Looking back, I can see a pair of bright eyes in the jungle. They are only cat's eyes that only appear at night. They are like two huge night pearls. Xiaobai doesn't think it's a little cat. The cat's eyes are not so big. Since it's not a kitten, it's only a leopard or a tiger

Whatever it is, it's definitely not what Xiaobai wants to see now

There was no hesitation at all. Ye yubai's body was faster than the leopard and rushed directly to the barbed wire in front of him. He didn't care whether it was a power grid or not. Even if he was electrocuted, it was better than being torn apart by this guy.

"Pa..." Ye yubai ran directly to the barbed wire, and the whole person climbed up at full speed like a monkey. As for the huge guy behind, he rushed over like lightning and hit the barbed wire directly. The huge barbed wire was banged and rattled.

Ye Xiao, ye yubai, ye Canglang and other people's faces changed completely. Along the way, they were careful, and even smeared the medicine to cover their own smell, just to avoid dealing with these fierce wild animals. But who knew that such a big tiger appeared when they were about to arrive at their destination. It was too lucky, though they all escaped safely Entering the barbed wire fence, the tiger could not hurt himself, but such a big movement must have disturbed the people inside. What can we do?

Sure enough, only for a moment, those originally dark houses immediately lit up, and there was a burst of rapid footsteps.

Ye Xiao and others know that their whereabouts have been exposed, and they are no longer saying anything at present. They are rushing towards the inside at full speed.

In the basement of this area, in a luxurious private room, Han Tianyu is sitting on a sofa chair, beside him is Chu Wangtian in black.

"Look, are you sure they will come? It's been a few days since the news has been sent out, and there's no sign of them? " Although Han Tianyu is no worse than Han Jianyu in many aspects, it was in the background of Han Wuchen. Now Han Wuchen has died. Many of the big men in the cold weather society are close to Luo Ling. Without a strong background, he is very weak.

This also shows the real gap between him and Han Jianyu or Luo lingchi.

Chu Wang Tian seems not willing to talk more, just gently nodded.

"But with his intelligence, he should know that this is a trap, and unless he starts an army, it is a fatal trap. How could he come?" Han Tianyu is still a little puzzled. Knowing clearly that it is a situation that must die, who will be willing to go?

It can be said that this is the secret base of the cold sky society. If we don't talk about the iron walls around, we can say that the gene soldiers here are not what ordinary people can fight against. If Han Wuchen releases these forces earlier, it will not be impossible to sweep Jinghai city. Although Ye Xiaoji is powerful, how many gene fighters can he deal with?

Besides, in addition to those gene warriors, there are also super masters like Chu Wangtian. No matter how strong Ye Xiao is, he will definitely die

Yes, who would like to go to Chu to look at the sky also has some doubts. In this situation, who would like to go? Why did he come? He has no reason? But he didn't know why. Chu Wangtian knew Ye Xiao was coming. As for why he wanted to come, Chu Wangtian couldn't understand, but he wanted to understand.

At this time, the basement sounded a rapid alarm, and then Chu Wang Tian's frown was so relaxed.

"Don't they come here, you see?" A faint smile, Chu Wangtian has stood up from the sofa, Han Tianyu's face is also flashing a trace of horror, but still stood up, and Chu Wangtian walked outside together.

Guests come, do host, always go out to meet, don't you?

The two people came to the only elevator entrance together, entered the elevator together, and finally took the elevator to Chu Wangtian's bedroom. Han Tianyu went out directly, but Chu Wangtian's body was stunned and his brow was slightly frowned.

"What's the matter?" Seeing that Chu Wangtian didn't leave immediately, Han Tianyu asked in some doubt. Now there is a fighting voice outside. What is he still doing here?

"Nothing..." Chu Wangtian shook his head and looked at his room carefully. Then he turned and walked out.

When his figure completely disappeared in the corridor, a figure slowly floated out of the window. Looking at the direction of Chu Wangtian's departure, Mo Xiaosong patted himself heavily on the chest and breathed a long sigh of relief.

It's terrible. That man is so terrible. His art of seclusion is unparalleled in the world. However, he almost found out that his breath was so huge that he almost forced himself to show his flaws. How could there be such a powerful man in this world?

However, soon, Mo Xiaosong adjusted his mind and ran to the elevator at full speed. When he entered the elevator, he found that the elevator needed fingerprint authentication. However, this did not hinder him. In those years, he stole so many precious treasures. When opening the safe, which one didn't need fingerprint and password.The so-called skill industry has a specialty. Compared with fighting, he is not as good as ye Xiao and the man who went out just now. But when it comes to unlocking locks or something, Mo Xiaosong dares to claim that he is not good here. After a while, Mo Xiaosong discovers Yang Zhanghu who is imprisoned in an iron cage

At the moment, Yang Zhanghu is still in a deep sleep, but ye Xiao shows Mo Xiaosong his picture, so Mo Xiaosong recognizes him at a glance.

The iron cage is locked, but this kind of iron lock is nothing to Mo Xiaosong. It is only a few seconds. He has opened the iron lock, then pushed open the iron door and walked in

He did not know, a dark shadow was following him, and a faint smile appeared on his face

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