangster was about to jump in front of him, he raised his leg and kicked him directly on his belly. He heard a bang. The gangster was kicked out and landed heavily on the ground

There was a scream of pain in his mouth. Where could I get up

The other gangsters are so scared. Is this guy still human? How to kick people to fly on the ground with one foot? How much strength should this force have?

They don't dare to come forward, which does not mean that ye Xiao will not take the initiative to attack. He has only one chance. Since you are not willing to accept it, you should accept punishment!

The body quickly rushed forward and hit a Thug's nose bone, which was smashed to pieces. His body even leaned back and fell directly on the ground. He didn't even have time to scream, so he fainted

Then he grabbed the other man's shoulder and pulled it into his arms. His knee fiercely pushed up, and there was a click. The bridge of the nose of the man was smashed in an instant. The nosebleed gushed and his body fell backward

In the blink of an eye, four people have been knocked over. The last thug stands in the same place, as if looking at a monster. However, ye Xiao will not let him go. His body suddenly accelerates. When he is two meters away from him, his body rises into the air, and then his right knee pushes out

"Bang..." Ye Xiao's knee directly propped on his nose. In the eyes of people's horror, the bridge of his nose directly sank. The force of terror even flew his body out and landed heavily on the ground, making a huge noise

All of a sudden there was silence, and all the people were staring at all this. Even some young people who were excited just now looked at Ye Xiao in a daze. The shock in their eyes turned into fear, and finally into worship

Fanatical worship

This is simply Bruce Lee's rebirth. He knocked down five gangsters with three fists and two legs. No one has a chance to fight. This is not Bruce Lee's rebirth. What is it?

Moreover, he was ruthless and bloody in every move. Three people's noses were smashed, and a hole was opened in one's head. One looked better, but he had a foot in his abdomen. However, he looked pale and was still spitting bitter water. It should be the worst

Some viewers took out their mobile phones and photographed the picture of Ye Xiao hitting the bridge of his nose with his last strike in the air. Although the light is very dark, we can't see clearly what ye Xiao looks like

When the viewer sent the photo to Weibo in the name of brother violence, the number of forwarding on that day was more than 1000. A week later, violent brother has become a hot word on the Internet. Of course, this is the Afterword. For today's live audience, they hold their breath for fear that they might accidentally frighten and anger the violent brother

LAN Ting, Cai Xiaowan, Tang Jiahui and Zhao Jun are also stunned. They all know that ye Xiao can fight, but they never expect him to be able to fight to this extent. They beat Zhao Jun and Tang Jiahui so black and blue that they can't get a move in Ye Xiao's hands!

Isn't he an underground boxer? At this time, Xiao fei'er and Zhu Yifeng, who had been at the bottom of the line, came along. They also saw the scene of Ye xiaonu fighting with the gangsters. Xiao fei'er was a little better, but she showed a funny look. But Zhu Yifeng's face was pale with fright. Fortunately, she was only fighting with this guy at the beginning. If she was really angry and started with this guy, she would be waiting for someone else You're going to end up like these punks?

Only Hua YUEWU is most calm. She knows what kind of person her man is and what his skills are. It is not easy for him to deal with a few thugs

At this time, there was a rush of footsteps in the screening hall. Suddenly, more than ten security guards came in. After all, it was one of the largest cinemas in Jinghai City, and the security force was extremely strong. How could ordinary cinemas find so many security guards at one time"What happened? How could this happen? You hit them? " A man who looked obviously the head of the security guard came over with a rubber roller, pointed to Ye Xiao and said

"Yes, they didn't take their seats according to the number. They wanted to rob my friend's seat and beat my friend. I'll teach them a little bit! If you don't believe it, you can ask them... " Ye Xiao said faintly, in the heart to these security guards already disgusted to the extreme, just now when the accident happened, why didn't you come? Now I beat these people and you came here. What's not with these people?

A little bit of a lesson? The head of the security guard's lung is going to explode and his nose bone is broken. This is a little lesson. If you do, what will it look like? Are you going to kill people?

I really want to take ye Xiao out and teach a good lesson, but the crowd's accusations have been heard all around. They are the actions of brother Yang and others

They don't dare to beat people, but they won't be polite if they want to beat people up. Anyway, these guys are comatose, and they scream and scream. There are so many people here, who remembers to testify by themselves?

In the face of the criticism from the audience, the head of the security guard did not dare to do anything about ye Xiao. He just asked people to take away some of the injured gangsters and apologized to everyone on behalf of the cinema. When he left, he gave Ye Xiao a look of care. Ye Xiao just laughed. Where would he put the threat of these people in his eyes

"Ye Xiao, why are you here?" LAN ting and Cai Xiaowan are busy helping their useless boyfriend, while Hua YUEWU walks up to Ye Xiao and asks gently

"He's my boyfriend. Of course he's here to accompany me to the movies." Ye Xiaozheng is about to answer. Yibao'er has come out of nowhere. He takes Ye Xiao's arm and says

In a word, immediately let Hua YUEWU and others face a change, and someone's heart is directly broken

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