Hearing that Lin nishang was a "ancient artifact" at the very beginning, ye Xiao was unable to laugh or cry. She knocked on her small head and said angrily, "do you really think the ancient artifact is tangdou? Your uncle is a lot when he catches it? "

Seeing that ye Xiao didn't believe what she said, Lin nishang, with an aggrieved look on her face, turned her lips and looked at Ye Xiao with bitterness on her face and said, "brother ye, it's true. I didn't cheat you. My uncle once broke into the tombs of several" ancient powerful men ". The" Purple mansion "in his hand was obtained from one of the tombs of one of the" ancient great powers " Brother Jingyu and brother Jingyu all know that there are several "ancient artifacts" in uncle's "Purple mansion". Although they are not the top 50 ancient artifacts on the "artifact list", they are not so powerful that they can not be compared with those "fake gods". It is just like my "colorful dragon scale belt", which was given to me by my uncle, such as the "colorful dragon scale belt" I have seen several artifacts in my uncle's "Purple mansion". If I ask Uncle Ye for one, he will give it to me. Moreover, if elder brother ye can condense the "heaven and earth FA Xiang", his own strength will be greatly improved... "

Seeing Lin nishang's eager face, ye Xiao, who was at least a head higher than her, flashed a gentle smile at the corner of her mouth and said in a soft voice: "don't worry! Your elder brother Ye has a way to get an ancient artifact to be a magic weapon for your life. Besides, elder brother Ye has agreed to give you an ancient artifact when it comes time

Before ye Xiao finished, he saw Zhou Kai, who was sweating and panting, followed Lin Jingyu's buttocks and walked in. His face was already blooming with laughter.

Obviously, let Lin Jingyu bear the charge of a black hearted businessman, and make him a real black hearted businessman to make a lot of money.

Before ye Xiao could open his mouth, Zhou Kai, who was about to come out of his mouth, swallowed his mouth and said to Ye Xiao, "dragon master, you don't know how busy our" training ground "is this time. Even those forces outside the" Vientiane city "are willing to buy tickets. Moreover, I let the people of the" black armour army "open several gambling games, After the "Vientiane city" contest is over, I, Zhou Kai, can be regarded as a rich man... "

When Zhou Kai's voice dropped, he saw Chen Xuesong standing beside him with his mouth curled and his face sarcastically said: "you are a rich fart man. No matter how much you earn, you will turn it over to our dragon gang. Don't forget that you are the head of the finance hall of our" Dragon Gang ". So many brothers of the" dragon Gang "can open their mouths and wait for you to earn and eat I trust you so much, Zhou Kai! You must not disappoint us all


Chen Xuesong's voice dropped, and he saw that Zhou Kai's face was completely black.

Ye Xiao, standing next to Lin nishang, saw that the two second class goods had a tendency to quarrel again. He shook his head helplessly, looked at Zhou Kai and said, "how are things arranged in the" training field "? Don't let so many forces become a mess. "

Don't worry, Lord! I, Zhou Kai, have made a mistake myself Zhou Kai clapped his chest in a big way.


Seeing ye Xiao nodding slightly, Zhou kaicai continued: "I have divided the whole" training field "into four areas. The top 20 forces are one area, the 21-50 forces are one area, the 51-300 are one area, and the remaining 301-3000 are one area. I have let them protect their lives and feel their own reality To what extent the force can reach, I will sign up to go to a certain area. Otherwise, if there is a big scuffle, the lower ranking forces will be wiped out if they encounter the top 50 forces. When I came in, more than 6000 potential forces have been registered. This is the list... "

After Zhou Kai finished, he took a list directly from his body. There were many names of forces on it. Ye Xiao only glanced at it and saw that all of the people on the first list were in the top 20 places of the "Vientiane city" forces that had signed up. There were more than 130 forces in the list, and the names of the 21st to 50th were recorded on the list There are more than three pieces of paper. As for the rest of the application forms, ye Xiao is too lazy to read them.

After all, I'm afraid it is the more than 130 forces that can really see through.

Seeing that there is no name of "dragon Gang" on the first list, ye mei'er, who appears quietly beside Ye Xiao, looks at Ye Xiao with a puzzled look and asks, "do you people from the" dragon Gang "do not intend to participate

"Our Dragon Gang?"

After hearing ye mei'er's words, ye Xiao shook his head bitterly and said, "even if we want to join the Dragon Gang, we can't find ten experts to fight for the three hundred places. It's better to sit here and have a rest."

Lin Jingyu, who has been quietly calculating in his heart how much "Lingshi" he made this time, curled his mouth and said, "brother Xiao, don't worry! Even if you don't join the Dabie, your "dragon Gang" does not have any ranking in our "Vientiane city". At that time, I will make sure that there are enough "spirit stone veins" for mining. Anyway, our "Lin family" is the master of the "Vientiane city". If you can't even do such a little bit of master, it's better not to be the "master."“……”

"Let's discuss one thing." Ye mei'er, standing behind Ye Xiao, transmits her voice into the secret passage to Ye Xiao.

"What's the matter?" Ye Xiao looks back and looks at ye mei'er suspiciously.

"You take my men and go and grab me a place in the top 20." Ye Meier looks calm and says to Ye Xiao.

When ye mei'er was finally moved by Dabi of the "Vientiane city", ye Xiao's face also showed a faint smile, pursed her lips, and said slowly, "so, are you going to promise me the conditions to help me solve the trouble of the Empire of" the sun never sets "

"No way." Ye mei'er frowned slightly and said, "I said, I can't do anything about it. Don't talk about me. Even Lin Aotian can't help you solve the problem of the Empire of" the sun doesn't set ". You should know that the Empire of" the sun never sets "is not something that can be destroyed by a small force with a single finger. It is second only to the cloud Dynasty Even if I bring the people from "ice city" to the nest, it is impossible to destroy the Empire of "sun never setting". Of course, I will not let you fight for a place for me in vain. I will select a group of strong men who have realized the power of the stars to serve as your guard. In this way, even if the "sun never sets" masters come to your trouble, you should at least There's a chance to get out. "

When ye Meier heard that she couldn't help herself to solve the problem of "the sun does not set", ye Xiao's eyebrows also slightly frowned. He knew that ye Meier was telling the truth.

The existence of the "sun never sets" empire, which is second only to the "Yunxiao Dynasty", is not a city that can be solved. Even if Lin Aotian is now a master of the "sage" realm, I'm afraid he would not dare to run wild in the "sun never set" Empire. After all, which of these giant forces has no details behind it, so he took a deep breath After considering the advantages and disadvantages, he nodded slowly and said with a smile, "how many powerful people can you take out to protect me who have understood the power of the stars?"

"Ten." Ye mei'er, who considered for a moment, nodded.

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