A group of well-trained members of the "black armour army" swarm to Ye Xiao and Lin Jingyu one after another. The special weapons of the "black armour army" in their hands twinkle with a cold light. Among them, there are some of the strong "Heaven level realm". Even for the defeated soldiers like Ye Xiao and Lin Jingyu, who have already run out of oil, there is no slightest contempt and carelessness It's just like a lion fighting a rabbit and trying his best.

Jiang Chaoli, who had already understood the power of the stars, did not attack Ye Xiao himself. Instead, he looked down at the black spear with many strange inscriptions in his hand. He quietly retreated out of the crowd and watched coldly the fighting among the young men of the "black armour army" who had spent ten years training.

Seeing that this group of "black armour army" boys showed combat effectiveness, which was at least several percent stronger than other members of "black armour army" in the "city Lord's house", a faint smile appeared on Jiang Chaoli's face.

However, the surrounding "Vientiane city" forces, which were summoned by Yu Laosan, saw that such a great contribution was snatched away by the people in Jiang Chaoli. Although they were not reconciled, they did not dare to go up and touch the mould in Jiang Chao.

After all, the lessons learned by Yu Laosan are still fresh in my mind. Therefore, the children of the "black armour army" brought by Jiang Chaoli only started. The surrounding "Vientiane city" power giants, one by one, backed back hundreds of meters with their own people. They were afraid that the people of Jiang Chaoli would harm the pond fish. At that time, they would be even more unjust than Dou E.

As long as anyone with eyes can see, Jiang Chaoli, who has already understood the power of the stars, is definitely a master who must report his grievances. All the influential giants of "Vientiane city" who have been hiding far away curse Jiang Chaoli for not being able to die easily. Finally, he and his "black armour army" son Lang also perished.

However, the presence of these "Vientiane city" power magnates are very clear.

With Ye Xiao, Lin Jingyu and tuoboye, the defeated generals, not to mention the tens of thousands of "heijia army" children in Shangjiang Chaoli, even any one of them can clean up Ye Xiao.

Seeing that the "black armour army" in Jiang Chao has swarmed up, Li Min, Tuo Boye, long Xiangyu This group of "Vientiane city" magnates no longer hesitated, especially long Xiangyu and Li Min, who directly rushed to these "black armour army".

One is a member of the nine heaven Xuannv hall, one of the top ten sects in ancient times. The other is a member of the dragon family, who has occupied half of the country since the ancient times.

Li Min, wearing a white dress, drew out the long sword which exuded the primitive flavor on her body. She pinched out a complicated hand print of the sword formula in her left hand. In a low voice, she roared: "flying immortal from the sky..."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the white swords burst out directly from the ancient and simple sword. Thousands of white swords gathered together. In an instant, Li Min's body condensed into a "nine heaven Fairy".

And long Xiangyu did not show weakness. The powerful power of the demon clan was vividly demonstrated by him. With just one punch, dozens of "black armor army" wearing black armor were beaten out. The nearest "black armor army" children were directly smashed into a cloud of blood by long Xiangyu, a member of the demon family's dragon family.

Originally, it was only the scales covering half of the body, but now it continues to spread to the other half of the body. Only after a breath or two, you can see that long Xiangyu's whole body has been covered by hard scales the size of nails. The whole human body has a breath of ancient "wild beast".

Standing alone in the ginger tide outside the crowd, I saw long Xiangyu's eyebrows raised slightly, and a meaningful smile hung on his mouth. He squinted and said, "animal like? It's really unexpected that the son of the dragon family of the demon family has the blood of the "Tongtian beast", one of the "ten evil beasts in ancient times". Unfortunately, the blood concentration is too low. Otherwise, if he turns the beast into a "Tongtian beast" in his "mid heaven level" state, even if he collects it, he will inevitably waste some hands and feet. However, this "Tongtian beast" is also "the ten ancient beasts" As one of the great evil beasts, the blood vessels of these powerful monsters can be regarded as a great tonic for us human warriors. If we can devour and refine the blood vessels of the "Tongtian beast" in his body, I believe that my realm is much more stable than Qiu Chuji, who have understood the "power of the stars" for decades. If we move forward at that time, we will also be here If you can become a "transcendent martial artist" and you have mastered the resources of the whole "Vientiane city", even if you are a "Saint" in the future, you will be able to achieve "Saint" in the near future

Thinking that he can not only grasp Lin Jingyu, the young city master of the "Vientiane city", but also get the "gun of judgment" training method and the "infinite bow of heaven and earth" of "ancient artifact" from the hand of the warrior of "earth immortal seven chongtian". Now there is a demon clan member who has the blood of "Tongtian beast", one of the "ancient evil beasts", with a steady heart In the constant ginger tide, I feel that my breath has also become rapid.

After taking a few deep breaths, he calmed his mind a little, and said in a deep voice to the locust like "black a army" children: "listen to all the" black a army "children. In addition to Lin Jingyu and the" Dixian qichongtian "boy, the" demon clan "boy has also been captured alive. By then, we will" devour and refine "with our own hands He lost the essence and blood in his body and made a generation of "saints"Long Xiangyu, who has been completely "animalized", has already been covered with scales all over his body. When he heard that Jiang Chaoli was going to devour and refine his own blood essence, the corners of his mouth trembled slightly, and his forehead was covered with black lines. With a wave of his hand, he directly beat dozens of "black armour army" boys, and then turned back and glared at Jiang Chaoli in the distance, gnashing his teeth "You are a beast, scum and scum. You want to" devour and refine "my uncle's blood essence. If you dream, even if I burn all the blood essence, you won't get any..."

Seeing that long Xiangyu was slaughtering the members of the "black armour army", he chattered and scolded Jiang Chaoli, and his mouth was full of words like "animal". Chen Xuesong, standing beside Ye Xiao, had a convulsion in the corner of his mouth. Then he turned his head and looked at the black widow beside him and said in a low voice, "black ladies, do you think that the head of longxiangyu's wangbaduzi is not by some kind of God Strange things to kick silly! If you say he wants to scold the son of a bitch in Jiang Chaoli, scold him, even if he greets all the 18 generations of his ancestors in Jiang Chao! What's the matter of scolding the animals in Jiang Chao over and over again? How do I feel that he looks more like a beast than that in the ginger tide? It's really unscientific... "

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