Seeing that the first person brought to the "kill Sendai" was the former deputy commander of the "black armour army", Jiang Chaoli, a group of people automatically ignored the two two goods' fighting mouths of Zhou Kai and chenxuesong, and moved their eyes to Jiang Chaoli.

In addition to a wounded ginger tide, there are still more than a dozen people who are escorted to the back, most of them are raw faces, the rest of the small part, ye Xiao, tuobaye group, although they can not name, but also in the "kill fairy platform" above.

Some of them were the strong ones who had besieged the old butler, and some were encountered when they fled under the "kill fairyland". Half of them were those who had realized the power of stars, and the rest were the "peak of the later days".

When seeing Lin Jingyu, several martial arts men of "peak of later days" cried and cried: "young master Lin, we are all blamed for being confused for a while, and only being blinded by others. Please give us a chance. We are willing to be servants of the forest family. Later, if you let us go east, we will go east, let us go west, and we will go west. We will never violate the principle of violating the principle of Master Lin's instructions... "

Seeing these were all the powerful people who were not immortal, they were begging for pity in front of themselves. Lin's face flashed a little ironic smile, ignoring the people's forgiveness, but looking at the front of Jiang Chao and sneering: "in Jiang Chao, you have hidden it in our 'Forest's black armour army for ten years. I didn't think it was easy to accumulate Thin hair once, will fall so down! At the beginning, you didn't kill him under the kill fairy platform. Now it falls into the hands of our master. I want to hear from him. What else can you say about this betrayer? Of course, you can rest assured that I won't let you die so easily. "

After hearing Lin Jingyu, Jiang Chaoli's sight also fell on Ye Xiao. There was a hint of resentment in his eyes. If it wasn't Ye Xiao, Lin Jingyu would not have had the chance to escape from the "Vientiane city". The soldiers of Lin family would not be rushed here so quickly. If there were no rescue soldiers from the forest family, Jiang Chaoli believed that Lin Jingyu, the Laozi, might have already been there Dead in the hands of the "four City owners", he took a deep breath and converged the resentment in his eyes. Only when he looked at Lin with a smile, he said, "master Lin, you can't kill me."


Lin Jingyu, who was very angry and laughed, looked at Jiang Chaoli with a sneer and said, "tell me why this young master can't kill you, or, what big man is hidden behind you. If the young master killed you today, the big man behind you will not let me go?"

"No." Jiang Chaoli shook his head with a confident smile: "if I don't estimate it correctly, I'm afraid the loss of the black armour army has reached an astronomical number! Even if you have settled down the internal chaos of Vientiane City, the whole Vientiane city has become a ruins. Not only the black armour army, but also countless forces have been destroyed in this rebellion. These forces have withdrawn from the stage of Vientiane City, and new forces will join in immediately, especially those who have not entered the Vientiane City, but not so Obedient, the master Lin now has the "black armour army" in his hand, which is not enough to maintain the stability of the whole Vientiane city! If one is not careful, I am afraid that another chaos will be caused. In my hand, I still have a lot of "black armour army". As long as I sit in the position of commander in charge of the black armour army, this "Vientiane city" will not be disordered again. Of course, master Lin can believe me this time. Because the "city Lord" has achieved "no saints", even if I am in Jiang Chaoli's position Stupid, and will not betray the "Lin family"... "

Hearing Jiang Chaoli constantly boasting, Lin Jingyu's face of the irony taste is also more and more heavy, waiting for Jiang Chaoli to finish, then smile: "finished?"

Seeing the look on Lin's face, Jiang Chaoli was a whole person in a daze, and then, he said with a dignified face: "young master Lin thinks the problem I analyze in Jiang Chaoli is not right? Or did Mr. Lin not put the crisis of Vientiane City in his eyes

"You're right in the analysis." Lin Jingyu points out: "if the Vientiane city has poured in a lot of new forces, if the" black armour "is unable to suppress, it is possible to see what you said

"So, is there any capacity for the black armour army to suppress?" Jiang Chaoli smiled with a conceited smile: "so, young master Lin can't kill me. Only if I continue to command the" black armour army ", can we stop such things from happening. What do you think

"In fact, I have another way." Lin Jingyu is a serious way.


When hearing Lin Jingyu has another way, Jiang Chaoli also sneers: "I am in Jiang Chaoli to listen."

"Kill everyone else!" Lin Jingyu put his hand at his hand, and then he said: "remember in the next life that one can make mistakes, but not every mistake, you can bear it."

The members of the "black armour army" standing behind the group of rebels heard Lin's orders, and took down the special machetes of the "black armour army" on their waist, and then they picked up and fell their knives, and immediately saw the heads rolling out.Before they could ask for mercy, some warriors who had been scared to death were also cut in half by the "black armour army" standing behind them. As for the "spirit", they were not spared. Seeing Lin Jingyu, he killed dozens of strong men in one breath. Jiang Chao, who was still bound by flowers, could not help but take a breath of cold and squint and say, "young master Lin, is this so Is that what you said? "

"No Lin Jingyu shook his head and said with a harmless smile on his face: "I just think they are too noisy. Moreover, when they rebelled, they killed so many" black armour army "of our" Lin family ". If we didn't kill a few influential people, I couldn't swallow this breath, so I had to kill a few in advance." Lin Jingyu said with a mysterious smile: "next, I will let you know that the things you rely on are nothing in my young master's eyes. It's not only you, but also the black armour army who betrayed our" Lin family "with you. I will kill none of them."

After listening to Lin Jingyu's words, Jiang Chaoli gave a noncommittal smile and said slowly: "last time, if Lin Dashao didn't insist on seizing the power of" dragon hall "," Xuannv hall "and" Xuantian Palace ", and it was known all over the city, it would not make such a big disturbance. Originally, I thought that Lin Dashao had experienced the last time Love, more or less, will change a little, but I don't want to. Lin Dashao still likes to go his own way. However, this time I'll have to see what else Lin can do to prevent the whole "Vientiane city" from being confused by too many new forces. I'll wait and see. "

There is no fear.

There is no fear in the current ginger tide.

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