"Well, the three of you have been dismissed, and we will pay the liquidated damages..." According to the ancient rhyme, he just looked at Ye Xiao and Huayue charm with great interest, and said directly.

When this is said, other people are even more frightened, especially the blue sea shadow. How can it be like this? It is clearly that they want to jump the nest. Even if they have to pay the penalty, it is also them. How can it be their turn to pay the penalty?

Zhu Yifeng and others are still staring at Ye Xiao. How can they believe that their career has been completely changed because of Ye Xiao's words.

Originally, I said that I would consider it for a few days. I also said that I would discuss the specific price with Hua YUEWU. I also said

Well, there aren't so many copies, but even if they don't have so many copies, they don't want to agree so soon? Now, you don't have to resign. You and others are fired directly. You don't have to pay the penalty. On the contrary, the other party has to pay the penalty. How can such a thing happen in the world? And ye Xiao, how does he know his immediate superior?

Even the world's super rich women like yiguyun know that suddenly, they feel that the distance between them and ye Xiao is so huge.

Flower Moon Charm is Chao Yigu Yun's embarrassed smile. They have been good friends for a long time. Now ye Xiao has dug the corner of her good friend with her own name, which is a little unreasonable. Moreover, yiguyun also agreed to come down, which is even more embarrassing for her.

Only Ye Xiao looked indifferent. Hearing Yi Guyun's promise, a smile immediately appeared on his face: "ha ha, I knew you would agree. Your company is so big and there are so many talents. By the way, what about the meal money just now? You don't mind? " Ye Xiao mysteriously stepped forward and said to Yi Guyun.

Pooh hee

At this moment, not to mention the charm of the flower moon. Even Zhu Yifeng and others can't see it any more. They dig into the corners of other people's walls and invite them to have a meal without saying anything. They also have to hang the bill on other people's heads This is no longer shameless.

It's shameless to the point of earth shaking

"Ha ha, of course not mind, this time, I also want to thank you!" Who expected that according to the ancient rhyme, there was no sign of being angry at all. Instead, he said to Ye Xiao with a smile.

In ancient times, there are two kinds of laughs, one smile is more than a fall, it is a disaster to the country and the people, and the source of world riots. Don't mention Ye Xiao, even the blue sea shadow with ancient rhyme and Zhu Yifeng are shocked by this beautiful scene.

It's so beautiful. It's just like the winter sun and the hot spring in the ice cellar, bringing endless warmth and enjoyment to people.

How can such a perfect woman exist in this world? Originally they thought that the photos in the magazine had gone through PS, but now they understand that the real yiguyun is more beautiful and beautiful than the photos.

In fact, it's not just men, but even beautiful women like xiaofei'er who are beautiful and beautiful. When they see this smile, they feel ashamed. Her beauty is not the beauty of the world, but the beauty from the sky and the dream. But this kind of beauty is so real in front of you.

"Thank you? Thank me for what? " After a short period of astonishment, ye Xiao has recovered. There are so many people here. If they have been attracted by his beauty, it will be too shameless. Others think that they have never seen a beautiful woman, although it is really rare to see such a beautiful woman.

"Ha ha, it's a long story. Please call me when you have time, and then we'll come out and have a good chat..." Yiguyun is a sweet smile, do not feel that their smile is a very lethal weapon for many men.

"OK..." Ye Xiao nodded. He knew that some words were not spoken in public. After he left the hotel, he led a group of people to leave Jinling Hotel.

At this moment, Zhu Yifeng and others have promoted their understanding of Ye Xiao to a level that they can't imagine. They were still hesitant to go to huayuewu's company, but now it has been decided directly that the big boss of other people should give ye Xiao face. If they don't give it, it will be boring if they don't give it.

Between the words, several people are full of reverence for ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao just laughed and didn't say anything more. He believed that all the people present were smart people, and many words didn't need him to say more.

People originally planned to go to KTV to sing children's songs, but ye Xiao suddenly received a call from Luo lingchi.

"What? What's the matter? " Ye Xiao looked for a place where no one was there and said that he knew that if there was nothing particularly important, Luo lingchi would not call him.

"I found Yang Zhanghu's whereabouts. He is not dead..." From the other end of the phone came Luo lingchi's deep voice.

"What..." Ye Xiao was shocked. During the battle at Dongpo wharf that day, he always thought that all the members of the flying car party who followed him were killed. He was upset for a long time. But now he heard that Yang Zhanghu was not dead. How could he not be surprised and happy? It was his brother.

"Last time Chu Wangtian didn't kill him. I don't know why. Now he's being held in a wildlife park, where Han Wuchen trains gene fighters. This is the news that my people finally got..." Luo lingchi said coldly."Gene warrior?" Ye Xiao frowns. Does Chu Wangtian's son of a bitch want to use Yang Zhanghu as a test object

"Ye Xiao, I suspect this is a bait that Chu Wangtian deliberately released..." Luo lingchi ignored Ye Xiao's surprise and directly expressed his worries in his heart.

Although it was the news from his own people, it did not appear in the morning or in the evening. It happened when Luo lingchi gradually gained the upper hand. No one believed this at all.

"Do you suspect it's a trap?" Ye Xiao snorted coldly.

"Yes..." Luo lingchi was outspoken.

"So you want me not to go?" Ye Xiao sneers, where his brother is imprisoned, how can he not go?

"No, if I don't want you to go there, I won't tell you. I just want to remind you that although Han Wuchen's gene fighters have not been developed, they are extremely powerful..." Luo lingchi said faintly. Obviously, he also knows that ye Xiao is a man who values love and righteousness. When he hears his brother's whereabouts, he can't be indifferent

"I know..." Ye Xiao nodded.

"What are you going to do?" Luo lingchi asked.

"Making trouble with Huanglong" Ye Xiao said coldly, her eyes full of determination.

"Ye Xiao, you are dying..." Luo lingchi was in a hurry. He originally told ye Xiao the news, hoping Ye Xiao could draw up a perfect plan, which could save people and not fall into the trap of the enemy. Who knows that this guy is one track minded, and makes a direct attack on the Yellow Dragon. How do you deal with it?

"Don't worry, I know how to do it..." Ye Xiao said that and hung up the phone directly, and his eyes had already looked to the southeast, where Yang Zhanghu was detained

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