Ye Xiao, who has been using "extermination" for three times in succession to stop the Sea Dragon God's attack, finds that his whole body's bones are almost broken. Even every time he performs "extermination", he will lose a lot of his strength. Although this move is powerful, even the martial arts in the middle of "sage" can't resist it.

However, after all, he consumes too much of his body. Although he is now an ancient practitioner of "the eighth level", at most, with his strong body crossing and cultivation, at most, he can support him to perform the four moves of "exterminating the world". No matter how much, let alone whether he has the strength to do so, even if he can only exert it, his body will not be able to bear such a heavy load The "tree of the world" in his body may not be able to save the fact that his body collapsed.

Seeing that the Dragon God raised his head again and hit him, ye Xiao, whose face was already full of tired look, bit his teeth and snorted coldly: "I'd like to see if you, the beast, stick to it for a long time, or do I insist on it for a long time..." The voice falls, and ye Xiao, who holds the "thunder sword of heaven" in his hand, makes an instant move.


Along with the rolling thunder, the thunder sword of heaven stabbed the Dragon God's eyebrows.


A burst of thunder was pounding the flesh of the Dragon God. From the body of the Sea Dragon God, a violent and devastating force was heard. It hit the brow of the Sea Dragon God. Whether his "eight times of strength" or "seven steps against the dragon" were his martial arts skills, which could explain the power of a person in an instant Several times more powerful, and then bombard out.

Even though the "Sea Dragon God" is rough and fleshy, there are hard scales on the outside of his body. After three successive "extermination" attacks, which are now the fourth, the scales at the center of his eyebrows begin to crack. Although there is a word "dragon" in the name of "Hailong God", there is not a trace of it in the body‘ The blood of the ancient dragon clan.

Therefore, the "Dragon God" of the "ancient dragon clan" can't recover at all. It can only repair its injured body by swallowing other powerful creatures. At first, it devoured three demon clan strongmen in the realm of "saints", and recovered a small part of their injuries.

At present, the energy of the three "demon clan" sages has been completely consumed by him. Ye Xiao, who has been fighting with the "Dragon God" for a long time, is very clear. This fierce beast, which has been famous in ancient times, is not simple. It is just a remnant soul. The power of the explosion is not comparable to that of a warrior in the "Saint" realm In the heyday, I'm afraid, only the master of the series of "emperor of heaven" can really deal with it!

Feeling the strength in his body, he was absorbed by the thunder sword of heaven. Soon, when he didn't have the strength to stand up, ye Xiao's face became ugly. If Tuoba predicted that he could not use up his "original power", he would be the meat of the beast.

Seeing that his power was disappearing and the thunder on the thunder sword of heaven began to weaken, ye Xiao's face turned blue. However, Tuoba's prophecy, Shenhuo cult leader and Lin Aotian did not dare to relax. They were hurt by the strong wind from the tail of the Sea Dragon God, Not to mention the release of "taboo martial arts", it's good to be able to control their "life magic weapon" to attack the body of the Dragon God.


The sound of a series of "Benming magic weapons" hitting the body of Hailong God can not be heard. His eyes are like electricity. When he sees the ferocious and bloody wound of Hailong God, his eyes immediately brighten, and he exclaims: "if you add more strength, as long as you cut off the body of" Hailong God ", the residual" original power "will naturally dissipate Clean, then... "

As a matter of fact, at this time, there is no need for Tuoba's warning to add a snake to its feet. The rest of the "saints" who are strong have all their strength and no longer keep their hands. There are many powerful "magic weapons" flying out of their bodies. There are double hooks, long swords, purple and gold hammers, and magic weapons similar to those of a bundle of immortals The door smashed on the body of the Dragon God.


A stream of blood swords shot out from the body of the Dragon God.

At the moment, the scene is like "Sea Dragon God" is the meat on the chopping board, and the strong people of the "sage" realm around are all kinds of chefs. Everyone is chopping the meat on the chopping board with his own habitual knives. Standing on the ruins, the swaying dragon is still on ye Xiao's body, and his eyes are always on Ye Xiao's body, and he can see the tired look on Ye Xiao's face She felt that her heart had been mentioned to her throat, as if she would spit out at any time and place. Her hands were tightly held together.

With her eyes, ye Xiao has almost reached the limit. If the "Sea Dragon God" attacks again, she will soon become a pool of meat and mud, and be swallowed by the beast of "Sea Dragon God". When the dragon is at a loss about how to help Ye Xiao, she hears a crisp sound of "bang" in her hand‘ The thunder sword of heaven was directly hit and flew out, while the Sea Dragon God's castration did not stop. The strong wind brought by the huge dragon head directly hit Ye Xiao. You can see that ye Xiao's whole person tumbled and flew out."Oh

When he saw the human mole ant who was salivating, but could not get down, he finally fell to the ground. When he did not get up again, the "Sea Dragon God" could not help but lift up his hair and utter a thundering dragon song. He opened his bloody mouth and bit Ye Xiao on the ground


Standing on the ruins of the Dragon Youyao, see ye Xiao has no strength to fight back, eyes red, liver and gall to crack up.

Where is there a little bit of goddess's bearing?

"Do not harm the king of the world..." Tuoba, who holds the double hook in his hand again, predicts that the whole person will lift the double hook like a madman, and the whole person will jump into the air and roar: "there is no double hook shadow..."

"Pa! Bang! Bang

With Tuoba's prediction that his hands were dancing, the double hook, which was less than one meter long, suddenly soared by more than ten times. Countless shadows of "double hook" appeared, and they kept chopping on the bloody body of the "Sea Dragon God". Other martial artists in the realm of "Sage" saw that ye Xiao was at the end of his strength, and could not resist the "Dragon God" any more When they will die of the Dragon God, they will be in a hurry. You should know that the sea dragon god can recover quickly without swallowing a strong existence.

Although they don't care about ye Xiao's life and death, they also know that if ye Xiao is devoured by "Hailong God", then the injury of "Hailong God" will recover by half in an instant. At that time, these people will become the appetizers of "Hailong God".


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