What's the theory? Do you have the same age and the same time to learn martial arts? I was caught by the old man to practice martial arts since I was five years old. Of course, the practice at that time was not just a few tricks, but a real practice!

Squatting, anti gravel, sandbag, of course, more is beaten by the old man. In his words, if you want to learn how to beat people, you should learn to be beaten first. After being beaten black and blue every time, you will be stuffed into a smelly medicine barrel to soak in a bath!

The injury will recover quickly. After a good rest, I will continue to beat. I have to practice martial arts for more than ten hours every day. What about you? You are a young master. You can spend at most two or three hours a day, which is called the same time? Is this comparable?

The most important thing is that when I was 12 years old, I was sent to the army. I fought for more than a hundred times. All my martial arts moves were learned in the course of life and death. It is a kind of fighting instinct. How can you compare with someone who has practiced Taekwondo for several years?

Although Ye Xiao believes that Chinese martial arts are the best fighting skills in the world, he denies Taekwondo just for this reason, which is too much of a drag!

Each fighting skill has its own advantages. The key is to see how much one can learn. Ye Xiao once met a real Taekwondo master. Even if he tried his best, he almost lost

However, seeing Wang Qi's hot eyes, ye Xiao is still a little elated. If you can take Wang Qi, one of the four young masters, as a disciple, it will be a matter of long face

"Are you sure?" Ye Xiao asked again

"Sure..." Wang Qi once again firmly nodded!

"But if I tell you that Chinese martial arts are not as powerful as you think, at least the gap with Taekwondo is not so big, just because you are far less powerful than I will lose so quickly, do you still want to continue?" In order to worry about Wang Qi's return in the future, ye Xiao still decides to explain the matter clearly, so as not to be said to be bewitching others and blindly worshipping Chinese martial arts

"Well, I know, but I'm sure I want to learn from you..." Wang Qi continued to nod, a face of perseverance

"Well, tell me, what do you want to do after you learn Chinese martial arts?" Ye Xiao asked. It seems that every master would ask this question before his apprentice started?

"Beat you..." Wang Qidao


This guy learned to worship himself as a teacher and learn Chinese martial arts just to defeat himself. Well, even if this is your idea, can't you say something else in front of yourself? Don't you fear not accepting you?

"You can't beat me..." However, ye Xiao still said that he was full of confidence in his own strength

"No way, I will beat you unless you deliberately reserve the means..." Wang Qi said firmly.

"Even if I give it all to you, you can't beat me..." Ye Xiao is equally firm, and his eyes are very confident. He has studied Chinese martial arts since he was a child. Has he practiced for more than ten years? If you want to defeat yourself, wait until you learn to be more energetic

"Dare you try?" Wang Qi said coldly

"Why dare you..." Ye Xiao is calm

"So you agreed?" Wang Qi continued

"Of course..." Ye Xiaoran smiles

"I'd like to see the master..." Wang Qi bent his legs and knelt down to Ye Xiao at the gate

This action startled Ye Xiao. Although he promised to teach Wang Kung Fu, he didn't really want to be a master and apprentice like those sects!

And even if it's the ceremony of apprenticeship, it doesn't have to be here?

Where is this? This is the gate of the school. There are so many students coming and going. How can you kneel down?

You are Wang Qi, the famous master Wu of Yunlong private noble school

Even if you mean it, I'm sorry to be worshipped by you

"Get up, get up..." Ye Xiao helps Wang Qi up in a panic

"From today on, you are my master. No matter what you want me to do, I will do it Until I beat you... " Wang Qi said firmly!

"Hehe, although you can't beat me, I'm still curious. If you really beat me, what will happen? Kill me? " The smile on Ye Xiao's face

"Take me as a teacher and kowtow to me three times..."


This child, it's really revenge, but you don't have a chance

After telling Wang Qi the training time every day with confidence, ye Xiao took the lead in entering Yunlong private noble school, and Wang Qi had been following him half a step, doing what an apprentice should do

Such a scene naturally attracted some students to watch. Although they did not understand what they said between them, they saw that Wang Qi knelt down to a new student, and their faces were full of horror!

Who the hell is that man? One of the four princes knelt down?Of course, in a room on the second floor not far from the school gate, a man in a white robe is standing there quietly. Behind him, Zhang long with gauze on his face is also standing. Not only is Zhang long, but also several other generals who follow Wang Qi are also here

That is to say, except for the poisonous dragon, all other war generals are here

"Is that boy who defeated Wang Qi in three moves?" The man suddenly said!

"Yes, we have tried to persuade him several times, but he didn't listen to us and insisted on taking the boy as his teacher..." Zhang Long explained that

"Ha ha, just once I failed, I denied that I had practiced Taekwondo for many years. This is just the case with Wang Qi. I will let him understand that taekwondo is the best fighting skill in the world..." The man said this coldly and turned to walk outside

Even after returning to the classroom, ye Xiao doesn't understand why Wang Qi suddenly turned to his teacher. He doesn't think he is the protagonist in the novel. As soon as Wang's domineering spirit disappears, someone will worship him immediately!

How to say, Wang Qi is also one of the four masters of Yunlong. It's not so bad.

But when he saw the persistent color in Wang Qi's eyes, he could not be sure that Wang Qi had a conspiracy, which made him very contradictory

Forget about him. Are you afraid of any conspiracy? Even if you teach him the Cunjin method, how many people in the world know how to use Cunjin, but how many people can use it?

Are you afraid of him?

He did not know, Wang Qi is also a very proud person, even proud of some stubborn, his idea has always been from where to climb down!

When he was a child, he was defeated by a child who had practiced Taekwondo. He was determined to learn Taekwondo and beat the child up a month later. Since then, his fighting talent gradually showed up. At the age of 11, he won the National Taekwondo Junior Group championship, and at the age of 13, he won the youth group champion. Later, he felt that he could participate in the competition I started to challenge some professional Taekwondo Players and beat several professional Taekwondo Players in a row!

Then he began to challenge karate, Thai boxing, boxers and even some people who had practiced Chinese martial arts, but without exception, all of them lost to him!

Over time, he also felt that Taekwondo was the most powerful fighting skill in the world, which almost became his belief!

But this time, ye Xiao only used three moves. In fact, he defeated him with only one move, completely smashing his faith!

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