As the first successor of the Chen family, he is no stranger to "zhutiangang Qi chop". This "zhutiangang Qi chop" is not a "Heaven level martial art", at best, it can only be regarded as the martial art of "six heaven levels of earth immortals".

If an ordinary martial artist can use it, let alone hurt Ye Xiao, who is a "ancient practitioner", I'm afraid his skin will not be hurt by half. But now that he has realized the three offerings of the power of the stars, his martial arts skills in the realm of "earth immortals and six levels of heaven" are infinitely stronger than his "Heaven level martial arts".

Even his "taboo martial arts" may not be comparable to the martial arts of "Dixian liuchongtian" made by "three sacrifices". Seeing the weapons falling on Ye Xiao one after another, Chen Qilin couldn't help but take a breath and murmured: "this is the power of the strong one who understands the power of the stars! It's not the same as those ordinary "Tian level later peak" martial artists... "

It seems that the sword condensed from the "power of stars" is about to fall on Ye Xiao. The faces of Shangguan yu'er and jellyfish king suddenly become ugly.

At present, ye Xiao's whole body is suppressed by the "power of the stars" of the "three sacrifices" and is unable to move at all. He can only watch the weapons formed by the "power of stars" fall on him. Whether it is Shangguan yu'er or jellyfish king, their perception can be regarded as the strongest among the "dragon Gang" group, and these "weapons" are condensed At that time, they had already felt the horror of these "weapons".

If the target of the "three offerings" is to them, let alone the "weapons" all over the sky, I'm afraid that just one "weapon" will be enough to send all of them to reincarnation. Even if ye Xiao is a "practitioner of ancient times", they are not sure whether ye Xiao can withstand the "power of the stars".

"Stop it..."

A roar came directly from the outside of the "courtyard". Before a group of people standing in the hall of the "holy hall" did not even respond, they saw a dozen figures suddenly appeared in the "Hall". The "weapons" in the sky did not fall on Ye Xiao, and they were completely dissolved by the actions of these ten people.

Feeling the breath from these more than a dozen people, they were originally "three offerings" with a steady look on the Diaoyutai. Their faces turned pale and even their pupils were full of horror.

All of these ten people, without exception, all understood the metamorphosis of "the power of the stars". As for why there are so many abnormal strong men who have understood the power of the stars, the "three offerings" only feel that their minds are blank.

After all, it was only two days after they arrived at the "Vientiane city". At that time, the "battle of the marsh" was just over. For those who did not enter the "swamp" and did not even go out of the "courtyard" these days and chose to protect themselves, they had no idea what kind of situation the "Vientiane city" had developed.

Of course, if they knew that ye Xiao was the commander-in-chief of the black armour army of "Vientiane city", I'm afraid that even if they had given them 100 courage, no one would have dared to fight ye Xiao.

Chen Qilin, sitting on the chair, is also staring at the dozen strong men who suddenly appear around Ye Xiao who have realized the power of the stars. He has been in the city for a long time.

Usually, it's hard to meet one of the "late peak of the sky level", let alone those who have understood the power of the stars. Chen Qilin knows that behind many forces, although there are strong people who have understood the power of the stars, no one dares to walk in the "Vientiane city" openly ’After the disaster, the reputation of the whole "city Lord's house" was weakened. The Chen family dared to send some strong men to help Chen Qilin compete for the rank of "Vientiane city". However, they didn't want to see more than ten abnormal strong people who understood the power of the stars in a short time.

For a moment, Chen Qilin even forgot to ask where these strong men came from.

And the first feeling is that the city of Vientiane is now the world of those who have understood the power of the stars? Otherwise, how could there be so many abnormal strong men who have realized the power of the stars to come out?

Even the "three offerings" look frightened at the moment, not to mention the remaining dozens of "late Tian level peaks" of the Chen family. They have already been frightened by the sudden appearance of more than a dozen strong men who have understood the power of the stars and are afraid to move.

Just after Chen Qilin woke up and wanted to ask who the powerful men who suddenly appeared in the hall of his "headquarters" were, he saw Tuo Pao ye, long Xiangyu and Li Min rush in with a huge team.

Before the members of the temple who stayed in the courtyard did not know what was going on, they saw Tuo Pao Yeh, with an angry face, waved to the people he had brought, and with a gloomy face, he yelled: "kill me, don't keep any of them..."

"Tuo Ba ye, long Xiangyu, Li Min Are they your men? " Sitting on the chair, Chen Qilin stood up in a moment and glared at the three men. Although he did not dare to send his anger to the strong men who had understood the power of the stars, he was not afraid of Tuoba ye and long Xiangyu.After all, they are called the "Vientiane city" giants. In fact, the strength of all of them is almost the same. Even if a few of them are stronger, they are all "Heaven level" warriors.

Moreover, everyone's status is almost the same. They are all the top 20 figures in the "Vientiane city". Seeing Chen Qilin, the leader of the "holy hall", is so angry that he is about to jump up and down. Long Xiangyu, walking behind tuopaoye, glances at Chen Qilin lightly, and then laughs casually: "Chen Qilin, don't be bloody! They are not our people. We don't have the ability to ask so many strong people who have realized the power of the stars to come here. You Chen family is better than others. Let the strong people who understand the power of stars enter the city to kill people. Is it possible that the name of the city is Chen now

Hearing long Xiangyu's ridicule, Chen Qilin's face suddenly turned blue. He dared to let the warriors above the "Heaven level" enter the "Vientiane city", which is also because the "Vientiane city" happened to change dramatically.

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