
The dragon is not dead.

's evolution into the "Feng Feng" the first mock exam, even though she was the same as ye Xiao's ancient ancients, after all, "Hsien Feng" appeared in ancient times, "the beast God", but all the wounded dragons were crawling out of the ruins. They saw that the Dragon dragons down to the model of Ye Xiao, and a heart instantly descends to the valley. At the end of the day, having experienced the power of the Dragon God, she knew exactly how terrible the animal was.

Don't say ye Xiao is only the eighth level of the "ancient body refiner". Even the Ninth level, I'm afraid, can't resist the attack of the "Sea Dragon God". What's more, ye Xiao is not in the peak state now. He has already exhausted all his strength in dealing with the cardinal of gold coast.

Now, how can ye Xiao resist the attack of the "Dragon God" whose strength is comparable to that of the "Heaven's realm" and whose strength is even more terrible?

Tuoba Han Yan, who had been hiding in a long distance, saw that Tuoba's prophecy and more than 20 "saints" could not subdue this "Dragon God". Now, when the "Sea Dragon God" still aimed at Ye Xiao, his heart was suddenly seized, and his teeth bit his lips. Because he was too hard and too focused, his blood flowed from his mouth But Tuoba Hanyu, standing beside her, said: "brother in law will be OK, brother-in-law will be ok..."

It's not just Tuoba Hanyu.

When all the members of the Tuoba clan who were present saw that ye Xiao was about to die in the mouth of the Sea Dragon God, a heart was also raised in his throat. Tuoba prophesied that a trace of blood had already spilled from the corners of his mouth. Although he was eager to help Ye Xiao, the king of the world, who was very important to the Tuoba clan, he wanted to help him.

However, at the beginning, the strong wind from the tail of the sea dragon god hurt the internal organs. Now, let alone the taboo martial arts, it is impossible to even release the "life magic weapon". We can only watch ye Xiao, the "king of the world", die in the mouth of the Sea Dragon God, and his face is full of despair and looks up With the sky above his head, his mouth was full of bitterness and bitterness: "are you willing to destroy our" Tuoba clan "

Ye Xiao was about to swallow up Ye Xiao with the big mouth of the Sea Dragon God. When the two front fangs had touched Ye Xiao, ye Xiao, who had been keeping his eyes closed and calming, suddenly opened his eyes, and a flash of lightning flashed in his hand. "Tiandao thunder sword" suddenly appeared in his hand and crossed the "Tiandao thunder sword", directly blocking the "Hailong God" On the fangs.

In a flash, you can see that ye Xiao's "thunder sword of heaven" is shining brightly. It's just a pity that such a small amount of "heavenly thunder" can't bring fatal damage to the "Dragon God". On the contrary, it arouses the brute's ferocity and prepares to open the Dragon's mouth again to face Ye Xiao's exquisite plate Small snacks to go up, and at the beginning of the impact of the huge force let Ye Xiao also feel bad.

Although he was not directly swallowed by the "Sea Dragon God", the force that was enough to knock a warrior in the early stage of a "Saint" into ashes hit Ye Xiao's body. The latter immediately felt numb in his arms and his bones began to crack. If not, he stepped back several steps in time.

It is estimated that this impact alone will be enough to turn him into a pool of rotten meat. Seeing that ye Xiao actually blocked an attack from the "Dragon God", although all the blood vessels burst and turned into a bloody man, it did not disappear. Many people were relieved.

Who knows if the beast, after eating Ye Xiao, will take them as dessert and eat them one mouthful at a time. The whole "imperial city" and most of the "demon city" have been occupied by this beast. Even if they want to escape, no one is sure that they can escape from the "demon" under the hand of "Dragon God" City ".

Even those masters like Tuoba prophecy and Niubi Laodao have suffered a lot. What's more, other martial artists who only have the strength of "Saint" in the early stage have become powerless. They can only pray that ye Xiao can stick to it for a long time. If we can consume up the origin of the "Sea Dragon God", let it disappear completely in the heaven and earth All of them are satisfied. Even ye Xiao can't use up the origin of the Sea Dragon God. They hope Ye Xiao can stick to it as much as possible.

After all, it's good to live another second.

Ye Xiao, who has been retreating for a long time, sees that the "Dragon God" is still targeting himself. He is totally unwilling to swallow himself alive and never give up. His face also becomes dignified. Although the first impact of the "Sea Dragon God" made him suffer serious injuries, there is a "tree of the world" in his body For him, as long as he is not instantly bombed into a pool of meat mud, can quickly recover.

Therefore, when the "Dragon God" rushed over again, ye Xiao's wound had recovered to seven or eight times. He held the "heavenly thunder sword" and looked at the huge head of "Hailong God" with eyes like lightning, and said in a cold voice: "damn beast, do you really think I'm a bully? Now let's let you experience my own unique skill... ""Extermination..."


The huge head of the "Hailong God" is about to crush on Ye Xiao. The latter slightly raises the "Tiandao thunder sword" in his hand. A burst of thunder and lightning flashes, and the "heavenly thunder sword" in his hand is shot instantly. A trace of arc is completely embedded in the "heavenly thunder sword", and the tip of the sword points directly at the head of the "Dragon God".

At the moment when the tip of the thunder sword touched the head of the Dragon God, thousands of thunders roared at the Dragon God like a galloping horse. A crushing force of seven steps against the Dragon wrapped up most of the body of the Dragon God. The continuous force of the eight powerful explosions bombarded the Dragon God one after another On his head, he immediately saw the "Dragon God" uttered a very painful howl, and his whole body began to writhe in pain.

Seeing ye Xiao's sword, he hurt the "Dragon God". All the powerful people around him were dumbfounded, and their faces were full of dullness.


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