Hearing Lin Jingyu's muttering content, ye Xiao's face is also slightly changed.

Indeed, anyone with a little bit of brain knows that these big people who have been expelled from the "Vientiane city" by Lin Ao Tian still dare to appear in the "Vientiane city" one by one. Either they have brain problems or they have no fear.

Ye Xiao, standing beside Lin Jingyu, naturally would not believe that Laozi of these people would have problems.

The monarch, who came with more than a dozen "sun never setting" imperial warriors, fell on Lin Jingyu's body and said with a grin: "presumably, this is Lin Aotian's gifted son! I didn't expect that Lin Aotian's son was already so old, and he was still a strong man in the "later peak of Tian level". It's really winding and sighing! "

Hearing the praise of the king of the Empire "the sun never sets", Lin Jingyu uttered a cold hum with his nose and said coldly: "the nine headed demon king, the king of Lanling, the immortal Taoist, and some of you, I remember you are all the people forbidden by my father to step on the" Vientiane city "! Yes? Now I dare to violate my father's decrees and come to our "Vientiane city". I feel that my father has no way to deal with you? Or do you think the people in the "city Lord's house" are easy to bully? Bully as much as you want? "

When you open your mouth, it's a smell of gunpowder.

The people named by Lin Jingyu are all looking at Lin Aotian's son with great interest at the moment. Their eyes are full of scornful smile. Seeing that there is no one to pay attention to himself, Lin Jingyu's face is red.

If not for his own strength compared with these people in front of him, he would not hesitate to rush forward and kill all those who dare to challenge the "city Lord's house".

Seeing that the atmosphere began to stand still, ye yinwu, the emperor of the Empire, stood at the front with a white cloth belt tied to his head, and said with a smile: "dear nephew, I heard that your Vientiane city has undergone great changes, and 3000 forces have fallen by more than 2000. Now only a few hundred" forces "are still alive? Ye yinwu knows a little bit about the rules of the "Temple". You "Lin family" are not allowed to mine any "spirit stone vein" without permission

"So what?" Lin Jingyu looked at ye yinwu and asked.

Seeing Lin Jingyu's firecracker like temper, ye yinwu gave a noncommittal smile, and then went on: "although your" Lin family "are sitting on such a huge stream of" resources ", they can't exploit them without permission. We can only rely on our external" forces "to mine out the" spirit stone "in the" spirit stone vein ", and then pay a part of it The "spirit stone" is given to you in the "city Lord's house". Do you think that if there is no force to settle in your "Vientiane city", will your "Lin family" still have a piece of "spirit stone" income? "

When ye yinwu finished speaking, he saw the nine headed demon king who had been named by Lin Jingyu and said with a gloomy smile: "we are not here to fight with you, a little boy who has not grown up, but to settle in the" Vientiane city ". Don't worry. We have already asked people to say hello to your father. As for the past events, your father has already I don't care... "

"Have you already told my father?" Lin Jingyu sneered coldly.

"Otherwise, do you think we dare to fight against a" Saint " Ye yinwu waved his hand and said, "OK, get out of the way! I know the rules of your "city Lord's house". You should report to your "city Lord's house" first, and then select a "courtyard". You can rest assured that although we are not very rich, we can still get such a little "spirit stone". Everyone's time is very precious. After the remarks, I have to ask people to find some top-level "spirit stone veins" Come on... "

Before ye yinwu finished, he saw a middle-aged man who was about the same age as him waved his hand and said with a smile, "martial god, you are too anxious! You seem to forget that there is still a "power ranking list" in the "Vientiane city". Only the top 20 forces are qualified to compete for the top "spirit stone veins". Ordinary forces are not qualified. "

"Well, I almost forgot that."

Ye yinwu nodded with satisfaction. Seeing that Lin Jingyu still had no plan to let the road open, he frowned slightly. He looked at Lin Jingyu with an unhappy face and said, "nephew, I have already made my words so clear. Why? Do you have any questions? Would you like to ask your father out? As I said, our time is very precious, but don't waste our time any more. Otherwise, don't blame me for teaching you instead of your Laozi... "

After listening to ye yinwu's words, Lin Jingyu snorted coldly and then said, "my father went back to the Lin family. He would not come back until three or five days later. Without receiving my father's order, all forces on the" Vientiane city "blacklist are not allowed to step into the" Vientiane City ". Ye yinwu God, I remember you are one of our" Vientiane city "blacklist, right Therefore, no one, including you, is allowed to enter the "Vientiane city"Hearing that Lin Jingyu named his own name, ye yinwu's face sank slightly. Without waiting for ye yinwu to open his mouth, the "king of Lanling" with a mask of Zhengnan said: "it's said that Lin Ao was born with a good son. In my opinion, it's just like that!"

When the king of Lanling finished, he glanced at the members of the forces around him, and said carelessly: "you said, if we can't get into the" Vientiane city ", some other forces dare to step into the" Vientiane city ". Without these forces, your" Lin family "will not be worth the loss! Therefore, I advise you to make way for us. Otherwise, it is not the first time that we have done such a thing as injuring 1000 enemies and damaging 800 ourselves... "

The king of Lanling warned Wanlin Jingyu and got angry directly in the elixir field. He roared at those martial artists around him and said, "listen, if you can't go to the Vientiane city today, anyone who dares to enter the city will be regarded as the enemy of the king. I am destined to live with the forces behind him in this life..."

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