Ye Xiao's speed is too fast. Except for Hua YUEWU and Hua Xiaodie who knew what he was going to do when they saw Ye Xiao walking towards Baker, Hua YUEWU's parents didn't expect that ye Xiao would do it directly

Ye Xiao is a man of Hua YUEWU. No matter what he wants to do, she will support him unconditionally. As for Hua Xiaodie, well, the child has long been unhappy with Beck. Naturally, she wishes Ye Xiao could teach him a lesson. As for Hua Xiaodie's parents, she would never think that ye Xiao was so rude

Besides, who is the other party? That's the third successor of the Charles family. His father is also the chief executive of belenfin group in Asia. His life experience is not worse than those giants in Jinghai City, and even has greater international influence than those giants. Even those tycoons also want to give them some face. But now, this boy is not saying a word Then he kicked his leg bone. How much strength does it take?

But ye Xiao didn't mean to stop at all. Before Beck's body fell down, he kicked out again and kicked it on his abdomen. Then he saw that Beck's body flew out like a shell and landed heavily on the dilapidated Lamborghini behind him. His mouth opened with a stream of blood

Although he often exercises and has good muscles, he is almost as good as a three-year-old child compared with a super master like Ye Xiao. How can he bear the full strength of Ye Xiao

Ye Xiao stepped out again and directly put his foot on Baker's face, trampling his handsome face into deformation. Even the bridge of his nose was crushed by this foot

"Please, I'll let you go..." Ye Xiao's cold voice comes from his mouth, and the endless murderous spirit is diffused out. Even if the flower has no tears, she feels that the temperature around her has dropped a lot

"Moon Charm, you..." Although he has offended Beck, he only offended him. At most, he embarrasses himself by the convenience of his work. When the time comes, he will transfer the shares of the group and hide in other cities with his family. However, being beaten by Ye Xiao, he will completely offend the Charles family. If Beck's father is allowed to do so, he will certainly offend the Charles family Knowing that his son was beaten like this, what should the whole flower family do?

Bankruptcy is certain. Whether he can guarantee the safety of his family or not is still unknown. He knows clearly that those big families know some people in the underground world

Once they are completely infuriated and pay some money to hire some killers, the whole flower family will be buried with them. How can he do such a rude thing?

Hua Wulei wants to stop Ye Xiao directly. However, he feels the evil spirit from ye Xiao. He has no courage to step forward and has to ask his daughter for help

"Come on, there is no use in persuading anyone in the world." Waiting for her father to finish, the Flower Moon Charm has said lightly.

The words are full of love for ye Xiao, but also full of a kind of pride. This is her man, who can do whatever he wants. There is no one in the world who can stop

Hua Xiaodie nodded again and again. He had seen Ye Xiao fight with his own eyes. He also learned from his sister what ye Xiao did in these days, such as killing Han Wuchen alone. Compared with Han Wuchen, this guy named Beck is obviously not enough

"How dare you kill me?" Beck is worthy of being from a big family. Even if he is beaten like this by Ye Xiao, he still says coldly to Ye Xiao

"What do you say?" Ye Xiao sneered and turned her wrist. The knife the size of her thumb had already appeared in her hand. Without any hesitation, she inserted it into Beck's shoulder. A blood arrow shot out, which made Hua Mu close her eyes

"Ah..." Beck gave a painful cry

Don't give Beck the meaning to continue to talk, ye Xiao drew out a knife, and another knife hit Baker's handsome face. He heard a hiss. There was a long hole in Beck's face. The white meat turned to both sides, and the red blood flowed out like this

Hua Wulei is stunned and Hua Xiaodie is so excited that she wants to rush up and give this guy a few knives As for the flower mother, well, she has been frightened to faint in the past, and is held in her arms by Hua Wulei

"I'll give you one last chance to kneel down and beg me, or you'll die..." Ye Xiao said coldly that he had already loosened his foot on Baker's body

Beck was lying on the ground like a beach of dead dogs. He felt the burning pain on his face and the blood gushing from his shoulder. He was really afraid. This guy was a devil. Yes, he was a devil. He just said a tough word. He actually started it. Don't he know his identity? Doesn't he know what Charles stands for?

Now he has no doubt that if he says no again, this guy may really kill himself. Even if he doesn't kill himself, he has suffered such a heavy injury. If he doesn't receive treatment as soon as possible, even if he is bleeding, he will die!

If a hero doesn't suffer from the immediate loss, how about recognizing a mistake first and then retaliating back laterEven if the boy can run away, the flower without tears can't run away

"Please, let me live. Please..." Beck tried to hold back the pain and knelt on the ground, kowtow to Ye Xiao constantly!

Just now, the arrogant childe suddenly turned into such a miserable situation, which made Hua Wuzhang dumbfounded

This is really a hard sentence, horizontal afraid of Leng, Leng too afraid to die, when a person is not even afraid of death, what else should he be afraid of?

This boy, really just a classmate of Hua Xiaodie, is he really just a lengtouqing who doesn't know anything?

"Go away..." Ye Xiao snorted coldly and kicked Beck out of the villa of Huajia

Beck resisted the pain and ran outside without looking back. He was really afraid of this guy

"You Do you know who he is? " Seeing Beck's disappearing figure, Hua has no tears. He stammered and said, "if you beat Beck like that, will he not die?"?

"Beck David Charles, the third successor of the Charles family, is John Charles, the biological brother of the contemporary head of the Charles family. The Charles family is also one of the three most prosperous families in the United States today. Its strength is only inferior to that of the old Roland family. It can be said that in the United States, the Charles family can not cover the sky too much..." Ye Xiao said faintly, as if he was saying something that had nothing to do with him. His expression made him speechless

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