Like most of the forces of Vientiane City, the headquarters of Assassin League have moved to the "Lingshi vein" outside Vientiane city. Compared with the past, the barren "Lingshi vein" has more people flavor.

When the elder of Assassin League returned to the "Lingshi vein" with two young people, the members who rarely stayed in the headquarters of Assassin League were curious to look at Ye Xiao and yeyubai.

Obviously, it is absolutely not simple for the assassin to meet the elder in person, whether it is the status or status.

The headquarters of Assassin League is set up in a cave outside the Lingshi vein. Although the illusion is a little worse, Sheng is still clean and fresh. A torch is baking the whole cave, but it makes the main cave of Lingshi vein feel a little wet.

In addition to two members of the "Assassin League" who guard outside, there are only twelve elders who have a common relationship with Ye Xiao. When they see the elder general Ye Xiao bring back, it is clear that ye Xiao's twelve elder Assassins' League have a kind smile on his face. However, he has not yet been able to greet Ye Xiao.

After all, the twelve elders of the same age and the elder are very clear. Their relationship with Ye Xiao has not reached the position of the elder. They will only reduce their identity. After ye xiaoand ye yubai sit down, the elder waved and slowly said to one of the younger elders: "elder 13, go and give Feng Shu fengshu Hua will bring in. "

"Yes, elder."

The elder turned around and walked out, waiting for three or five minutes to see the elder 13, with an age of only 30 years old, came in with a middle-aged man who could not see a little expression on his face.

See elder, middle-aged man slightly bent down, to elder not be humble way: "elder, you call me?"

The elder sitting in the throne nodded, turned his head and looked at Ye Xiao beside him, and chuckled with his lips. "Ye Tong Shuai, his name is fengshuhua. The people who come out of the imperial court have served as the guard captain in the imperial court before. He is familiar with the" imperial "affairs. If you have no other opinions, the best thing is to take you into the emperor "Of course, it all depends on his willingness."

Feng Shuhua, standing in the cave, heard the meaning of the elder, was to take the two young men in front of him to the "emperor", his eyebrows were also subconsciously wrinkled, and a reluctant look flashed in his eyes.

And the attention has been on him, ye Xiao, naturally will his eyes that reluctant look to the bottom of the eye, fingers in the seat handle gently hit a few times, then not hurriedly open to ask: "you are very familiar with the" imperial "things

"Well!" Feng nodded and returned with his uncorruptible voice: "I was forty-three and was brought into the imperial court when I was twelve. I started from a dead man, stayed in the imperial court for 31 years, and served as the guard captain of the emperor. Besides the forbidden area and the residence of the emperor, I knew everything else..."

Feng Shuhua said, hesitated for a moment, and looked up at Ye Xiao and said, "if the two people want to go to the imperial court now, I suggest that the two people should stop the idea. The present" imperial dynasty "is almost a hell between people. Compared with the chaos of Vientiane City in the previous day, it is no time to have chaos. Once they step into the area of the imperial court, they will be killed by the disorderly army, Or they will be involved in the dispute of the "emperor". Some people with a little bit of brain have fled the territory of the imperial court, so it is better now... "

Before Feng Shuhua finished, ye Xiao put out his hand and said, "take us to the imperial court" if you can say it

"Must we go?" Feng Shuhua asked, frowning at Ye Xiao.

"It has to be." Ye Xiaodian nodded, and returned to the road.

Originally intended to refuse ye Xiao's fengshuhua directly. When he heard that he could offer the conditions, the whole person also kept silent. After a long time, he looked up and looked at Ye Xiao and said, "ten million top" Lingshi ", I am responsible for bringing you to the capital of the imperial dynasty

"What if I'm going to go into the capital and find someone?" "Asked Ye Xiao, smiling.

"I don't take this business." Feng Shuhua resolutely refused to say, obviously, the danger level of the imperial dynasty is enough to prevent such assassins as Feng Shuhua.

And sitting beside Ye Xiao, ye yubai, the whole person was also a daze, and he didn't expect that Feng Shuhua would refuse so decisively. When he was preparing to speak, he saw Ye Xiao with a gentle smile all the time, and said, "20 million Lingshi, accompany me to the imperial court to find a person, of course, if you know what I am looking for People, can help me to inform this person, this 20 million 'Lingshi' can be given to you, we can not enter the capital of the imperial court

"Who are you looking for?" Asked Feng Shuhua directly.

"A man named Xiao Nan." Yexiao returns to the road.

"Xiao Nan?" Feng Shuhua frowned slightly, meditated for a few minutes, and finally confirmed that he had been in the imperial court for 31 years. He was sure he didn't know Xiao Nan in yexiaokou, and shook his head and said, "I don't know the person you said..."How many "assassins" are there in such a big "imperial court", not to mention small people like Feng Shuhua. Even some people in power in the "imperial court" may not be able to calculate clearly. Therefore, Feng Shuhua is not surprised that he has not heard of the name. What's more, in the "imperial court", people who use their real names are absolutely not Yes, even he didn't use his real name in the imperial court.

"Take us into the" Vientiane city ", and then use your relationship to help us find people, the top 30 million" spirit stone. " Ye Xiao continued.

"No Feng Shuhua still resolutely rejected Ye Xiao's proposal.

"40 million..."


"Fifty million..."



"One hundred million" spirit stone ", plus a top-level" spirit stone vein "and a" artifact " Ye Xiao still with his not urgent voice to Feng Shuhua, very patient proposal way.

When he heard about the one hundred million "spirit stone", Feng Shuhua felt that his breath began to become short. He was very clear that although he was a "prefecture level" killer, he was only one step away from the "Heaven class" killer. Looking at the whole world, he would definitely be put in important position even if he went to any force except the "imperial court".

However, it is almost impossible to make a hundred million yuan of "spirit stone". What's more, there is also a top-level "spirit stone vein" and a "artifact". Feng Shuhua has to admit that he is really excited. However, thinking of the current chaos of the "imperial dynasty", his heart began to waver.

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