"Well..." Ye Xiao is speechless for a while, but she is still a little depressed. She and Peng Yingshi are friends at least. But now that she is gone, she doesn't inform herself. It's too unfriendly.

"In fact, I can safely inherit my father's career, thanks to you?" Seeing ye Xiao a little depressed, Yigu Yun didn't want to say anything more about this matter, so he directly opened his mouth and shifted the topic.

"Oh?" A few days ago, ye Xiao knew that she had something to say to herself, but she didn't know what she was going to say.

Then, according to the ancient rhyme, all the things happened in these days.

When ye Xiao and Han Wuchen were fighting against each other, Yi Lanfeng died unfortunately. A big earthquake occurred to the whole Hengtian Group. Some members of the board of directors could not inherit the chairman of Hengtian Group because Yi Guyun was too young. Some people colluded with Han Wuchen. However, when Han Wuchen was strongly killed by Ye Xiao, all those who opposed it suddenly shut up Even those uncles and uncles in ancient rhyme had no objection, so she was able to sit on the position of chairman of the board.

Hearing this, ye Xiao's doubts are not answered. Instead, they are even more confused. Who is the successor of Hengtian Group and what is the relationship between him and himself?

"We are friends..." Seeing ye Xiao's face still puzzled and smiling in accordance with the ancient rhyme, ye Xiao suddenly realized that he was proud again. When did he become so powerful?

Has his own success or failure been able to affect the decision of the board of directors of Hengtian Group? Are those board members worried that they would be in trouble with Yi Guyun?

Ye Xiao is half right. When the news that he killed Han Wuchen by himself came out, he really caused a sensation in the whole city of Jinghai. Even the senior management of Hengtian Group knew that this young man should not be underestimated. They were also worried that yiguyun would seize power with the help of Ye Xiao. At that time, it would not only be a matter of losing power, but also might even lose his life 。

The other half of the reason is that Hengtian Group doesn't want to be as calm as it seems. At least Yi Lanfeng's sudden death has left yiguyun with a huge problem, and a lot of debts have not been completed. Frankly speaking, what yiguyun is now taking over is a mess. At the beginning, those board members were supposed to carve up these industries, but yiguyun insisted on taking over Hand, they also sell Ye Xiao a favor, at least don't annoy him!

Under such circumstances, it is natural for him to become the chairman of the board. Of course, there are still many conspiracies in this, which has nothing to do with Ye Xiao.

Yi Guyun didn't say much. Obviously, she didn't want Ye Xiaoduo to worry about

After chatting with Yi Guyun for a while, ye Xiao chose to leave. After his figure left Guyu villa, Peng Yingshi, wearing a set of silver and white cheongsam, came out.

"Sister Peng, why don't you want to see him?" See ye Xiao some bleak back figure, according to the ancient rhyme is a little puzzled toward Peng Ying poetry asked.

They are all friends. She never understood why Peng Yingshi didn't see ye Xiao. This time, ye Xiao came to ask Peng Yingshi for help

"It's not that I don't want to see him or help him, but I have to act like I've left you, but I can't leave you..." Peng Ying poetry is very low said.

"Why?" According to Gu Yun, she is even more puzzled. Now the defense force around her is very strong. Even if Peng Yingshi leaves her for a while, it's nothing. Besides, even if she can't leave herself, she can tell Ye Xiao directly. Can ye Xiao still leak secrets?

"The members of the dark moon alliance did not leave, and your uncles did not give up completely, and this ancient jade villa is not absolutely safe..." Peng Ying poetry light said, but the eyes are full of a trace of guilt, the guilt of Ye Xiao.

If a friend is in trouble, he must do his best to help him, but now he can not help Ye Xiao, he must also hide from him. What a sad thing it is?

Who is the most intelligent person behind Han Lizhen's operation?

Once they tell Han Tianyu the news of Ye Xiao's arrival, will ye Xiao's upcoming action also be disclosed?

A light sigh, according to the ancient rhyme toward their own room, see yiguyun some lonely into their room, Peng Yingshi sighed softly, toward the direction of Ye Xiao left murmured a: "Ye Xiao, can you understand?"

Ye Xiao left the villa with no depression on her face, and even a faint smile appeared on her mouth. He has found out the existence of Peng Yingshi, but she would rather not see herself. What does this mean?

With the relationship between the two people, there is almost nothing to say. Then the only explanation is that there are people who will have cold weather in the villa.

In other words, there is a great danger in yiguyun. Where does this danger come from?

He shook his head and went straight to the intersection when he came

It seems that they still have to ask their sisters for help nowWhen ye Xiao left the ancient jade villa, a black figure came out quietly and watched Ye Xiao's figure leave. Then he took out a telephone and dialed a number.

"My Lord, he has left..." Even on the phone, the man in black is still absolutely respectful

"Very good. Is there any whereabouts of the silver fox..." A cold voice came from the other end of the phone

"My Lord, silver fox left the villa yesterday..." The man in Black said to the phone!

"Sure?" The people on the other end of the phone don't seem to believe

"Sure..." The man in black nodded for sure!

"Well, it's midnight. In half an hour, everything goes according to plan..." On the other end of the phone came a cold and cold voice

"Yes, my lord..." The man in black nodded respectfully, hung up the phone, and then turned back to the ancient jade villa.

Not long after he left, ye Xiao, who should have left, suddenly appeared outside the wall yard of Guyun villa. Looking at the ancient jade villa built on the mountain, a faint smile appeared on the corner of Ye Xiao's mouth, and then quickly ran to Guyu mountain villa

Yi Guyun returns to her room, but she can hardly fall asleep. She always feels that something is staring at herself all around. Even though she knows that Peng Yingshi has not left here, she is still hard to settle down

At this moment, a huge fire suddenly lit up outside, and then someone was heard shouting, "fire, fire..." Ancient jade villa on fire? How could that be possible?

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