In the base, when ye Xiao and others were about to rush out, a giant with a height of three meters blocked their way. Although there were not many gene soldiers rushing to the rear, there was a team of men charging towards this side.

Although the number is not large, only more than 10 people, but for the unarmed Ye Xiao and others, this is absolutely a fatal threat. Just when ye Xiao and others are at a loss, there is a roar of sniper guns outside. Then they can see a fire rising in the base, and there is a huge explosion. Many people in black with guns are directly attacked by this The fire devoured, but some gene soldiers rushed out and chased Ye Xiao and others

"Go..." Ye Xiao immediately made a decision to let ye yubai and Xiao Nan go first.

Although Xiao and Bai look at the giant's strength for the first time, they still look at each other

It was obvious that the giant had a genetic mutation to reach such a size. Seeing ye Cang wolf and ye yubai want to go around both sides of themselves, they let out a huge roar from their mouths. However, ye Xiao didn't let him go as expected. He jumped forward, jumped straight into the air, and kicked the giant's belly with a fierce kick. There was no way, even if ye Xiao jumped so high But the giant's body is too high, this foot can only be kicked in his belly, the power of terror burst out in an instant, the giant's body was kicked back and forth, where there is time to worry about Xiaobai and wolf.

At this moment, ye yubai and ye Cang wolf have already circled the past, looked back at Ye Xiao, and quickly disappeared into the night.

"Roar..." Being kicked by Ye Xiao, the giant was furious. He even beat his chest with his fists like a gorilla, making a thumping sound, just like playing a drum.

Then the tall body rushed towards Ye Xiao again

"Bang..." Ye Xiao didn't have time to make a counterattack. He saw the giant's temple burst out a group of blood, and then the huge body slowly fell down.

"Bing Qian?" Seeing such a scene, ye Xiao frowns slightly. He knows that Lenghun is not in China now. Only Shao Bingqian can help at this time, but how did she come? Didn't you look for her?

It's not the time to think about it. Ye Xiao runs to the front with her legs raised. However, she thought that she could leave smoothly, but she saw Han Tianyu's figure coming out of nowhere. Beside him, she looked like Han Tianyu's secretary lover. However, ye Xiao felt a danger from her.

This is a master

In addition, there is a figure covered in black. Looking at the figure, I don't know whether it is a man or a woman.

He did not reveal any strong breath, but ye Xiao's intuition told himself that this is a more dangerous person than a woman in red.

"Hehe, since you are here, why don't you sit down? Let me do my best, master In the light of the fire, Han Tianyu's face is wearing a faint smile. However, ye Xiao can see a trace of fear in his eyes. Maybe he is afraid of himself, maybe he is afraid of Shao Bingqian, who is lurking in the dark.

However, he did not rush forward like a giant, but hid himself in the dead corner of the sniper, but also blocked Ye Xiao's way. As long as ye Xiao wants to go out, he must pass by his side.

"I have no friendship with you. What's the meaning of sitting down..." Ye Xiao sneered, but his eyes looked at them. How could he not see Chu looking at the sky? After Han Wuchen died, he should have become the pillar of Han Tianyu.

"Hehe, since you don't want to sit down, go to hell..." Han Tianyu roared. He pulled out a black desert eagle and pulled the trigger to Ye Xiao. At the same time, the woman in red ran into the night. Ye Xiao knew that she was looking for Shao Bingqian, who was lurking in the dark.

At the thought of Shao Bingqian's characteristics, ye Xiao is worried. She has the talent of sniping, but her close combat ability is a little poor. If she is approached by this woman, it will be dangerous.

While Han Tianyu is shooting, ye Xiao's body has already dodged to one side, and then stopped at full speed towards the woman in red. He can't let her find Shao Bingqian.

However, the man in black, who had not started, started at this time, and he did not have any action. He had a golden pistol in his hand. Ye Xiao immediately felt a cold chill sweeping over his whole body.

It's a really good shot.

Ye Xiao's body can not help a meal, also in this meal time, the figure of the woman in red has disappeared in the night

Originally thought he would shoot directly, but who knew that his body actually directly bumped into Han Tianyu's body, and flew Han Tianyu out.

"You..." Han Tianyu was angry. He was about to scold him for this, but he saw that a bullet had just fallen into the ground he had just fought with, and his face changed greatly.

This is not a sniper's bullet, it's a pistol bullet, a silver bullet."Silver fox?" The man in black made a hoarse voice in his mouth. His voice was a little surprised. He didn't think that the owner of the bullet would appear here.

"Golden Eagle, your opponent is me..." In the dark night, Peng Yingshi chuckles, and then he sees the man in black rushing directly in the direction of the voice, even though ye Xiao is dead or alive.

Ye Xiao's face also showed a smile, this girl, finally came, but did not expect that Han Tianyu actually found the golden eagle, which is also a famous killer, but his ranking seems to be behind the silver fox, has always wanted to surpass silver fox.

Now seeing that silver fox is also involved in this fight, he naturally regards it as his opponent

Han Tianyu was completely dumbfounded when he saw that the master he had finally found left in such an instant

They are all gone. What should they do? He doesn't think he is Ye Xiao's opponent

Chu Wangtian is gone. That guy doesn't have to give Han Wuchen face, let alone himself. But golden eagle and red fox are masters who have spent a lot of money to hire. Now they just leave and leave themselves alone. What's this?

Of course, the red fox left under his guidance, but you golden eagle is too unkind ah, you did not see there is an expert here?

Seeing Han Tianyu, who has only one person left, and the woman in red who has already disappeared in the night, ye Xiao's eyes twinkle, and instantly makes a decision to kill Han Tianyu first

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