Seeing that Zhang Yanmo was forced to be soft, ye mei'er's eyes flashed a faint irony and smile. She saw that Ning Tianfu and Zhang Yanmo had left the matter to themselves, which revealed a charming smile. She looked back at Mr. Lin, sipped her thin but sexy lips, shook her head and said, "Mr. Lin, Zhang Yanmo's heart Although I can't see the light, he is also right. Lin Aotian's son's "talent" is not weak. Even if the little girl stays in the extremely cold place of "ice and snow city" all the year round, she has heard about the deeds of Lin Aotian's "gifted" son. Therefore, if you want to exchange the whereabouts of the "holy thing" for the little boy's life, we will not agree... "

"The whereabouts of a" sacred object "is in exchange for the life of my grandson. No matter how you calculate it, you seem to have no loss."

Mr. Lin shook his head, and before ye mei'er could speak, he continued: "besides, I don't need the three of you to take the old grandson back to your" city ". I just need you to let him leave here. Of course, when he leaves the" Vientiane city ", whether you want to arrest him or kill him is not something I can manage, As for my grandson's "talent", you don't need to worry about it. Without the resources provided by the Lin family, even if my grandson's "talent" is so outstanding, I don't think it will pose any threat to you at all. "

"No way." Ye mei'er shook her head and said firmly: "Mr. Lin, there is no room for discussion about this matter. If you really want to leave a little bit of incense for the Lin family, you'd better not bargain. At that time, the little girl will choose two children of the Lin family to go back and let them pass on the incense of the Lin family, so that the Lin family will not be thorough The extinction of... "

Seeing ye Meier and Mr. Lin still bargaining, Chu magic knife, who is also very excited about the "sacred object", frowned slightly. The light from the corner of his eye glanced at the "Purple mansion" beside him. He said coldly to Ye Meier: "no matter it's the holy thing or the remnant volume of magic power, I won't compete with you, but you'd better Don't forget the purpose of our visit this time. Now, Lin Ao Tian still stays in the purple mansion. As long as Lin Ao Tian doesn't die, we won't win. "

Hearing the reminder of Chu magic knife, ye mei'er's three people's expressions are immediately tight. For them, Lin Aotian is the only one who can be a hidden danger for them. If Lin Aotian fails to pass the life and death barrier, it will be a devastating news for them. The three people look at each other and nod their heads, which means they agree with the words of Chu magic sword.

Seeing that Zhang Yanmo and Ning Tiantian have moved closer to the Chu magic sword, ye Meier looks at Mr. Lin and says with a faint smile: "Mr. Lin, using this method to delay time is the worst way. Since you want to discuss a deal with us and leave a trace of incense for the Lin family, wait until we break the" Purple mansion "

After listening to ye mei'er's words, Mr. Lin seems to be a little old again, looking helplessly at the "Purple mansion" in front of him. His injuries were not mild. Even if he was determined to stop the four men of Chu magic sword from attacking the "Purple mansion", he was totally unable to do so. He could only watch the four people stand on the same front again. Even though he had thrown out the fragments of "magic power" and "holy things", which were enough to arouse the hearts of all warriors, he could not separate the camp of the four.

Seeing that the Chu magic sword had gathered the rest of the people together to attack the "Purple mansion", master Lin, a hero of a generation, also showed a bitter smile on his face and slowly closed his eyes. He knew that once Chu magic knife and ye Meier could break the "Purple mansion", the whole "Lin family" would be really over. He looked up and looked at the gray sky overhead Empty, mouth full of bitter murmur: "pass on for tens of thousands of years of 'Lin family', really want to destroy the clan?"



At the same time, the flying "magic weapon of life" and the gorgeous "martial arts" bombard the light screen of "Zifu". After the position moves, you can see that the light curtain of "Zifu" has cracks visible to the naked eye.

The four Chu magic swords, who had already had one experience, did not stop this time. Instead, they controlled their own "life magic weapon" and continued to bombard the light curtain of "Purple mansion".

He had already walked to the Chu port outside the "black armour army" around Lin Jingyu. When he heard the sound behind him, he looked back at the situation behind him. When he saw that his father had begun to attack Lin Aotian's "purple house" with others, a wild smile appeared on his face. He looked pitifully at Lin Jingyu, who was guarding Ye Xiao's side With a smile, he said: "it's really the Phoenix that lands is not as good as the chicken! I didn't expect that our forest will be reduced to today's field! What can you rely on when the "Purple mansion" breaks down and your father dies in my father's hands

After Chubu said to himself, he looked at Ye Xiao lying beside Lin Jingyu, and said with a smile: "I almost forgot that the half dead boy beside you seems to be your dependence. However, now my father has beaten him to death, and it seems that he can't become your dependence! Lin Jingyu, for the sake of everyone being the "little city Lord", I will leave a whole body for you. Even if you can afford to let me go, it is not impossible to let you go secretly. However, can you afford to go out? "trample!

Trample naked!

Lin Jingyu knows very well that even if the whole "Lin family" is given to him together with the remnant of "magic power" and ye Xiao's "sacred things", Chu Bu will not let him go. Lin Jingyu is also very clear about the sinister intentions of Chubu.

It's nothing more than giving yourself a hope to survive. In the end, no matter what kind of conditions he gives, he will completely reject him and let him fall from heaven to hell. Lin Jingyu, who has already found out Chu Bu's heart, raised his mouth slightly with a sarcastic arc. After glancing at Chubu, he said with a cold smile: "today, even if we are" Lin " All the family members are dead, and I won't let you get what you have from boss ye... "

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