When he saw Lin nishang's "history of heaven and earth", even his first "thunder robbery" could not resist, Chubu's face also showed a smug smile. He squinted and said with a gloomy smile: "don't worry, this is the first" thunder robbery ". There are four more" thunder robberies "to follow. I'd like to have a look at it. You two guys have lost the history book of heaven and earth How can ants resist my master's "five thunder demon prison"... "


Among the boiling "black fog", a dragon like "thunder and lightning" directly cleaved down on the two men, with a tremendous momentum. However, those martial artists gathered around, especially those who had not yet understood the power of the stars, saw the power of the five thunder demon prison in Chu Bu, and their faces were full of horror Although there is no frightening look on their faces, they are also greedy looking at the "five thunder demon prison" above Ye Xiao and Lin nishang.

Obviously, the power of this "ancient artifact" is so powerful that even those who have understood the power of the stars are deeply moved.

The history book of heaven and earth, which has lost its prestige, has also fallen on Lin nishang's side. It seems that when the "thunder robbery" released from the second "five thunder devil prison" is about to fall on the two people's heads, Lin nishang, who has always been known as the "beautiful girl of heaven" in the "Lin family", also closes her eyes bitterly.

He whispered to Ye Xiao beside him: "brother ye, it's all our" Lin family "who drag you down. If our" spirit "does not die, in the next life, I am willing to be your woman to make up for what I owe you in this life. If I still don't owe you in the next life, I'll be your woman in the next generation, until I pay off all the kindness I owe you …”


Lin nishang, who had thought that she would die this time, did not wait for the painful feeling of "thunder robbery" falling on her body. She looked up and found that it was not the thunder robbery that did not fall, but ye Xiao, who was standing beside her He stood up to this "thunder robbery" for himself.

The "five thunder devil prison" is also an ancient artifact. Moreover, the ranking on the "artifact list" is much higher than that of Lin nishang's "history of heaven and earth". Even if it is an ordinary crush, ordinary martial artists can't bear it at all. What's more, it's the magic skills released by the "five thunder devil prison".

Looking up at Ye Xiao's Lin nishang with tears in her eyes, she saw Ye Xiao's whole body had become burnt black. She opened her mouth and even forgot to shout.

Standing in the back of Chu Bu, ye Xiao used his flesh to fight against the "thunder robbery" released by his "five thunder demon prison". A sneer flashed in his eyes and sneered: "it's stupid. What about the ancient practitioners of" King Kong mirror "? I don't know how to fight against my master's "five thunder devil prison". Don't worry. Even if you destroy your body, you will still leave your "spirit". After all, you still have many secrets you want to know. "

Chubu, who had thought Ye Xiao's body would be destroyed this time, was preparing to wait for ye Xiao's "spirit" to escape from his body and immediately confine his "spirit" to the "five thunder devil prison". You can see ye Xiao's blackened body start to move.

The things on his body, which were as black as carbon, fell one by one. Seeing that the second "thunder robbery" released by his "five thunder demon prison" failed to destroy Ye Xiao's body, Chubu's face suddenly became gloomy.

He said with a deep sneer: "I almost forget that there is still a" holy thing "in your body. It seems that it is not so easy to destroy your body with this second" thunder robbery ". However, I will take a look today to see whether the last three" thunder robberies "of this" five thunder demon prison "are more severe, or there is a" holy thing "in your body ’You are more powerful than the mirror itself... "

When he saw that the "five thunder demon prison" in Chubu failed to kill Ye Xiao, the warrior of "earth immortal and nine heavy heaven", all the strong people around him who were "the peak of the late days of heaven level" were all dumbfounded. Some experienced martial artists basically saw a clue in Ye Xiao, and their faces were full of shock and surprise. After all, the "ancient practitioners of physical training" Although they have all met, it is the first time that ye Xiao, who has reached the goal of "King Kong mirror" and is able to compete with the "five thunder devil prison" in Chu Bu, is really the first time to see him.

Seeing that the "five thunder demon prison" in Chu Bu failed to kill Ye Xiao, Lin nishang, who was still in tears, jumped up and rushed directly to Ye Xiao's body. She held Ye Xiao tightly in her arms and sobbed: "brother ye, I thought you were dead. I was afraid..." Before Lin nishang finished, she immediately felt that ye Xiao she was holding was totally naked, and her clothes had already been turned into nothing in that "thunder robbery".

Lin nishang, who had a sad face, turned red in an instant. She quickly let go of her hand holding Ye Xiao and lowered her head. She was at a loss.Xiaoye's face is also embarrassed at the moment.

Without mentioning Lin nishang beside her, there are thousands of martial artists around. Now, standing in front of so many people, ye Xiao takes a deep breath. Seeing the "five thunder demon prison" above her head, the black fog around her starts to roll. She can't think much about it. She uses the purgatory flame to condense a set of "dark purple" around her The armor.

In particular, the will of the ancient monsters in the "anger" has absorbed the "spirit of the flood and famine" in the "history of heaven and earth", and their bodies began to solidify. Before the third "thunder robbery" in the "five thunder demon prison" falls, we can see these "ancient monsters" The will rushed to the "five thunder demon prison" above his head, and roared and roared


The third "thunder robbery" came down directly.

The momentum was startling. When those martial artists who were watching the "thunder robbery" felt the power contained in the "thunder robbery", they all subconsciously stepped back several steps, and their face became more and more frightening. Chu Bu, which controls the "five thunder devil prison", looked at Ye Xiao in a burning face and roared: "go to death!"


The voice of Chu rang out from behind! Nonsense... "

Hearing this voice, Chubu's face suddenly changed.

He was no stranger to this familiar voice, and now he was no longer in charge of the "five thunder demon prison". Instead, he took his people around quickly and looked at the direction of the voice. He saw a man of outstanding temperament. When he saw this man, a group of people standing behind Chu Bu bowed their heads and cried respectfully "City Lord..."

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