On the "history of heaven and earth", there are 36 small characters with "flies on the head of the flies". When you see those 36 small characters flashing with the breath of the great famine, Lin Jingyu, standing on the ruins, suddenly turns pale.

Lin Jingyu and Lin nishang have been fighting openly and secretly since several years ago. Therefore, even Lin Jingyu and Lin nishang are familiar with the history of heaven and earth in Lin Hu Hu's hands.

In particular, they are not unfamiliar with the means of "sealing" in the history of heaven and earth.

It is very clear that only one small script on the history of heaven and earth can seal a person. The more small characters fly out, the more terrifying the power of the seal. Even if Lin Hu Hu, the owner of the history book of heaven and earth, wants to unlock the seal of three or sixteen small characters, it is definitely not an easy thing.

Kill them all?

Once Lin nishang is sealed by the thirty-six small characters in the history of heaven and earth, I am afraid that her "talent" is not weaker than her sister, she will be completely abolished.

Lin Jingyu, who felt his liver and gall was about to crack, had already pinched his hands together. Even his fingernails were deeply embedded in his flesh, he didn't notice it. His whole body was trembling with anger.

"Lin Hu Hu, I, Lin Jingyu, swear that as long as you dare to" seal "my sister, I Lin Jingyu will make you regret that you were born in this world, and I will..."

Hearing the helplessness and anger in Lin Jingyu's words, Lin Huhu slightly pursed her lips, revealing a trace of irrefutable smile. Obviously, in Lin Hu's eyes, Lin Jingyu and he are no longer people in the world. Even, his strongest opponent in the past, this moment is no longer worthy of becoming his opponent. Therefore, Lin Hu Hu at this moment is no longer a world man Almost too lazy to talk nonsense with Lin Jingyu.

He glanced at the people outside the courtyard and whispered with a smile: "don't worry. When Lin Hu Hu becomes the successor of the Lin family, all of you who have followed Lin Jingyu will be cleaned up. At that time, I will build the whole Lin family into an iron barrel family ’It is bound to rise completely in my hands... "


Seeing thirty-six small characters of "small letters on the head of a fly" haunting him, Lin nishang, who was unable to move, her pupils shrank violently, and even a look of panic flashed through her cold eyes.

Not only Lin Jingyu, she also knows what will happen if she is sealed by these 36 small characters.

Without waiting for these "small characters" to get close to her, Lin nishang, who was imprisoned, suddenly raised her head, looked at Lin Hu coldly, and said, "since you want me to become a disabled person, then I will not let you get what you want..."

After hearing Lin nishang's words, Lin Hu Hu is about to make a sarcastic remark. He feels that his "colorful dragon scale belt" has begun to change, and the whole person is also stunned.

Then he threw the "colorful dragon scale belt" in his hand with an angry face, and roared: "you crazy woman, you want to blow up your own" life magic weapon ". Don't you know that once you blow up your own" life magic weapon ", even if I don't seal you, your heart will be completely damaged. Even if it's ten or eight years, it may not be able to recover, or even..."


The "seven color dragon scale belt" which was just thrown out by Lin Hu burst into a dazzling golden light, and layers of air waves spread around the "seven color dragon scale belt" as the center.

Naturally, the power of a "ancient artifact" can not be underestimated. Even a strong man like Lin Huhu, when he saw Lin nishang's self explosion of his "colorful dragon scale belt", his face also showed a look of surprise and anger.

At the moment, she didn't dare to hesitate. Her mind moved. "The history of heaven and earth" was in front of her, and the people standing around the "courtyard" were all dumbfounded at the moment. No one thought that Lin nishang would really blow up her own "life magic weapon" by saying that she would blow up her own "life magic weapon".

As long as people in the cultivation world know, if they blow up their own "life magic weapon", they will have to bear a huge price, which is countless times more than the cost of the "life magic weapon" being swallowed up by Lin Hu Hu's "history of heaven and earth". Even if the strength is restored in the future, there may be no way to move forward in a lifetime.

Before a group of people reacted, they saw that the air waves from the "seven color dragon scale belt" burst out, hitting Lin Hu Hu's "small world of Zhou Tian" one layer after another. The hard ground was lifted up by the air waves of the "colorful dragon scale belt". Lin Hu Hu, who was in the middle of the "Zhou Tian small world", was not feeling well at the moment.

Although most of his strength was blocked by the history of heaven and earth, there was still a part of the power that hit him.

The self explosion of an ancient artifact, not to mention a martial artist like Lin Hu Hu, even those who have reached seven or eight levels of body training can not bear such a powerful force.

Lin Jingyu, standing outside the "little world of Zhou Tian", saw that her sister finally chose to blow up her "ancient artifact" to hurt Lin Hu Hu, her eyes had already turned red.Lin Hu Hu, standing in the "small world of Zhou Tian", was hit by an air wave on his chest. He sprayed blood directly. He raised his head and looked at Lin nishang, who was also in the middle of the storm. He also had a "history of heaven and earth" in his hand to resist the self explosion of most of the "ancient artifacts". Lin nishang was not so lucky. The first wave burst When it came out, it hit her directly.

The whole person is directly hit by this air wave to fly out.

Seeing Lin Hu's ferocious and resentful look, she was unable to move on the ground. Her face was even more pale as paper. For the first time, Lin nishang also showed a faint smile. With a sarcastic smile, she said, "do you think the self explosion of an ancient artifact is so simple?"


He realized that there was also a trace of strange Lin amber in the "great world of the heavens", and his face finally turned ugly.

When you look up, you can see that the "ancient dragons" imprisoned in the "great world of the heavens" are exploding one after another in their own "universe of heavens", although they have not spread to the outside world.

However, the "universe of the heavens" itself is derived from the "history of heaven and earth". Every time these damned animals explode themselves, they will damage the "history books of heaven and earth" in their hands. Thinking that they should not leave these animals to refine slowly, but should kill them all as soon as they are collected into the "great world of the heavens" The corners of her mouth were also convulsed violently.

His face was full of remorse and regret.

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