Lin Amber's voice fell, originally stood behind him a group of people immediately surrounded up, a face is full of bad intentions smile.

Although such a large "Lin family" can't compete with such giants as "Yunxiao Dynasty", "yixiantianlin family" and "devil city", it is absolutely not comparable to a small family.

There are 11 main lines of the "master family" alone. There are thousands of scattered Lin Lin people, not to mention the larger number of side branches. If all of them are counted down, there are at least tens of thousands of people who are related to the Lin family.

As the saying goes, there are all kinds of birds in the big woods.

What's more, in a family with tens of thousands of people, the intrigue among them is definitely better than some ancient court dramas.

The people who followed Lin Hu Hu, even if they were not his confidants, were basically people who usually came closer to him. One by one knew that Lin Hu came here not to find out what hidden purpose Ye Xiao and Tuo Boye had, but to beat Lin Jingyu's face.

If Lin Jingyu brought back the people, all fell into his hands.

And then we're going to press for some unwarranted charges.

At that time, even if Lin Jingyu is the grandson of the owner and a father in charge of the "Vientiane city", his reputation will decline for a while.

All members of the "Lin family" know that although Lin Jingyu is the successor of the next "master" appointed by the imperial court, Lin Hu Hu, who has always had the same talent and strength as him, has never given up on the position of "master". As long as he has the opportunity, he will create some troubles for Lin Jingyu.

A group of people have already stood in line and put all their treasures on Lin Hu Hu's body. Like today's things, which do not need to fight with Lin Jingyu, the successor of the "family", but can also undermine his prestige, a group of people will naturally spare no effort to do it.

Even Lin Shaofeng, who was not a high status in the Lin family, brought in some of his confidants trained in the Lin family. He winked at his guards. He saw the guards of the "Lin family" and surrounded Tuo Ba ye and long Xiangyu one after another, with a look of fierce swords.

Seeing that these confidants, who had spent a lot of hard work, didn't drag themselves back in front of Lin Hu Hu, Lin Shaofeng's face also showed a smile of pride, and said to Lin Hu beside him, "master Hu, although you have 120 hearts, this group of people dare to disobey your meaning. Even if you put on a pair of wings today, you can't get rid of our" Lin family " ’Escape. When they fall into my hands, I will interrogate them in person. At that time, I will interrogate them for the purpose of their coming to our "Lin family" and give you an explanation to master Hu. "

After listening to Lin Shaofeng's words, Lin Hu nodded with a satisfied smile, stretched out his hand and patted Lin Shaofeng's shoulder. He squinted and said with a smile: "as long as you do good work for me, I will never treat you badly. Once you let me sit in the position of the master of the house, by then, your relationship will no longer be a branch of our" Lin family ", but our" Lin family " ’At that time, it will not be impossible to give you a position of "suzerain"

Hearing what Lin Hu promised, Lin Shaofeng was also shocked. He said excitedly, "thank you for your gift..."

"Well!" Lin Hu Hu nodded lightly.

"Give it to me." Lin Shaofeng, with a high morale, shook his hand at the guards he had brought with him, and said in a cold voice, "all those who are caught in captivity must be arrested. They dare to resist, and all of them will be killed."

"Yes, brother Shaofeng..."

A group of people, in an instant, rushed to Tuoba Ye.

But standing behind Tuo Pao ye, several people from long Xiangyu saw Lin Shaofeng saying that they would start with their hands, and their faces became ugly.

Standing beside Tuo Pao ye, long Xiangyu directly activated the blood vessels of the "Tongtian beast" in his body. Seeing one black scale after another, he immediately covered half of his body. Before waiting for the guards of the "Lin family" to rush up, he directly asked Tuo Pao ye, "Tuo Ba Ye, what shall we do now? Do you want to do it or do you want to catch the scum? "

After listening to long Xiangyu's words, the rest of the people turned their heads and looked at tuopaoye. The latter is also a tangled face. He is in the ancestral land of the Lin family. As long as anyone with a little brain knows, once he does it, the consequences may be doomed. If he doesn't do it, he will fall into the hands of people like Lin Hu, and it will be a miserable ending When he saw that Lin Shaofeng's people had already rushed over, Tuo Ba ye knew that if he didn't do it, he would have to be captured with his hands tied. He gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, I've lived for so many years, and I really haven't learned how to be captured. If we let them kill them, these scumbags really think we're good at bullying..."

He started at the sound of Tuo Ba Ye.

The group of elders of the assassin League rushed to the guards of the Lin family as quickly as lightning. But it was the elder of the assassin League. Looking back at Ye Xiao's hall with a pair of worried eyes, he said in a deep voice to Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king, who were also ready to rush up At the door, he is now at the critical moment of breakthrough. Don't let anyone go in and disturb him... "The elder of the assassin League said this, and turned and rushed to the guards of the Lin family.

For a moment.

The whole "bieyuan" is full of "ancient immortal", "pseudo God" and "gorgeous martial arts"

Seeing these people that Lin Jingyu brought back, they really dare to fight with their own people. A strange smile appeared on Lin Hu Hu's face and murmured: "Lin Jingyu, Lin Jingyu, seeing that you have been appointed as the first successor of the Lin family by the great patriarch, you begin to get carried away. It seems that you have forgotten what the great patriarch once said In a word, you are not afraid of opponents like wolves, but also afraid of teammates like pigs. These people you brought back dare to fight with the people of the "Lin family". Even if they come to our "Lin family" for no ulterior purpose, no one will believe it now. You, the first successor of the Lin family, has brought back so many wolves to our Lin family ’If the enemy with ulterior motives comes back, even if your grandfather is the "great patriarch" and your evil like Laozi is in charge of the "Vientiane city", there is no way to excuse you this time

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